RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

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In an alternate 1980’s, WW3 has 
already commenced and Russia,  

back then known as the Soviet Union, is 
winning and expanding their armies. They  

have taken over major parts of Europe and 
are now heading West, towards North America.

The opening scene starts in 
the American city of Calumet,  

where a boy named Jed drives his 
younger brother, Matt, and his friend,  

to the local high school. Later, as the 
history teacher is conducting the class,  

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

he notices several troops landing by parachutes 
outside the school. The soldiers have also  

brought heavy weaponry with them, and they 
appear to be speaking in a foreign language.  

Confused, the history teacher ventures outside to 
interrogate the soldiers, but he is immediately  

shot and killed. Soon, the soldiers begin firing 
at the school, causing havoc throughout the area.  

They pelt the place with bullets, and even 
missiles, killing several students inside.

Meanwhile, as Matt and his friends; Robert, 
Danny, Daryl, Aardvark and Arturo, search for  

a way to escape, Jed arrives with his car. The 
boys immediately get in, and together, they flee  

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

from the place. By this time, the entire city of 
Calumet has come under attack. The enemy soldiers  

are killing innocent people for apparently no 
reason, and numerous buildings are laid to waste  

with heavy artillery. Amidst the destruction, Jed 
and the group somehow manage to reach Robert’s  

father’s sporting goods store. There, the old man 
suggests they immediately leave the place and head  

to the mountains, as the condition is very severe 
right now. The boys are hesitant to leave their  

families, but they have no choice but to agree. 
They soon grab weapons, ammunition, and other  

necessities for survival. After stocking up, they 
get inside the car and head to the mountains. On  

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

their way, they come across a roadblock manned by 
Soviet troops, who open fire on them. Fortunately,  

a helicopter from the US army shoots the troops, 
allowing the group to make their way out.

In the next scene, we get to know that the 
Soviet troops along with Cubans and Nicaraguans  

are attempting to take over Calumet city, and 
then the entire nation. In short, World War  

3 has taken place. Meanwhile, a Cuban Colonel 
named Bella orders his men to go to a local  

sporting goods store and obtain records of 
the store’s gun sales. On the other hand,  

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

the boys reach the mountains and start 
living there. Since Jed and Matt are  

regular campers in the area, they have no 
problems adjusting. With days passing by,  

the group survives by fishing, hunting and even 
eating the vegetation there. After a few weeks,  

Jed, Matt and Robert sneak back into the 
city, which is now under the total control  

of the enemy soldiers. They enter a grocery store 
and inquire about their families, to which the  

shopkeeper responds that everyone considered 
a threat has been imprisoned in a re-education  

camp. The shopkeeper also warns the boys to stay 
away, as the soldiers had been looking for them.

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

Later, the boys reach the camp, which is a large 
area confined by a cage. After a bit of inquiring,  

Jed and Matt finally meet their father, 
who appears to be badly beaten. They  

also learn that their mother was killed by the 
soldiers. Expectly, the boys become emotional,  

but the father reminds them of how he raised 
them in a tough manner and encourages them to  

avenge their mother’s death. Meanwhile, Robert 
is unable to find his father in the camp.

Following this, they go to their neighbor, Mr. 
Mason’s house, who is very glad to see them  

again. The old man reveals that Robert’s father 
was executed because his store was missing a few  

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

weapons. Actually, the weapons are the same ones 
that Jed and his boys took to the mountains. This  

breaks Robert’s heart, and he blames himself 
for his father’s death, but the guys quickly  

calm him down. Later, Mr. Mason takes the boys 
to the basement and reveals his granddaughters;  

Toni and Erica, who appear to be hiding 
from the troops. He then requests  

the boys to escort the girls to a safe 
location, to which they agree. After a while,  

Jed and his group mount on their horses 
and make their way to the mountains.

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

One day, Daryl notices three Soviet soldiers 
approaching the mountains, so he immediately  

alerts the rest of the group. Upon reaching the 
place, the soldiers start taking photographs  

while standing on the edge of a cliff. While 
they’re at it, they notice some arrows on the  

ground and begin searching the area. Soon after, 
they discover Jed and his group hiding behind the  

rocks. The soldiers proceed to apprehend the kids, 
but little did they know that the kids were armed  

and dangerous. In no time, they manage to execute 
the three soldiers. Following the incident,  

Colonel Bella confronts Daryl’s father, the Mayor 
of Calumet, and inquires about his son. Daryl’s  

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

father attempts to save his son by claiming that 
he is not violent and cannot harm others. He also  

tries to appease Colonel Bella in order to save 
the innocent citizens but it all goes in vain.

The next day, Colonel Bella gathers some 
civilians from the re-education camp,  

including Jed and Matt’s father, and 
executes all of them to exact vengeance.  

When the youth group learns of the death of their 
family members, they are devastated. However,  

Jed tells them to not give up and encourages 
them to fight for their nation. The next day,  

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

the youth group comes up with a plan and 
Erica goes to a gas station where some  

Soviet soldiers are filling up their tanks. She 
approaches the soldiers and casually leaves a bag  

containing explosives. The soldiers simply flirt 
with the girl and send her away but shortly after,  

an explosion occurs, killing a few men. Enraged, 
the remaining soldiers pursue Erica, and as they  

are about to reach her, the youth group emerges 
from the ground and shoots the soldiers to death.  

This gives the group renewed motivation and 
from that day onwards, they start executing the  

enemy forces with available arms and ammunition. 
They also give themselves the alias ‘Wolverines’

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

The movie then fast forwards by a month, where 
the enemy troops are still in control of the  

city. One day, Toni discovers Andrew Tanner, a 
Lieutenant Colonel of the United States Air Force,  

dozing off near their camp. When she 
realizes that Andrew belongs on their side,  

she brings him to the camp and provides him 
with some food. Andrew then updates them on  

the status of the war. He claims that nuclear 
strikes have destroyed several American cities,  

including Omaha, Washington, and Kansas. He 
goes on to say that the enemies, mostly Cubans,  

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

came up from Mexico illegally and infiltrated the 
SAC bases, wreaking havoc. The Soviet armies have  

captured most of Southern America and North West 
Canada but American armies have been able to stop  

them at rocky mountains and the Mississippi river. 
And the lines are now mostly stabilized. According  

to Andrew, the Russians are there to capture 
American armies intact, which is why they will  

no longer use nukes. Americans will also not use 
nuclear weapons in their own soil. Furthermore,  

he shares that his family was caught behind the 
lines down in Texas. He likes to believe that his  

family is still alive but he has also heard about 
what the Soviets are doing to civilians. The next  

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

day, Andrew joins the Wolverines in one of their 
conquests. He assists them with his military  

techniques and soon, the group takes down a large 
number of Soviet soldiers. In this way, the group  

starts taking out more and more enemy soldiers. 
They have also amassed a large arsenal of weapons.

In the next scene, Andrew explains his 
plan to take over a Soviet base camp.  

The group is amazed by how detailed 
and smart Andrew’s elaborations are.  

Later, the Wolverines carry out the plan and 
attack the Soviet base camp from all sides,  

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

eventually leading them to victory. However, their 
actions attract the attention of a Soviet General,  

who orders retaliation against the innocent 
civilians. Now that the Soviet high command  

is aware of the Wolverines, the Soviet General 
orders the soldiers to eliminate the Wolverines  

as soon as possible. Elsewhere, the Wolverines 
are enjoying a rugby match after their victory  

while Toni is chatting with Andrew. She inquires 
about his wife, mentioning that she is curious  

about his love life. Toni enjoys Andrew’s 
company and seems to be attracted towards him.

The next day, the Wolverines reach a high point 
in the mountain, where they witness the Soviet  

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

aircrafts in a state of war against the Americans. 
While watching the chaos unfold from a distance,  

two Soviet tanks approach from behind. As 
a result, the Wolverines quickly take their  

cover behind a rock and begin shooting at them. 
When the enemies begin to take the upper hand,  

Andrew and Aardvark board a tank for 
counterattack, but they are fatally shot,  

leaving the rest of the group devastated. 
Toni appears to be even more heartbroken  

because she adored Andrew. Before 
any further casualties take place,  

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

Jed fires a bazooka at the enemies, and kills 
them once and for all. Following the incident,  

the Wolverines bury Andrew and Aardvark’s 
bodies and pray for their souls’ peace.

One day, the Soviets deploy a spetsnaz unit into 
the mountains and they use portable tracking  

devices to locate the Wolverines. Despite this, 
the Wolverines, who were well prepared for their  

arrival, attack and defeat them easily. They then 
capture the Spetsnaz’s leader, along with all  

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

of their weapons. Later, the group interrogates 
the Spetsnaz’s leader about their plans but the  

latter refuses to reveal anything. He continues 
speaking in Russian, but yet manages to say  

‘Go to hell Yankees’. This enrages the group, 
and they execute him without any hesitation.

Following this, the group examines the dead 
bodies of the enemy forces and finds the portable  

tracking device. They discover that the tracking 
device is pointing at Daryl, indicating that he  

is the source of it. Jed confronts Daryl, who 
then admits that the Soviets apprehended him  

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

after his father turned him in. He goes on to 
say that the Soviets forced him to swallow a  

tracking chip before releasing him to join the 
Wolverines. Daryl begs for his life but Robert,  

who learns that the others don’t have guts to kill 
their own friend, shoots him for his betrayal.

Later, the Wolverines reach a new location 
from where they keep an eye on a group of  

Soviet trucks transporting food. Matt is about to 
fire a rocket gun at the soldiers but just then,  

the soldiers unknowingly drop 
some food boxes. The Wolverines,  

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

who are starving at this point, 
decide to abort their mission  

so that they can retrieve the food. And as soon 
as the soldiers leave, they grab the food and  

eat it voraciously. They appear to be happy to 
eat normal food after such a long time. However,  

their happiness is short-lived as the Soviet 
helicopters swiftly approach them. The Wolverines  

catch wind of the impending danger, but it is 
too late. In no time, they are pelted with heavy  

firing, causing Toni to be shot. Although severely 
outnumbered the group still manages to fight back.  

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

Soon after, Jed carries Toni on the horse and 
all of them begin to escape. In the process,  

Robert manages to take down one of the helicopters 
but he is soon executed by another one.

Meanwhile, Jed realizes that Toni won’t survive 
for long, so he places her behind a rock. The two  

then talk about the state of their friendship, 
and how war can ravage an entire nation. After  

a while, Toni expresses her desire to go out on 
her own, rather than being killed by the Soviets.  

She requests Jed for a grenade, and after a lot 
of convincing, he agrees. He hands her a live  

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

grenade, and leaves the place. Following this, 
the rest of the Wolverines escape the place.

After some time, the Soviet soldiers 
and their General exit the helicopter  

and begin searching for the dead 
bodies of Wolverines. Soon after,  

one of the soldiers discovers Toni’s body 
and confirms her death. In this process,  

the grenade falls from Toni’s grasp, causing 
an explosion that takes the soldier’s life.

Later that night, the Wolverines devise 
a plan in which Jed and Matt decide to  

attack the Soviet headquarters in Calumet. 
Their goal is to distract the soldiers,  

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

so that Danny and Erica can escape the city and 
live a life without fear. Erica tries to convince  

Jed that she too wants to join in the attack, 
but Jed tells her that someone has to survive.

Wasting no time, the two brothers head towards 
the headquarters and begin firing at the soldiers.  

They are able to kill several soldiers but after 
a while, Matt gets shot on the chest by a Soviet  

army commander. Jed takes down the commander, 
but he also gets injured in the process. Later,  

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

while a distraught Jed is carrying his brother 
away, they are spotted by Colonel Bella. However,  

when he senses their loss, he allows them to 
leave. The two brothers then sit in a park  

and reminisce about their childhood days. Slowly, 
both of them pass away, holding each other.

On the other hand, Danny and Erica trek through 
the rocky mountains until they reach America’s  

safe haven. In the last scene, we see a 
Partisan rock and American flag nearby,  

RED DAWN 1984 Movie Explained

indicating the victory of America. In the Partisan 
rock, it is mentioned : In the early days of World  

War three, guerillas, mostly children, placed the 
names of their lost upon this rock. They fought  

here alone and gave up their lives ‘so that 
this nation shall not perish from the earth’.


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