Radius 2017 Movie Explained

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Hi, Today, I am 
going to explain a Canadian science fiction  

thriller film called “Radius”. Spoilers 
 The movie opens with bright lightning 
striking the ground. Following the storm,  

a man wakes up in the middle of the woods, injured 
and disoriented. He gets flashes of himself  

panicking right before a car crash. Initially, 
he thinks he might have dreamt of the crash  

but upon spotting the car behind him, it is 
clear that something terrible has happened.

The man doesn’t remember how he got there 
and starts walking to the nearest town.  

On the way, he comes across a car 
and tries asking for help. However,  

the person swerves it and carelessly stops on the 
side of the road. Upon checking, he sees that the  

driver is dead. Her eyes have turned foggy as 
if the cause of the death is a disease. The  

man immediately gets her phone and calls 911.
The operator inquires about his emergency before  

asking him his name and location. Only then does 
the guy realize that he doesn’t remember a single  

thing about himself. He doesn’t even know if he 
has a name or a family member. He hangs up the  

call in confusion and brings his wallet out.
His driver’s license says he has no name  

which confuses him even more. As he 
contemplates what he should do next,  

a dead crow falls on the car’s roof. Its eye 
is also hazy like that of the dead woman.

Radius 2017 Movie Watch Online

The man ignores it and makes his way 
towards the nearest town. He finally  

arrives at a diner but inside, everyone is 
dead and their eyes are foggy. He freaks out,  

assuming the deaths are caused by some contagious 
virus. He rushes outside just in time to  

witness another death of a truck driver.
He quickly covers his nose and gets a map from  

the diner before making his way to the address 
written on his driver’s license. A while later,  

he reaches a house that might belong to him. 
At first, he knocks on the door and when no  

one opens the door, he decides to break in.
After listening to the voicemail set on his phone,  

he recognizes his voice and is finally 
sure that the house belongs to him.  

He also finds out his name is Liam.
Still confused, Liam cleans up and turns  

the TV on. The deaths he witnessed earlier 
are being investigated at the national level.  

Experts speculate it to be biological warfare 
or a naturally created deadly virus. Either way,  

people are advised to stay home.
Liam notices a man working nearby  

in the field and tells him it is not safe 
outside. The person doesn’t make out what  

he is saying and walks toward him. Suddenly, 
his eyes turn foggy and he falls dead.

Liam is not brave enough to go outside, hence, 
instead, he writes what he knows about the deaths  

and stays home. He keeps up with the news and 
figures out that the deaths are heavily localized  

for it to be a virus. In fact, every death 
that occurred has been near or around him.

Then, he hears a crow cawing and goes outside 
to check. When he gets closer to the bird,  

it dies the same death that Liam has been 
witnessing till now. At this instant, a  

wild theory comes to his mind. He believes that he 
might be the cause of the deaths as everyone who  

died was around him. He doesn’t want to test the 
theory because that means more people would die.  

At first, Liam contemplates calling the police and 
telling them everything but the question remains  

if they will believe him. Even if they do, he will 
probably be the subject of strange experiments.

So, Liam decides to take care of the matter on 
his own. He gathers food and supplies and locks  

himself in the garage near his house. Later 
that day, the police come looking for him  

because his car was found crashed in the woods.
Liam runs outside to hide as far away from them as  

possible. One of the officers almost catches him 
but is stopped when birds fall dead in front of  

her. They run away immediately after realizing 
the unexplained deaths are occurring again.

At night, Liam dreams of the car crash and 
wakes up to find a woman in his driveway.  

She hears him in the garage and comes closer. 
Liam warns her to stay away but she doesn’t  

listen. A while later, he opens the door, and 
surprisingly enough, the woman is still alive.

She reveals that her name is Jane. She doesn’t 
remember anything else about herself since this  

morning when she woke up in a hospital. The 
staff told her that she was in a car crash  

and the car belonged to him. Hence, she 
is here to ask him if he knows her.

Both of them are as surprised as each other. They 
remember glimpses of the crash but do not know  

what caused it and why they were together. As they 
talk, a puppy approaches Liam and doesn’t die.  

This makes him believe that he is not the center 
of the deaths. He doesn’t tell Jane about his  

theory and the two go to his house together.
They try to figure out if they live together but  

it seems like Liam lives on his own. Suddenly, he 
looks at her reflection and remembers her getting  

inside his car on the day the accident occurred. 
This gives him an idea and he quickly opens  

the map. They find a bridge near the place they 
crashed and decide to go there to investigate.

The following morning, they go to the said place 
but neither of them associates any memory with it.  

Jane reveals that the only thing she remembers 
from her past is going to the mall with her  

family as a child. Liam thinks it is a good 
thing because this would mean she still has  

a chance of remembering other incidents.
Just then, another epiphany comes to Jane.  

One night, she was on the bridge looking at 
a blank paper in her hands. She threw it in  

the water and Liam was also beside her.
The duo doesn’t know what to think of it  

but they are not ready to give up yet. They go to 
the crash site to see if it brings more memories.  

On reaching the place, they find a huge black 
circle on the ground. As they had expected,  

seeing the circle makes them remember more 
glimpses from the night. They know they were  

standing on the opposite side of the circle 
facing each other after the accident.

Liam also thinks that the radius of the circle 
is the rage of his curse. He tells Jane that  

the deaths started with him and how they stopped 
after he met her. Jane panics and refuses to work  

with him anymore, afraid for her life.
She tries running away as he follows her.  

They stop when a car pulls over and a woman 
comes out of it, introducing herself as a cop.  

She recognizes Liam as the guy whose car they 
found in the woods. As she keeps him busy,  

Jane runs away. Just when she is 
far enough, the cop falls dead.

It is clear that Jane acts as an antidote to 
Liam’s curse. Whenever she is around, no one dies  

but as soon as she is away from him, the 
unexplained deaths occur.

To prove the theory, Liam brings Jane to a field 
with a goat and asks her to walk away slowly.  

When she is outside the radius, the animal 
dies, making her believe that Liam is right.

Following that, the duo goes to the hospital to 
get an MRI scan. They believe the results will  

tell them what is causing the deaths. They stay 
close to each other throughout the procedure but  

in the end, the results say they are normal.
At the same time, they hear Liam’s name on  

the news. The police have found the 
cop’s and the farmer’s dead bodies  

and related the murders to him. The duo knows if 
he is arrested, more people will be killed.

Upon realizing the cops are already at the 
hospital, they quickly run to the elevator.  

Liam gets inside but Jane is distracted by the 
missing person posters on the wall. It makes  

her recall that the paper she was looking at 
on the bridge was not blank. It was a missing  

person poster with a picture of herself.
Back in the present, Liam loses Jane and  

dreadfully gets ready to witness more deaths. He 
tells the people with him to run outside as fast  

as they can when the elevator door opens. They do 
as told and Jane comes to him at the same time.  

Thankfully, no one is killed in the incident.
Following that, they drive to a fenced property  

and spend the night in the car. Liam again 
wakes up from the nightmare of the crash.

A while later, Jane listens to the news 
on the radio. The police have found  

out that she is with Liam too. Her 
husband Sam is at a report conference  

begging her to come back. Jane is shocked 
because she didn’t know she was married.

They go to meet him in private and 
convince him to help them. Initially,  

the guy doesn’t believe the two but when Liam 
demonstrates his curse by killing some birds,  

Sam has no way but to believe them.
The three go to his office where they can hide  

for a while. There, Liam finds a missing person’s 
poster that Jane was holding in her memory. It has  

her picture but the name of a different girl.
Sam explains Jane’s real name is Rose and the  

girl in the picture is her twin sister Lily. She 
went missing a few months ago and never came back.  

Her disappearance caused Jane to fall into 
a spiral of depression. She was too obsessed  

with finding out where Lily went which caused an 
argument between her and Sam. This is when she  

left a few days ago and came back only today.
The story fills a huge gap in Jane’s memory,  

making her remember more things. That 
night, she gave up on looking for her sister  

and was about to commit the unthinkable on the 
bridge. Liam found her and saved her life. They  

were driving somewhere away from the bridge 
when the accident happened. She tells Liam  

that he saved her life and thanks him.
Later, Sam finds her sleeping on Liam’s lap  

and gets jealous. He calls the police but 
regrets it instantly. When the cops arrive,  

they separate Liam and Jane, causing their own 
deaths and the deaths of the pedestrians nearby.  

After everyone dies, Sam asks the duo to run away, 
promising that he will take care of things.

By now, Liam has an idea of where they were 
going after the crash. He thinks they were  

driving to a secluded cabin he owns.
They stop at a gas station where a news  

broadcast catches their attention. On the night 
of the crash, an unexplained cosmic anomaly  

struck the Earth at the exact spot 
where they had the accident.

The duo believes it might be the cause 
of the strange things happening to them  

but have no way to prove it.
In the following scene, they arrive  

at the cabin that is near a lake. They chat for a 
long time about their future and everything that  

has happened till now. Even if they convince the 
authorities that the cosmic anomaly was the cause  

of the deaths, what then? They will have to be 
confined and kept together for their entire lives.  

Liam thinks it is unfair to Jane since she 
will be his babysitter but Jane claims that  

she won’t mind living a life like that.
Since the cabin is far from the nearest town,  

Liam can stay away from her without 
killing anyone. He goes to the lake nearby  

and gets on a boat. At the same time, 
Jane finds a journal in the fireplace.

Inside it are several missing person posters 
with a detailed note about the person.  

Jane skims through it and finds her sister’s 
missing poster in the end. Then, there is her  

real name written on the top of the next page.
It is finally revealed that Liam is a serial  

killer who kidnaps and kills women. He is on 
the boat getting the same flashback as Jane.  

He realizes the truth and remembers how he killed 
Jane’s sister and threw her body into the water.  

He was about to do the same with Jane as well.
That night when they were driving to the cabin,  

Jane noticed he was trying to sedate her. They 
got into an altercation which caused the crash.  

However, both of them got out of the car unharmed. 
When they were outside, the cosmic incident  

occurred and trapped them inside dome-shaped 
energy. They do not remember what happened after  

but the pieces have finally come together.
Liam comes outside the lake and vomits at the  

thought of the horrible things he 
did when he was his former self.  

Suddenly, Jane arrives with a gun and asks 
him to bring her sister back from the lake.

She is about to kill him but cannot get herself 
to do it. They return to the cabin and find  

a bunch of men outside. The group thinks 
they are terrorists and attacks them.

Liam runs away a bit further and kills two 
of the thugs. Meanwhile, the last one panics  

and shoots Jane. He also dies a while later 
but Jane is severely hurt in the process.

Liam rushes her to the hospital and 
watches the doctors take her away.  

He no longer resonates with the serial killer he 
was and feels disgusted with himself for what he  

did in the past. In the end, he commits the 
unthinkable to prevent any other deaths.
Thank You.

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