Snowpiercer Full Movie Explained

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The movie starts in the year 2014. Global warming 
is at its height and climate change is about to  

end human life once and for all. The common 
people are relying on scientists to somehow  

save the world while even the scientists are 
panicking at the rate of decreasing resources.

When humanity is only a step away from 
extinction, a magical coolant called CW-7  

is discovered. With the correct 
amount of CW-7 in the atmosphere,  

the world is said to go back to its 
natural form. Without wasting more time,  

the authorities in seventy-nine countries 
collectively decide to release a certain  

amount of CW-7 into the atmosphere. The program 
is initiated and completed successfully. However,  

the results are something that no one could 
have imagined in their wildest dreams.

Instead of battling global warming, CW-7 
cools the atmosphere to extreme levels,  

so much so that the entire world freezes and the 
earth goes back to the ice age. Almost all human  

beings freeze to death in less than a week.

Snowpiercer Full Movie Watch Online

Only a tiny percentage of humans survive  

by getting on a train called Snowpiercer built by 
a railway specialist Wilford. It is powered by a  

perpetual motion engine that is able to work even 
in extreme temperatures. The train never stops,  

moving all twenty-four hours of three hundred 
sixty-five days. This is because the heating  

system inside only works when it continuously 
moves or else even the train would freeze.  

The railway track goes to different countries as 
it is created by joining every track in the world.  

The train takes exactly a year to 
make a full circle of its track  

which is how the people measure time.
Seventeen years later, in 2031 the train  

is still in motion and has never come to halt. 
Inside, people are divided into three different  

classes. The leader of the entire human 
population is the creator of the train,  

Wilford. It is said that he lives above the engine 
storage and has an entire room to himself.

After him, are the elites who only make 
upto one percentage of the population.  

They live in the frontal compartments and get 
to enjoy all the luxuries in life like bars,  

expensive restaurants, saloons, hospitals, 
and even schools for their children.

Second, comes the middle compartment 
which consists of laborers who work for  

the first-class people. They do not receive 
as many services but get the opportunity  

to work their way up to the first class.
Then, in the last windowless tiny compartment  

lives a population of freeloaders who are treated 
like cattle. They are not given any resources  

other than occasional black bars of gluten. 
The group survives by reminding themselves  

at least they are alive but they don’t even 
have the privilege to look at the sunlight.

For food, the train has a built-in greenhouse 
that grows enough vegetables for the first  

and second classes. Meanwhile, water is created 
by melting ice in front of the train.

One afternoon, two guards go to the last 
compartment to distribute food. It is again the  

jelly-like substance called the protein bar.
This time, the guards inquire if there is a  

violinist onboard since they need one for 
the entertainment of the first-class people.  

An old couple comes forward but it turns out 
that only one can come with them. When the couple  

refuses to go without each other, the guards 
push the old woman and drag her husband away.

The leaders of the freeloaders are two young 
men named Curtis and Edgar. They do as much as  

they can for the community but haven’t been able 
to make any significant change. Every day, they  

receive a single capsule with a message inside one 
random protein bar. The messages range from the  

blueprint of the train to motivating quotes.
This time, the capsule contains the name of the  

designer of the train, Nam. He is currently 
held as a prisoner in the prison compartment.  

No one knows who sends the capsule messages 
but Curtis believes that they are an ally.

In the past seventeen years, freeloaders 
have protested twice. They failed both  

times and caused many deaths but their spirit 
to fight for equal rights hasn’t changed. Curtis  

and Edgar are constantly planning their next 
move and encouraging people to join them.

One of the passengers among the freeloaders is an 
old man named Gilliam. He is missing one arm and  

a leg but is determined to improve their living 
situation. He is also the spiritual leader of the  

group and is the one holding everyone together.
Curtis comes to Gilliam to show him the latest  

message. They believe that someone wants Curtis to 
meet designer Nam. As they talk, the guards enter  

the compartment and start measuring the height of 
every kid. At last, they decide to take two kids  

named Timi and Andy. Timi’s mother begs and cries 
for them to stop but the guards push her away.

A man named Andrew throws his shoe at the 
guards, making their blood boil. Then,  

we are introduced to a woman named Minister 
Mason. She is in charge of maintaining peace  

and security on the train and is also the only 
first-class person the freeloaders have seen.

As punishment, Mason makes Andrew keep his 
hand out of the train for seven minutes.  

When he brings the arm inside, it is completely 
frozen. The guards then cut it with a hammer,  

leaving him bleeding and in pain.
Mason tells the freeloaders to let this  

be a lesson because they are like shoes 
whose very job is to stay at the bottom.  

After everything calms down, the entire freeloader 
community fumes in anger. This is not the first  

time they have been treated like animals but this 
time, they have had enough of the injustice.

That entire night, they make an elaborate plan 
to attack the guards. Rumor has it that the  

guards ran out of bullets in the last protest 
and are carrying empty guns. Curtis takes it  

upon himself to see if the rumor is true.
The next day, the compartment door opens,  

and in comes the guy who brings food 
daily. Curtis walks to him and points  

the gun at himself, asking the man to shoot. 
Lo and behold, the gun turns out to be empty  

which is a sign for the others to attack.
The plan works and they manage to enter the  

prison section of the train. There, Curtis meets 
designer Nam whose name was written on the last  

message. Nam and his little daughter Yona 
are addicted to a substance called Kronole.  

They only agree to join the group if they are 
provided with enough Kronole. Curtis agrees and  

welcomes them to the freeloader community.
Using his skills, Nam opens the door to the  

next compartment which has a window. The 
group can almost not believe how bright  

the compartment is as they finally get to 
see sunlight after seventeen years.

Following that, they enter the kitchen 
area specially made for the poor class.  

To their horror, they discover that the 
protein bar they have been feeding on  

is made up of ground cockroaches.
After a few more compartments, they  

will reach the water filtrate. Gilliam advises 
that they hold the filtrate in their possession  

which will give them a ground for negotiation 
with the guards. That way, they can ask for  

equal rights in turn for water.
However, they are met with a surprise  

when they open the next door and see a 
horde of guards with axes waiting for them.  

A fight ensues where many people from both sides 
lose their lives. Amidst the battle, Nam sees  

a point outside the train which he clearly 
remembers was not visible last year when he  

wasn’t in prison. This means that the ice outside 
is surely melting to some extent and humankind  

will soon be able to live on the ground.
Suddenly, Mason makes an announcement and asks  

the guards to kill seventy percent of the 
freeloaders. At the same time, they cross  

through a tunnel which gives the guards an upper 
hand because they own night vision goggles. Many  

of Curtis’s people die in the following fight.
But in the end, the cruel minister is captured  

and threatened, so she orders the guards 
to stop. The freeloaders want to kill the  

woman but they still need her to manipulate 
the guards. Upon being asked, she reveals  

that the children that were stolen yesterday 
are with the captain of the train Wilford.  

She doesn’t know what he does with children 
but is aware that he orders many of them.

Mason promises to bring the group to Wilford’s 
compartment in exchange for her life.  

Curtis agrees but only a handful of people led by 
him decide to join Mason. The rest stay behind for  

their own safety. Before leaving, Andrew makes 
a portrait of the group alongside Mason who has  

a shoe on her head. It is a slap back for the 
time she compared the freeloaders to shoes who  

are supposed to be on the bottom.
Following that, they make their way to  

the first-class lounges that consist of an 
aquarium, a greenhouse with fresh fruits,  

and a sushi station. Mason \asks them to sit 
down for sushi and shamelessly boasts about  

the services. But while the others enjoy fresh 
fish, she is made to eat the protein bar.

The next compartment is the school for 
children. Starting from an early age,  

they are brainwashed about freeloaders and are 
taught to look up to Wilford as their king.

Timi’s mother asks them about the missing kids and 
a little boy reveals that they were taken through  

the front door. At the same time, the train passes 
a monumental place. It is the area where the  

bodies of seven frozen people are clearly visible. 
They were explorers who jumped off the train a  

few years ago, hoping to survive on land.
Back in the compartment of the freeloaders,  

everyone is impatiently waiting for the group 
to return with good news. Surprisingly, they are  

approached by a man with a cart full of eggs. They 
are shocked because they were under the impression  

that all forms of animals on earth are dead.
The man laughs, claiming that it is just a rumor,  

just like the story about empty guns 
is also a rumor. With that being said,  

he brings a gun out and starts firing at them.
Similarly, the teacher in the children’s  

classroom also does the same. She manages 
to kill Andrew before Curtis kills her. The  

classroom also has a monitor where the CCTV 
footage of the last compartment is shown.  

A guard in the compartment brings Gilliam in 
front of the camera and shoots him dead.

Gilliam was very close to Curtis’s heart, 
hence, the death crushes his spirit. In anger  

and to take revenge, he shoots Mason dead. 
Then, the surviving group moves forward and  

ends up in a room filled with high-class 
people socializing with each other.

They are enjoying luxuries like alcohol, expensive 
clothes, saloons, medicines, and doctors. Right  

before the group enters the engine room, another 
batch of guards attacks them. They fight with all  

they have but Timi’s mother dies in the battle.
Now, the only surviving ones are Curtis, Nam, and  

his daughter Yona. They cross a club filled with 
the high youngsters and finally reach the door  

to Wilford’s room. Opening this door is out of 
Nam’s expertise so they sit down for a while.

Curtis starts telling the story of the time when 
they were new to the train. For the first few  

months, the lowest class were provided with 
no food whatsoever. When desperation hit,  

they resorted to cannibalism. The older people 
liked to eat children because their meat was  

tender and Curtis also took part in it.
One day, he was so hungry that he wanted to  

eat Edgar; Curtis’s late partner who was just a 
kid back then. At that time, Gillam stopped him  

and offered his hand in exchange for the kid’s 
life. That is how he lost one arm and a leg.  

Some days later, they were miraculously given the 
protein bars and the population survived. However,  

the guilt of what Curtis did never left 
his mind ever since. This is why he is  

so adamant about fighting for his people.
After listening to the story, Nam reveals that  

life outside of the train is possible and tells 
Curtis about the mountain that is visible now.

He also discloses that he is not an addict 
and has been collecting Kronole to make an  

explosive. He wants to use it to make a hole in 
the train and go outside. Just when he is about  

to light it on fire, Wilford’s assistant shoots 
him in the leg and brings Curtis inside.

In the following scene, he finally 
gets to meet Wilford who has grown old.  

Wilford reveals that he was the one who sent 
those messages in the capsules and he did so  

to start the riot. Every few years, he stirs up 
the low class so they protest and a few people are  

killed. This is a drastic measure taken to ensure 
the population on board remains manageable.

The protesters were supposed to be killed when 
the tunnel arrived but Mason being abducted  

changed everything. Not just that, but 
Gilliam also knew about the plan and was  

helping Wilford from the inside. Even though 
he did so to keep the human population alive,  

Curtis cannot help but be disappointed in him.
Outside, Nam and Yona are still trying to set off  

the explosive when the first-class maniacs attack 
Nam. Yona panics and runs to Curtis to ask for  

help. They suddenly notice a compartment 
on the floor where poor Timi is sitting  

in between the engines and working. Because 
the space is tiny, only kids can repair the  

broken parts but instead of the first-class 
children, Wilford chose the poor ones.

This is the last straw for Curtis. He attacks 
Wilford and knocks him out before trying to help  

Timi out of the compartment. Outside, Yona 
lights the explosive on fire. Everything  

goes silent for a few seconds before a loud bang 
lights the entire train on fire. It derails and  

everyone inside dies of the impact.
In the last scene, we see Yona and  

Timi walk out of the wreckage as 
the sole survivors of the crash.  

They notice a polar bear nearby, meaning that life 
on earth has returned and they have a chance to  



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