Reincarnation Land (2022) Movie Explained

At the beginning of the movie, the villagers were gathered in one place.

There was a ceremony going on.

Two girls were sitting on a boat

Meanwhile, a token comes between them, and everyone is fighting for it.

One of the girls who were sitting on the boat comes and takes the token.

Everyone started chasing each other and beating each other up.

The girl ran away while taking the token and a man tries to chase her.

The girl reaches her last point while showing her skills with the token.

Reincarnation Land (2022) Movie Explained

It was a game that was won by ”Zhao” and the people there were shouting ”Zhao’s” name.

Her friends were also happy that she has won this game.

She enters a cave with the token and discovers three stone statues

meanwhile, a statue talks to her.

She gets scared to see his meanwhile, the earth bursts

and a Ghost king arrives who lifts up ”Zhao” in its hands.

She says look, I have won the game and I have this token

but the Ghost king says okay I’ll answer one of your questions.

Reincarnation Land (2022) Movie Explained

She enters a cave with the token and discovers three stone statues.

”Zhao” asks where is my master who vanished a year ago?

The ghost asks do you want to see your master?

”Zhao” says yes, then the ghost king makes her fall down.

She moves under the Earth and now she was in ”Hell”

and the people present there were burning in the fire.

Except for this, the people who fell to the ground were ended by colliding with the stones.

There were few people who were trying to escape from the fire.

Reincarnation Land (2022) Movie Explained

There was a huge rock so everyone try to get on it.

”Zhao” also falls on it but ”Zhao’s” master holds her hand.

He says if you will fall down once you can’t come back

now ”Zhao’s” master falls down while saving her.

”Zhao” again comes inside that cave

and the Ghost king says, now you know it your master has died.

Now if you want to know more about your master you have to do a task for me.

”Zhao” asks about the task and then she moves to a cave

Reincarnation Land (2022) Movie Explained

there she gives an animal’s head to a dwarf.

After it, she comes to a village where the villagers were burning the statue of the Ghost king.

Everyone was getting excited and then the Ghost king arrives.

It says to everyone how dare you burn the statue of your God?

It becomes furious at it and starts destroying the village.

The villagers were fleeing and running.

Meanwhile, the Ghost King sees a man whose life it has ended by burning alive.

Then another man is shown who was announced to death sentence by the Ghost king.

Reincarnation Land (2022) Movie Explained

Meanwhile, the man’s daughter arrives and weeps profusely upon seeing her father’s condition.

Then a soldier arrives and says to the girl you can’t do anything.

The Ghost king has punished your father,

but the girl claims her father told her that there is a man in another village who knows everything.

I will find out that man and will find out the truth

however, the soldier convinces that man’s daughter not to go there.

He says that is a dangerous place

and if you will go there once you can’t come back from there.

Reincarnation Land (2022) Movie Explained

On another side, ”Zhao’s” friend was missing her father

here we discover the father of ”Zhao’s” friend was ”Zhao’s” master.

The master who was ended by the Ghost king.

”Zhao” reaches a palace and finds a pretty girl showing tricks

but that girl was aiming arrows while showing her tricks.

”Zhao” was also shot with an arrow

but the surprising thing was the pretty girl falls into the water herself.

She dies and then a few soldiers arrive

Reincarnation Land (2022) Movie Explained

and one of them was the soldier who was making that man’s daughter understand.

He gets shocked to see ”Zhao”.

He discovers that “Zhao’s” face resembles the girl whose father was punished by the Ghost king.

They have the same faces.

The soldier was considering her that man’s daughter.

”Zhao” asks the soldier who are you I don’t know? and she comes out.

The soldier was still chasing ”Zhao” and he forbids her to go to the underground village.

On another side, that man’s daughter comes into the cave

Reincarnation Land (2022) Movie Explained

and the companions of the Ghost king consider her ”Zhao”.

This girl was named ”Qingqing” and she also doesn’t understand why they are calling her ”Zhao”.

Then she goes to ”Zhao’s” friend and she was also saying ”Zhao” you have arrived.

That man’s daughter says do you know me?

meanwhile, a man beats ”Zhao’s” younger brother while bringing him there.

The girl named ”Qingqing” beats the men while showing her skills.

”Zhao’s” friends were considering her ”Zhao”

and they were perplexed as to where “Zhao” had learned all of this?

Reincarnation Land (2022) Movie Explained

The girl asks ”Zhao’s” friend where is the Ghost king?

Now “Zhao” appears in front of them, and both “Qingqing” and “Zhao” are surprised to see each other.

They look the same.

Here, “Zhao’s” sister tells her the truth about what her father told her:

“Zhao” was fallen from the upside village by soldiers in order to kill her.

The master held her that time and ”Zhao” becomes depressed to hear this.

The soldier was also there and he says you must be twins

Reincarnation Land (2022) Movie Explained

and you must be separated from each other in childhood.

After this, the girl ”Qingqing” moves to the village of the Ghost king.

Her father was taken for giving him a death sentence.

She fights with the soldiers and takes her father from there

now she has taken him to ”Zhao” and he also gets surprised to see ”Zhao”.

”Zhao” resembles his daughter

on another side, there were posters of ”Qingqing’s” father in the Ghost king’s village.

Reincarnation Land (2022) Movie Explained

Everyone was in search of him then a man says I don’t believe in God.

Suddenly, that man’s body catches fire and he dies while falling into the water.

This news spread in the whole city that the people are dying because of the fire.

”Zhao” was finding her token through which she talked to the Ghost king.

Meanwhile, ”Qingqing” brings that token and gives it to her while saying you are with them

but ”Zhao” says If I will not do what the Ghost king said it will end me.

Reincarnation Land (2022) Movie Explained

People in our village do what the Ghost King says, and “Zhao” has thrown that token there in retaliation.

Then she leaves from there

but a man there was saying to everyone that I have a magical water.

The Ghost king can never end you if you will drink this water

meanwhile, a wolf arrives and starts drinking water.

Seeing it, the villagers start drinking water and they agree with that man.

”Zhao’s” friend reads a book and tells them that water is poisonuous.

Reincarnation Land (2022) Movie Explained

It can cause the spread of infection among people.

The twin of ”Zhao” says after hearing this, isn’t there any cure for it?

”Zhao’s” friend says there is a cure

but then the soldiers of the Ghost king arrive.

They attempt to end “Zhao,” but her friends and her twin-faced girl save her.

One of the soldiers tells her that the Ghost king ordered us to end you

now they were running from there while escaping.

Meanwhile, the people who died while burning in the Ghost King’s village appear in front of them.

Reincarnation Land (2022) Movie Explained

They were still alive.

They attack them and they were also facing them.

They end everyone one by one.

”Qingqing’s” father was also stabbed a knife during the fight

and her daughter weeps a lot to see him in this condition.

”Zhao” comes to ”Qingqing” and says we all will be ended if we will not leave.

You are not alone I am with you as we have same faces

Reincarnation Land (2022) Movie Explained

we are also sisters and everyone says they are with us.

”Qingqqing” decides she will take revenge on the Ghost king for her father’s death.

They go to the place where the dead bodies are placed.

“Zhao” discovers their body was made of wax, and she is surprised to see all of this.

Meanwhile, a lady arrives who was trying to end ”Qingqing”

but she ends that lady while showing her skills.

Reincarnation Land (2022) Movie Explained

Later, they see a plan made on the wall.

They discover that the true king of this village will be attacked.

On the other hand, the people surrounding the king were turning into zombies.

It was caused by the water that the man made them drank.

She asks them to bring their medicine from the other village until then I will face them.

Until then, I’ll stop them. “Zhao” has arrived at the Ghost King’s village and discovers it attacked the people.

Reincarnation Land (2022) Movie Explained

The villagers were running while escaping

then ”Zhao” comes in front of the Ghost king while sitting on a boat.

The Ghost king tries to end her

and she wasn’t getting scared so she calls everyone loudly.

She says look, there isn’t any real Ghost king and this is just your illusion.

It is the illusion you have fixed in your mind.

Reincarnation Land (2022) Movie Explained

She tells them about people dying and how the wolf who drank water was just for show.

”Zhao”’ says to the Ghost king you are just an illusion or imagination of people, nothing else.

I know you are a human and making people fool as the Ghost king.

Then a man is shown running out of a house

seeing that man the villagers chase him.

They hold him and then ”Zhao” asks the man why he did this?

Reincarnation Land (2022) Movie Explained

why you make people frightened?

He was the man who told the people that after drinking the water, the Ghost King would have no effect on them.

He tells I have done all this to take my revenge.

A soldier has ended my family and I wanted to take revenge

that’s why I fooled the people who lived here.

had a book in which it was written how to deceive or fool someone.

Reincarnation Land (2022) Movie Explained

I learned everything from there you may call it magic I showed a huge Ghost king to the people.

It didn’t exist in real and I was controlling it from the start.

The poeple you saw dying while burning that was also just an illusion

except for this, I make the villagers drank a chemical water.

Due to it, they turn into zombies in real and now spreading destructin.

I start scaring everyone by making them afraid of the Ghost King

hearing it, ”Zhao’s” friend says my father knew about all this.

Reincarnation Land (2022) Movie Explained

That’s why you ended my father as well and then stabbed him a knife.

She says it’s for my father, and “Zhao” stabs him with a knife as well

now the man has died.

On another side, ”Qingqing” was still fighting with everyone who turned into zombies.

”Zhao” arrives and then they give medicine to the villagers

later, everything becomes fine in this village.

“Zhao” and “Qingqing” embrace.

This is the final scene of the movie.


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