Okja 2017 Film Explained

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A company’s CEO is shown at the start of the movie while telling everyone that,

she has sent the special super pigs to the different countries.

Later, they will discover which place is suitable for super breeding.

There will be a competition after 10 years and a super animal award will be given in it.

The caretakers of those animals will also get a reward.

The animals who will grow rapidly and will be healthy will be shown to the world.

Now 10 years have passed and then a girl is shown after 10 years

her name was ”Mija” and used to live in the mountains of South Korea.

She has kept a super pig with her

and named it ”Okja” and she is shown in the forests with ”Okja”.

She was collecting some fruits and asks ”Okja” to go into the water.

She needs fish and her grandfather has placed a mike at his home with which he can call ”Mija” at any time.

”Mija” and ”Okja” slept in the forest and she takes a shortcut when she awakes.

So she will reach home hurriedly and moving speedily her foot slips.

She falls down from the mountain but ”Okja” saves her through a rope.

It falls down while saving her and then she moves down to find her friend ”Okja”.

Then she calls it ”Okja” and thankfully ”Okja” was fine.

Okja 2017 Film Watch Online

She hugs it and we discover from it that they were good friends.

At night, ”Mija” was having dinner with her grandfather so her uncle tells her grandfather is coming.

He is the uncle who has given her the super pig and he works for that company

which is shown at the start and ”Mija” goes to ”Okja” at night to sleep.

They have a deep attachment and the next day, her uncle arrives at their home with his team.

He has placed a device in ”Okja’s” ears with which he discovers ”Okja’s” health.

A doctor is also shown with her uncle and he breeds the super pigs.

The doctor gets shocked to see the super pig of ”Mija”.

He hasn’t seen this kind of super pig in his life.

He tells in an interview we have sent those super pigs into different countries 10 years ago.

We haven’t seen any super pig-like ”Okja” until now

that’s why the title of the super pig was given to ”Mija” and her grandfather.

The doctor asks her grandfather how he kept it and how it is so healthy?

He tells them we leave it freely in the mountains and whoever lives near nature will stay healthy.

Grandfather takes ”Mija” to her parent’s grave

and gives her a gold pig and ”Mija” asks why are you giving it to me?

He tells ”Okja” is moving far from you but she says we have bought it

so how they can take it?

Grandfather says I lied to you ”Okja” doesn’t belong to us ever

and ”Mija” becomes depressed hearing this and her grandfather tells her that

tonight the corporation will place it into a different department.

Then they will take it to ”America” and ‘Mija” becomes depressed hearing this.

She was angry with her grandfather why he didn’t tell her before and runs towards her house.

She reaches home but there was none and they have taken ”Okja”.

She runs towards the road but she sees they took ”Okja” into a car.

She returns home and takes her gold pig along with money and says I will save ”Okja”.

Her grandfather says it has to become the food of others and it is its destiny.

We can’t change it.

”Mija” doesn’t stop and runs towards the train.

She reaches the corporation company and tries to talk to the receptionist

but she wasn’t listening to her then she breaks the door and enters the office.

She was looking for her uncle in the office when she noticed “Okja” being loaded into a truck.

They were sending it from there and the truck was gone when she comes downstairs.

”Mija” doesn’t lose courage and runs to get on the truck.

She was calling ”Okja’s” name again and again

”Okja” Okja” and it also hears her voice.

Meanwhile, another truck is shown and there were two masked men inside it.

They say to the truck man in which there was ”Okja” listen to us, we aren’t robbers or terrorists.

Please come to a halt; we have an urgent task for you.

”Okja’s” uncle and the truck driver were surprised to hear that who are they?

The truck reaches a tunnel and the masked man stops the ”Okja’s” truck

and they take it out then ”Mija” calls ”Okja’ from a distance.

”Okja” moves towards ”Mija” as it sees her and runs from there while making ”Mija” sit on it.

They reach the road from the tunnel while running and then reach an underground mall.

The masked men were also chasing them

the condition of ”Mija” and ”Okja” get worse while running and the masked men take them into the truck.

They tell ”Mija” they are ”ALF” means from animal liberation fund.

They are animal lovers and their task is to save any animal if it is in any trouble.

They saved ”Okja” that’s why and their group is doing this job for 40 years.

They also expose the wrong people

and their leader tells ”Mija” they will send ”Okja” to a lab.

Then it will go through different experiments

later, it will be sent for the pig competition.

The leader tells there were many other animals made in that lab like ”Okja”.

It isn’t easy to reach that lab

that’s why they have to place a device in ”Okja’s” ear.

Then they will send it to that lab

so they will record the experiments they will do on ”Okja”.

They will show it to the world. There was the rule in their company

if ”Mija” will refuse they will not send ”Okja” to the lab.

”Mija” says she wants to go back into the mountains with ”Okja”

but the companion of the leader lies and says ”Mija” is agree.

He says she is ready for the experiment and then they place the device in ”Okja’s” ears.

Then they jump into the water while leaving ”Mija” and ”Okja” there.

The police arrives and the corporation was defamed because of all this.

How this corporation is separating a girl from her friend?

Seeing this, the CEO of the company makes a plan

that we will make ”Mija” meet ”Okja” in the competition.

Likewise, their company will not be defamed and their reputation will become fine.

Then we will do what we want and then ”Mija’s” uncle who is a worker here

he was taking ”Mija” with him to ”New York”.

As the company has ordered him and the media was taking their pictures

so they will make ”Mija” meet with ”Okja”.

”Mija” reads an English book on the plane for learning English.

Then ”Okja” is shown who was sent to the lab

and there were other animals as well but the doctors get shocked to see an animal like ”Okja”.

They become happy.

On another side, the people of the ”ALF” company also started recording.

The doctor in the lab bred ”Okja”

and the ”ALF” group was watching this and one of them says ”Mija” wasn’t ready for this experiment.

I lied to you.

Now the leader of this company hits that group member.

He terminates him because those decisions were against their company.

The doctors prepare “Okja’s” meat for the others to taste.

Everyone was shocked after having its meat that it was healthy and tasty as well.

On another side, ”Mija” was forced to get ready and the company head arrives

who was helping her and says ”Mija” we have planned so don’t worry we will save both of you.

We will expose this corporation as we have all the recordings of the lab

and the company has started their event outside.

”Mija” was brought there and announced that ”Mija” will meet ”Okja”.

”Okja” doesn’t recognize ”Mija”

and the company has screened all the videos of the doctor of the experiments he has done in the lab.

The people there become angry

and they attack the doctor.

”Okja” was also out of control and attacking ”Mija”.

Then the head of ”ALF” hits ”Okja” to save ”Mija”.

Then ”Mija” stops the rod because she doesn’t want her friend to be harmed.

”Mija” sees ”Okja” and says something in its ear

and the CEO of this company has lost everything.

That’s why she gives control of this company to her twin sister.

Her name was ”Nancy” and she has approach to army

and calls the army to catch the members of ”ALF”.

They were running to their truck while taking ”Mija” and ”Okja”.

The officers were holding everyone one by one and it seems like now ”Mija” and the leader will be caught.

Then the group member who lied that ”Mija” agreed to the experiment

brings the car there and saves ”Mija” and his leader.

The new CEO ”Nancy” has stopped all the experiments with her sister.

She has also closed the lab and ordered the slaughter of all the animals.

The super pigs will now be slaughtered and sold for human consumption.

”Mija” goes to the facility of this corporation at night.

There were thousands of pigs and ”Mija” was searching for ”Okja” and the leader was also with her.

Then ”Mija” sees that ”Okja” was taken to slaughter.

She moves inside and sees the meat of super pigs being processed.

She sees ”Okja” and a man was about to end it but she shows her picture with ”Okja”.

She was requesting him not to end it and ”Nancy” also arrives with her security guards.

The security guards hold the head of ”ALF” and his companion.

”Mija” says pleas let me and ”Okja” leave but ”Nancy” says in anger it is my property now.

It is just a business nothing else.

Their meat is demanding in the market and their life is just money for us.

The head of ”ALF” was also requesting for them to let them meet.

Let them go but ”Nancy” has given the orders to end ”Okja”.

”Mija” asks her to stop and offers her the gold pig

that was given by her grandfather.

”Nancy” gets shocked to see that gold pig

then she deals with ”Mija” and asks her security to drop them at their car safely.

”Mija” and ”Okja” brought out of the facility and then two pigs send their baby to ”Okja” somehow

their eyes were saying to save their kid.

We will be ended but please keep our kid with you

and seeing this, ”Okja” hides the kid in its mouth.

The time passes like this and after some time, ”Okja” and ”Mija” are shown in South Korea.

There was the baby pig with them at their home and ”Mija” was living with her grandfather.

”Mija” has saved ”Okja” after struggling hard.

Here this film story ends.


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