Populaire 2012 Movie Explained

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This movie POPULAIRE is set in the year 1958,
Where a young women named rose lived with her father.

She works as a cashier at a family 
owned grocery store but is ambitious about  

doing something better in life. With the 
same dream in mind, she applies for a job  

as a secretary in an insurance office.
Many women have lined up for the interview  

which makes Rose nervous. Moreover,

they chat about proper interview attire and etiquette that  

Rose was completely oblivious to prior to this.
The owner of the company, Louis, is a kind-hearted  

but stern man. When it is Rose’s turn, she gets 
to meet him. On being asked about her strengths,  

she claims that she is very good at typing. 
But since it is the minimum requirement for  

a job like this, she is turned down.
Louis walks to the door to invite another  

candidate inside but Rose refuses to give up that 
easily. She pulls a typewriter over and starts  

typing at a great speed with only two fingers. 
When she is done, her hair’s a mess and the  

strap of her dress has moved. The two look at each 
other, unable to deny the sexual tension. Amazed  

by Rose’s skill and beauty, Louis hires her.
That day, Rose returns home in excitement but  

her father doesn’t allow her to move to the city 
for work. He wants her to get married to a local  

rich mechanic. Rose defies her father’s wish 
and runs away from home the next morning.

In the city, she stays at a women’s hostel 
and begins going to work. Louis soon starts  

to regret his decision because Rose types 
the entire day, making tapping noises that  

are too loud for him to focus. She is also 
not good at anything other than typing.

Populaire Movie Watch Online

Across from Louis’s office is his friend Bob’s 
architectural firm. Hence, the two get to hang  

out with each other often. Bob notices that 
Rose’s presence has started to bother Louis.

In the evening, Louis goes to Bob’s home where 
they have organized a birthday party for him.  

Bob’s wife Marie used to be Louis’s 
sweetheart before he went to war.  

They are still good friends but Louis never 
stopped loving her even though she is married  

to his best friend and has two children.
As days pass, Louis gets to see more sides  

to Rose. She is very unprofessional but 
completes the job at the end of the day.  

Anytime he tries to make fun of her, she 
has a snarky comment ready to go.

A week into working together, Louis sits her 
down and tells her that she hasn’t been an  

ideal secretary. He suggests she do something 
more personal in order to prove her worth.  

Rose assumes the worst and storms away, 
refusing to get into bed with him.  

But Louis follows her behind to explain 
what he means. He wants her to take part  

in the typing competition for women. If she is 
able to win, she can continue working for him.  

Louis sees real talent in Rose and 
wants to be the one to support her.

When Ben finds out about this, he laughs 
at Louis. He thinks it is better to sleep  

with a secretary than to enroll her in a 
competition that does him no good. However,  

Louis ignores his suggestion, knowing that 
Rose will be a hit if given an opportunity.

On the day of the competition, Rose is 
nervous. The women she is competing against  

are professionals who have been practicing 
for months. The tournament starts and she  

instantly struggles to place the paper on the 
typewriter. The other women are using all their  

fingers unlike her, who is used to typing 
with only index fingers. They glance at her,  

silently making fun of her stupid technique.
In the end, she is only two words short of  

qualifying for the next round. On the car ride 
back home, she cries and asks to be let out.  

Later that day, Louis goes to meet her in the 
hostel and invites her to live at his home.

He wants to train her so she can compete in the 
next tournament that is in three months. If she  

agrees, she gets to keep her job as well. Rose 
thinks about it for a minute before accepting.

Then, she moves in with him but the two decide 
to keep it a secret. Her training starts on the  

very first day. Louis makes her paint her 
nails a certain color and assigns the color  

to a part of the typewriter. That way, she 
knows what finger to use for what letter.

Initially, Rose thinks it is too much 
work but Louis monitors her every minute,  

making sure she is not trying to 
cheat him by using her old method.

She is made to train for hours alongside working 
as his secretary. This causes her to make several  

mistakes at work but Louis teaches her 
a lesson every time. The two return home  

separately so people won’t suspect they are living 
together. One afternoon on Louis’s way back home,  

he notices Rose falling off her bike.
He goes to help her and cannot help but  

notice that her top is see-through. The 
next day, he finds Rose’s bralette inside  

the washer. Instead of making it awkward, 
he goes to her room to place it himself.  

He is caught in the act but Rose laughs it 
off and jokes about buying him a pair.

A few more days pass of them living together. 
Louis cooks sometimes which Rose thinks is  

interesting. Some days, the exhaustion gets the 
best of her so he gives her a gentle massage.  

They both feel the sparks between them but 
hide their feelings behind playful insults.

One afternoon, Louis goes to Marie, 
begging her to give Rose piano lessons.  

He thinks that learning to play the piano will 
do good for her typing speed. When Marie refuses,  

he manipulates her by trying to hurt himself.
Rose notices the special closeness between them.  

While dressing Louis’s wound she calls him 
out for bragging to another man’s wife.  

Louis just smiles at her as an answer. Starting 
the next day, the typing lessons are followed by  

piano lessons and one mile run every day.
When it is finally the day of the local  

level competition, Rose comes first in 
every round and reaches the finals.

To prepare for the next match, her nail polish 
and the color on the typewriter are removed.  

Louis times her every time she types and is 
glad to see that she is making progress.

Then for the final match, she and the opponent 
face each other in a fierce competition.  

Louis holds his breath when it is announced 
that Rose is the new Normandy typewriting  

champion with 491 keystrokes per minute.
Ben loses the bet and has to hand his entire  

wallet to his friend. Louis and Rose hug in 
joy. They have finally proven themselves as a  

competent teacher and student.
The following day at work,  

everyone is praising Rose. Louis has brought a 
bouquet of red roses for her but prior to him,  

another man gives her the same thing. He 
also invites her to dinner at night but  

Louis interrupts them, saying that she still has 
to train for the national level competition.

In the meantime, Marie and Rose 
have also developed a friendship.  

Marie wants the best of Louis and thinks he is 
meant to be with Rose. On her birthday, Rose is  

sad that her father didn’t send her a letter.
But at night, Louis surprises her with a cake  

that sends her over the moon. He also gives her 
a handmade typewriter cover that will help her  

type without looking at the keys. Upon seeing 
the gift, Rose realizes it is not for her,  

but for himself. She feels like everything Louis 
is doing is to prove that he is a good person.  

Because if not, he wouldn’t have 
given her the cover when she is  

tired of practicing for hours every day.
They get into an argument before she goes into  

her room. Later, he asks her to go home on 
Christmas because his family will come over.  

Rose suggests she can act like his maid but 
Louis urges her to leave as soon as possible.

With no other choice, Rose 
goes back to her town. However,  

her father refuses to meet her. After spending 
hours beside her mother’s grave, she decides  

to go to Marie’s place. Upon finding out that 
Louis asked her to go away, Marie is furious.

She drives Rose to his house and introduces 
her as his fiance to his parents.  

Rose is welcomed and treated like family. 
She and Louis have to act like lovers  

but they do not seem to mind. During dinner, 
Louis’s father criticizes him for being too weak  

because he prioritizes customers more than money. 
Rose speaks in the favor of her boss, asking his  

father to be more like his son. The gesture makes 
Louis feel a warm sensation in his heart.

During supper, he dances with Rose and 
carries her to bed because she is drunk. Rose  

asks him to join her but Louis laughs it 
off, saying that they aren’t married yet.

The next day, Louis is at Ben’s. Marie makes 
him reveal that he and Rose haven’t kissed  

which wins her ten bucks from Ben. Louis is mad 
that they bet on his and Rose’s relationship.  

When he retaliates, Marie simply says 
that he has fallen in love with Rose.

A week later, Louis and Rose go to Paris to take 
part in the national-level typing competition.  

Rose goes to the beauty parlor, eager to compete 
with the divas of Paris. She returns home at night  

in a seductive red dress. Louis cannot take 
his eyes off her but stops himself from doing  

anything stupid. He thinks their relationship 
will distract her from the match tomorrow.

Rose argues that nothing of such 
sort will happen. They lock lips  

for a kiss and end up making love.
In the following scene, we are introduced  

to the three-time national typewriting champion 
Annie. She boasts about her unbeatable talent  

and is confident she will win this year too.
The competition starts and both Annie and Rose  

do their best. In the end, they make it 
to the final round. The match is intense  

and the results astonish everyone. Both of them 
have typed exactly 498 keystrokes per minute.  

A five-minute extra time is added so 
the judges can come to a decision.

During break time, Louis tells Rose that she 
is doing worse than training. They get into  

an argument that fuels her will to win. Louis is 
happy because this is exactly why he proved her.  

For the last round, he goes outside, 
unable to watch the fierce match.

Annie tries to stare Rose down but 
she fights back harder. In the end,  

Louis hears people cheering and runs to the stage 
to see his secretary celebrating. His eyes tear up  

as he watches her smiling in pure happiness.
But just then, the head organizer tells him  

that he has to leave Rose if he wants her to win 
the international competition in America. Louis  

knows he is telling the truth because 
his presence is a distraction to her.

The same night, Rose tells him that she loves him. 
Louis feels his pain multiply at the confession  

because he loves her too but isn’t able to 
confess. He tells her that he slept with her  

so she would win the competition. Rose refuses 
to believe him but he leaves Paris without her,  

leaving the poor girl heartbroken.
Although depressed, Rose has to star in  

commercials and attend several press conferences. 
She turns into a national celebrity overnight.  

She gets a letter from her father, saying that he 
is proud of her. Many powerful men fawn over her  

but she continues calling Louis every night.
He, too, is suffering as much as her. He brings a  

random woman home but cannot get himself to sleep 
with her. Then, he goes to Marie and asks her why  

she chose Ben instead of him. Marie replies that 
she felt loved when she was with Ben but Louis  

was ready to sacrifice her to go to war. Even 
though he wanted her to be happy, he never fought  

to be with her. Louis realizes he is doing the 
same with Rose and decides to fly to America.

In the meantime, Rose is in America 
representing France in the international  

typewriting competition. She is going 
against the American record holder who  

has remained undefeated her entire career.
The match will be completed in two rounds. In  

the first one, Rose is so nervous that she 
loses by a large gap. During the break,  

she runs backstage and is surprised to see 
Louis. He confesses that he loves her back  

and motivates her to do her best.
Rose uses her old typewriter and is  

determined to win the last round. It starts 
and Rose types like she has been possessed,  

making the opponent nervous. In the middle 
of it, her typewriter malfunctions but  

she fixes it quickly and continues.
Despite the obstacle, Rose wins and is  

awarded the world’s fastest typer. Louis could not 
be more proud of her. The movie ends as they kiss  

and the entire crowd cheers for them. Thank You .

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