She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

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Story starts with a girl named “Jennifer,” who works as a lawyer and does a good job. She was discussing a case at the time, and they left from there. Meanwhile, “Jennifer” stops and tells people seeing in the camera that she is “She-Hulk.” She takes people into the past to tell them the story how she become ”She-Hulk”? She was on her way somewhere with her cousin “Hulk,” and “Bruce,” tells her that his injured hand from a war is healing.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

I also had made a machine in my lab that keeps me in my human getup and don’t let me change into ”Hulk”.ZThey were moving while talking but then a spaceship comes in front of their car ”Jennifer” gets scared to see it and loses her control on the car due to it, they get into an accident. ”Bruce” was bleeding and ”Jennifer” gets panicked to see him and touches him even he forbids her. ”Bruce’s” blood falls on her and she changes into ”She Hulk” because of it.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

Turning into ”She Hulk” she runs toward the forest being enraged and then suddenly gets faint and falls down. She again becomes ”Jennifer” when she comes to her senses. Now they move into a hotel from the forest and there, they wear clothes and get ready with the help of few girls. They were leaving but few boys arrive who start teasing them and ”Jennifer” becomes furious at those boys

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

and she again turns into ”She Hulk”. Before she could do anything ”Bruce” arrives and takes her with him. She awakes the next morning and finds herself ”Jennifer” and moves to ”Bruce’s” lab while changing her clothes. ”Bruce” was in the getup of smart hulk at this time, he tells ”Jennifer” that we are on an island and this lab was presented me as a gift from ”Iron man”.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

Here, for many years I learned to control my hulk getup but now my whole attention is on your training. ”Jennifer” wants to be like before at any cost but ”Bruce” can’t do anything for her in this matter. As he was dealing with this hulk getup for many years now he starts teaching her to control her hulk getup and tells her for this, she has to control her anger.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

”Jennifer” can already do this very well as she was a lawyer and discovers the thing for which he took 25 years to control, ”Jennifer” can do it easily while changing into ”Hulk” right now. ”Bruce” feels jealous after knowing this but he encourages her and says that your training will take no time.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

”Jennifer” is seen as ”Jennifer” when she awakes after turning into ”Hulk”. ”Hulk” awakes her while making noise due to it, she becomes furious and turns into ”She Hulk” and her bed breaks. ”Hulk” makes her understand what kind of clothes and bed she will need now. Later, he teaches ”Jennifer” the ways to fight

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

but ”She Hulk” wants to go back to her home while changing into ”Jennifer” to live the peaceful and ordinary life. ”Hulk” says it will take time and you have to stay here until I  believe that you can move into ordinary people. ”Jennifer” was depressed because of it as her life changed in a single night. ”Hulk” starts telling her about the  benefits of ”Hulk” powers to improve her mood. He says ”Hulks” can drink a lot of beer at once that is impossible to do for a normal human.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

After it, they drink a lot of beer, now the next day, ”Jennifer” was doing everything well in her training. She becomes ”Jennifer” and adopts ”Hulk’s” getup whenever she wants but ”Hulk” takes years to do this. Here we can say ”Hulk’s” training of years becomes beneficial for ”Jennifer” otherwise, she would have to work hard if ”Hulk” wouldn’t alive.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

She was fed up of living here and wants her previous life, here, ”Bruce” was making her understand and they start fighting. Now an amazing getup of ”Hulk” and ”She-Hulk” is seen, they were giving tough competition to each other. The island destroys as well as ”Hulk’s” bar that he loved so much. Then he asks ”She Hulk” to repair his bar when she becomes relax, after repairing it, ”Hulk” allows ”Jennifer” to go back.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

He is shown depressed while doing this because once again he will be alone. ”Jennifer” is again shown in the next scene in present who moves to the court for fighting her case after telling this story. Meanwhile, an evil girl who was a villain arrives who has super powers and starts spreading destruction now ”Jennifer” has no other way so she changes into ”She-Hulk” and saves everyone while fighting with the villain.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

Everyone discovers about her ”Hulk” getup and she becomes famous in a short time. Even it was told about her in the news that how she has saved everyone while turning into ”She-Hulk”. ”Jennifer” wasn’t liking anything because she doesn’t want to become a superhero or famous. She just like her previous simple and old life. She believes the life of superheroes is tough as they help people and do hard work without money.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

Then she moves to the party that was arranged by her friends because she won the case and become ”She-Hulk”. Everyone was happy meanwhile, ”Jennifer’s” boss arrives and says I have to talk to you so come into ”Jennifer’s” getup from ”She-Hulk”. ”Jennifer” does this and because of it, she loses her balance and falls down. She was drunk and didn’t recognize it in ”Hulk’s” getup. Her boss says you have won the case but the people think you won because of changing into ”She-Hulk”.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

You saved the judge’s life, so they made a decision in your favor, and this case was closed as a result. This isn’t good for our company and I am terminating you because now you are a ”She-Hulk”. ”Jennifer” becomes astonished to hear this but handling herself she starts finding a new job. This was difficult for her as none was giving job to a ”She-Hulk” now she was sitting being disappointed but then receives a message from her parents.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

They call her at dinner tonight, here she sits with her father and lights herself as her life was changed in last few days. She even says I wished I would have left ”Bruce” there to die that day then maybe everything would be fine and I wouldn’t have to bear all this. Her father encourages her and then ”Jennifer” moves to face the problems with a new hope. “Jennifer” was in a bar when the boss of the company she was fighting a case against arrived.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

He calls ”Jennifer” to his office tomorrow while offering her job reaching there, she discovers they are opening a new department where she has to fight humans case having superpowers. Such humans are called ”Super-Humans” and she has to be in ”Hulk’s” getup all the time on the job. Hearing this, ”Jennifer” says seeing in the camera why I always have to do the task that I don’t want to? We feel bad for “Jennifer,” but we also laugh at her situation.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

Well, she was told her first case will be for ”Abomination” who was actually a huge enemy of ”Hulk”. He even tried to end ”Hulk”. ”Hulk” defeated him and put him in jail but now his imprisonment is completed. The people will make a lot of noise when he will be released so ”Jennifer’s” boss asks her to fight his case to prove him innocent in the court. ”Jennifer” was panicked to do this because of ”Bruce” but her boss asks her to think once and to meet ”Abomination”.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

”Jennifer” goes to meet ”Abomination” to jail and ”Abomination” doesn’t leave any chance to prove himself innocent. He tells ”Jennifer” I was an ordinary human who want to help people with superpowers but because of the experiment of the government I became an evil villain and ”Hulk” became ”Hero”. Now I am changed and want to spend a peaceful life and for this, I need your help. ”Jennifer” leaves while asking for time to think,

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

reaching home, she calls ”Hulk” and after telling him everything she asks for permission to work on this case. ”Hulk” agrees for this because he was feeling that ”Abomination” is changed now. ”Jennifer” feels good after hearing this. ”Jennifer” calls her boss happily and tells him that she is ready to wok on this case meanwhile, her boss asks her to watch the TV and she sees ”Abomination” escaped from jail and fighting somewhere.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

It means he isn’t changed and was just acting in front of ”Jennifer” seeing it, ”Jennifer” again moves to meet ”Abomination” in anger who was again arrested. ”Jennifer” becomes furious at him that you lied to me and acted in front of me but he tells her that he hasn’t done this with his own will and the chief named ”Wong” is a magician who made me do this. ”Jennifer” asks her friend to discover ”Wong” and she discovers that he worked in a library before

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

then she moves to meet ”Wong” immediately to know why he asked ”Abomination” to fight? There were news about ”Jennifer” that she is fighting a wrong man’s case and supporting him ”Abomination”, that can be a danger for the whole world. ”Jennifer” starts handling her case and then ”Wong” arrives who says what ”Abomination” is saying is right. Actually, I become a magician and to know my powers I took ”Abomination” to that club.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

So I can control my powers while fighting with him. ”She-Hulk” tells ”Wong” because of his this act ”Abomination” will not get bail but if you will say in the court that ”Abomination” is innocent and you have taken him for fighting, he may escape. ”Wong” agrees after hearing this and now ”Abomination’s” case starts and the decisions were at his side and he tells the judges that now I can control my ”Abomination” getup.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

Then he shows them while changing into ”Abomination and everyone gets scared even he was in jail. The judges grant him bail seeing this but forbid him to come into ”Abomination’s” getup again. The media wasn’t sparing ”Jennifer” when she comes out after winning the case, Someone was complimenting her and someone was criticizing her, but “Jennifer” ignores both and flees. One of the old friends of ”Jennifer” comes to the super humans office with a case against his friend,

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

he says his friend is an elf means he isn’t a human but another creature. He deceived me that’s why I want to do a case against him, the next day, ”Jennifer” helps her colleague to win the elf’s case. Then she finally comes on the TV after getting courage and shows her ”She-Hulk” getup to people. A few people attack ”Jennifer” when she was returning home at night but she saves herself changing into ”She-Hulk” actually, they were trying to take her blood sample through an injection.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

The injection broke because of changing into ”She-Hulk” and she escaped After it, ”Jennifer” and her colleague are shown happy and dancing, they were enjoying their victory. Now ”She-Hulk’s” part 4 starts and a magician is shown, He was putting on his show and performing little magic tricks, and everyone was getting tired of seeing his useless magic. Then he was about to show them the huge magic trick of his show and calls a girl from the audience she was named ”Medicine” and the girl was drunk and she wasn’t in her senses.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

The magician opens a portal while wearing a strange ring and the girl ”Medicine” moves in it mistakenly. Then a scene is shown where ”Wong” is sitting and watching his favorite show and was enjoying it. Meanwhile, ”Medicine ” reaches here while transferring from that path and ”Wong” asks her did any magician send you here through a portal? and she says yes, he has sent me through that way.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

I come here while saving my life and ”Wong” asks what happened there? She tells I gave six blood drops to someone and he has saved me from the well of burning lava in return ”Wong” becomes furious hearing this and decides to investigate about the magician. ”Jennifer” and her father are shown and her father brings few cameras, weapons and a shovel for her protection. He says yesterday night four goons have attacked you due to it, I was worried and had to do something for your protection.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

”Jennifer” says father you know I am ”She-Hulk” and like others you also don’t know about my power. Don’t worry I can protect myself and will make everything normal. Reaching the office, ”Jennifer” was talking to her friend and she asks ”Jennifer” what’s going on in your life? Aren’t you bored with your life? Allow me to create an ID for you on a website to alleviate your boredom. It is site through which people meet with each other and find out their life partner.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

Meanwhile, ”Wong” arrives and says there is an insane magician who is using a portal without any license. It is illegal and I want to report such people and these wrong acts should be stopped. If this will not stop the dangerous animals and creatures will come to our world, it is dangerous for the humanity. Hearing this, ”Jennifer” asks him do you have any agreement or any kind of paper or notice from the government?

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

on which I can proceed because if we will go in front of the judge without any paper he will not even allow us to stand in the court. ”Wong” says I have nothing like this but I do have witness who can tell that the magician has done all this. He was leaving after saying this but ”Jennifer” says give me your name, address at least something this time. On it, ”Wong” gives her a card through magic and says call on this number I will come immediately.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

”Jennifer” and her friend were sitting in a bar in the evening and her friend texts many people from ”Jennifer’s” cell to meet. None was ready to meet her, seeing it, her friend asks her to make her profile as ”She-Hulk” then see how people will come to meet you. She doesn’t say or does anything and then the magician is shown in his office ”Wong” and ”Jennifer” were also there. They give him a notice to warn him and say from now on you will not do any kind of magic because it may bring a huge danger in the human world and you don’t even know it.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

The magician doesn’t obey them and says I can drag you to the court for this ”Jennifer” says okay then, now I will meet you in the court. Here, ”Wong” and the magician” were doing different funny magics with each other. ”Jennifer” goes to meet a boy but after meeting many boys she doesn’t meet anyone like her. The next day, the witnesses are called in the court and the judge tells them if you don’t have any prove or witness we will stop this case here.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

”Wong” calls ”Medicine” here through magic she says that magician has disappeared me but I reached the place that I can’t tell. As I promised someone that I will keep it a secret and will not tell anyone so let it be a secret I can’t tell you. Because the judge couldn’t understand anything, she adjourned the case until next week. ”Jennifer” was getting bore at home so she changes her profile from ”Jennifer” to ”She-Hulk”.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

Then It happens the same as her friend said, the boys start sending her messages to meet ”She-Hulk”. The magician is shown in his show and he was about to disappear another girl through that portal but the girl forbids him to do this and says my friend whom you disappeared the last time didn’t come back yet. That’s why you can’t trap me.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

Hearing this, the magician opens the portal somewhere else and a bird comes out of it and lays en egg in that girl’s hand.As the egg hatches a creature comes out of it and everyone becomes surprised to see this. Then the magician open another huge portal and try to send her inside as the creature was getting bigger.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

According to the magician everything should be fine but he was thinking wrong because many creatures like it come out of the portal into our world and start spreading destruction everywhere. ”Wong” was a magician so this magician has no other way except for taking help from ”Wong”.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

He calls ”Wong” and ”Wong” has to get in this fight unwillingly on the other side, ”She-hulk” reaches to meet a boy and this time, she meets many boys. Few of them claim we can lift a lot of weight at once, and how much weight can you lift? She claims she can easily lift 1 or 2 tonnes, and she finally likes one of them, a doctor.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

”She-Hulk” takes him home but before they talk ”Wong” arrives and says ”Jennifer” I need your help so come with me hurry up. ”Wong” takes ”She-hulk” to the place where the creatures were spreading destruction. Even now the creatures were coming out of the portal one by one, ”Jennifer” asks ”Wong” what I have to do? ”Wong” says I will open another portal and you have to throw them into another world.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

The special thing was the size of the creature was increasing as they were ending them. Even then ”Wong” makes a magical rope and throws all the creatures to the other world while wrapping them. Then he shuts the portal and after it, ”Jennifer” returns home where the boy was waiting for her.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

The night appears and the next morning the boy sees ”Jennifer” in her real getup and thinks who is she? then he thinks of leaving from there because he only liked ”She-Hulk”. Meanwhile, a man arrives at her door to deliver a notice, and when she opens it, she discovers that a girl has sent it. It was written that I chose the name “She Hulk” first, which means that this is my name.

She Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 1,2,3,4 Explained

I have a profile with this name that is also registered. You have stolen my name so there will be a case against you after it, ”Medicine” is shown sitting with ”Wong” and taking his name weirdly.  They were talking about different kind of beers. We will upload the remaining parts of the series as they become available, but until then, goodbye. Thank you for watching.


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