Nims Island 2008 Film Explained

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An adorable little girl “Nim” is seen at the beginning of the movie.

Who was only 11 years old.

She was wandering on the island . After this, she goes into the water,

It is shown that all sea creatures were the friends of “Nim”.

She used to live on this island with her father who was a marine biologist.

Nim’s mother had died. Her father told her that,

Your mother was a discoverer who was fond of discovering the things!

One day, when she was sailing her boat in the sea,

Then a blue whale appears before her. That whale did not want to harm your mother at all,

One more ship appeared there. Due to this, blue whale became furious.

And it engulfed your mother with the boat.

After this, Nim’s father brings her on this island.

Nim’s father had brought many story books for Nim” which was her hobby.

Particularly, the stories of a character named “Alex”!

After reading the stories, “Nim” used to think as she has also become a part of stories.

A lady named “Alexandra” is shown later in the movie.

She is the author of the stories , having a character of “Alex”.

But “Alexandra” had a phobia to move outside.

She was anti social nor she used to go outside.

She used to lock herself in a room . She was habitual to get more information through internet.

She used to write the stories through the social media.

“Alexandra” was also the sufferer of the psychological disorder.

She had a thought about a character “Alex” of her story,

As she communicates with him.

She had to write in her story that “Alex” has entrapped in volcano now.

But he comes from there safe and sound.

Sh was not understanding how she may represent him in her story.

She searches for many photos where she gets a meaningful photo,

Where she notices a volcano mountain in this and she had discovered this one.

This mountain was the part of that place.

Where “Nim” and her father used to live.

It was Nim’s father who had uploaded this photo.

Later, Nim’s father is shown who was very busy in his research.

Nim’s father had to go outside in order to complete this research.

Nim’s father asks her to come with him but she forbids,

And she tells that my turtle has to lay eggs within a few days.

I will stay here. After this, her father moves away.

And Nim’s father says to her, Take care of yourself my daughter!

Nim’s father has to go while leaving “Nim” alone reluctantly.

She was all alone on the island. She reaches her father’s computer while making fun.

She checks as her father has received a mail.

This mail was by “Alexandra” when she opens to check this.

But she had mailed here , using the name of “Alex” instead of her.

“Nim” becomes so excited while reading that mail.

She was thinking that it has been mailed by that character whom she reads the stories.

It was texted there , I need of yours for the next adventurous!

“Nim” also replies here , We are ready o help you!

“Alexandra” had also become so happy when she receives this reply.

Then she begins to write her story again.

Her story character “Alex” sits before her after coming.

And she starts communication with him. But it is known here that,

That “Alexandra” has only the fantasy of “Alex”.

There is nothing else! But there is climax here,

It is this as the favourite character of “Alexandra” with whom she used to talk.

His face is exactly like Nim’s father.

After this, “Nim” is shown on island.

She was talking with her father through her satellite phone.

She tells that my turtle has laid many eggs.

Nim’s father work had also completed and he was also returning back.

A terrible storm breaks out when Nim’s father was returning back at night.

“Nim” was also so scared from this storm.

But the dawn breaks in somehow .As “Nim” checks after waking up,

The house was totally devastated . She was worrying too much of her father.

She hurriedly sets her satellite phone.

She contacts her father. But it is seen here that,

Nim’s father satellite phone had dropped into the water.

And her father was also out of his senses because of the storm.

Suddenly, he comes into his senses . His boat had filled with the water.

In spite of this, he releases the water from a place with the help of a machine.

Nim’s father had to reach the island as soon as possibe.

He was also feeling so appetite.

“Nim” is also shown on the island who was so much worried because of her father.

Because her contact was not making possible with her father.

Meanwhile, Alexandra’s mail is received again who was asking that,

Have you seen the mountain volcano from upside?

How does it look? As it is known that,

“Nim” was thinking the same as “Alex” is saying her this,

Next day, “Nim” tries to get the access to that mountain with the help of ropes.

When she checks , going upside then it was not a erupted volcano,

There was rather nothing! When she was returning at home,

“Nim” is slipped. Now she had reached home.

Coming back, she sends a mail to “Alexandra”,

I witnessed nothing there even I checked it.

Now she was telling about her and her father to “Alexandra”.

Now “Alexandra” had understood that her contact is being made with “Nim” not with her father.

“Nim” is seen on island with binocular. She observes a coming ship at a distance.

Some people get off that ship. Ship’s captain loves this island.

And they decide after arriving there as they will bring tourists here.

And they will earn a lot of money. “Nim” who was observing all, climbing up a tree,

She feels so ill. She did not want this.

That anyone may come on her island. Then she again mails “Alexandra” while crying.

She tells that she is all alone on island.

Her father is also not with her.

Some more people are also nearly to come here.

Actually, she was asking help from “Alexandra”.

But “Alexandra” was also not hitting a plan how she will help “Nim”, going there.

Because she had never stepped outside. She says to “Nim”,

Alright! I send someone for your help.

But “Nim” forbids her directly because she did not want this,

Anyone may know about this island!

“Alexandra” was not understanding a little thing after talking with “Nim”.

Then her favourite character appears before her.

He begins to talk with her, “Alexandra”! You should help that kid.

I am with you! I will support you!

“Alexandra” eventually decides that she will surely go to help her.

She mails to “Nim”, I am coming to help you!

And “Nim” was thinking there that stories’ hero “Alex” is coming to help.

Now “Alexandra” goes to help “Nim”.

Then “Nim” is shown who was watching with binocular,

That many people are advancing to her island.

Many people who had visited here for an adventure,

They reach there soon. “Nim” was feeling so bad , witnessing this.

First of all, she thinks that they all are very wicked humans.

They have come here to dominate my island.

But a little kid among them glimpses “Nim” there.

“Nim” throws a lizard on that child from the upside.

That kid is run back as being very afraid from this.

Now “Nim” throws the lizards on all from there.

In spite of this, they don’t feel afraid and not leave that island.

Now “Nim” uses her second trick as she climbs up the volcano mountain.

She creates smoke , reaching there. Consequently, all become so frightened.

They think as that volcano is going to erupt.

So all begin to flee from there.

“Nim” finds the same little boy when she comes back.

With whom she met before. He tells that,

Look! We have come on the island only for recreation not with the aim to harm it or you.

“Nim” had realized this as these are not wicked people.

Now all were frightened there. This boy was telling to his parents, coming back,

That he has witnessed a girl here. But no one was believing in him.

All presented people reach their ship after boarding a small boat.

“Alexandra” is shown there who was landing here by a helicopter.

Then a terrible storm breaks out on the way.

So Alexandra’s helicopter has to land on the same ship because of the storm.

Which was sailing from the direction of Nim’s land.

“Alexandra” was telling the ship captain now,

That a little girl is entrapped on that island.

Captain tells, There is no one! Then the same little boy hears their converstaion.

Who had come after meeting “Nim”. He tells “Alexandra” , going there.

Yes I have seen a little girl there! “Alexandra” sails to that island, taking a small boat.

But a terrible sea storm was breaking out in the sea.

Nim’s father is also seen there who was still trapped in the storm.

“Nim” was also trapped in the storm. She observes at distance that,

Boat is sailing to her island. She had understood this,

As this boat belongs to her father. And she goes into the sea , riding on the dolphin.

She observes, going there that a girl was drowning in the sea.

And she was “Alexandra”! Now “Nim” goes into the water to rescue her.

But they had trapped in the sea waves now.

Next morning, they both are shown at the bank of the sea.

“Nim” is left shocked, seeing “Alexandra”.

“Alexandra” was telling “Nim”, I have come here for your help!

She tells, It is me with whom you were chatting through email.

“Alex” is the character of my stories written by me.

“Nim” gets furious on this fact. Because she used to think the same that,

“Alex” is real story. But “Nim” says here, You cheated with me!

You write the fake stories based on lies. Go back from my islnad!

Saying this, “Nim” leaves away after being infuriated.

“Alex” appears before “Alexandra” who was the character of her stories.

He says , “Alexandra”! You will have to face your life troubles!

You will have to convince that little girl. Saying this, he leaves her forever.

It was the fantasy of “Alexandra”. Now she goes to “Nim”,

She tries to alleviate her anger. First of all, “Nim” does not lend her ears to her.

But “Nim” had gradually to be convinced with her.

When both were talking with each other while dinning at night.

Then “Nim” tells “Alexandra” that my father had left only for two days.

Now 4 days have passed but he did not come back till now.

He had to come back. Next morning, they both were looking at the sea,

Then “Nim” notices a boat which was created manually.

She observes that boat is sailing to the direction of their island.

He was Nim’s father as she goes near it to check.

“Nim” embraces her father as being excited.

“Alexandra” had left astonished when she glimpses Nim’s father.

As it is known that her story’s character named “Alex”,

He resembled Nim’s father. She was telling to father that,

I am the same writer who has written all stories of “Alex”.

And my fantasy character “Alex” is exactly resembles with you.

Now “Alexandra” also decides to live on this island with them.

They all three are playing with a coconut ball. The fear of Alexandra’s life had totally ended now.

And the mother’s emptiness which “Nim” always faced , It had also been filled by “Alexandra”.

And they all were so satisfied on this island.

This movie completes on the same scene.


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