Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Film Explained

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This film begins after “Battle of New York”.

Where it is shown that,

After the destruction of the ‘Chitauri’ army’s building then much rubbish is spread throughout New York.

“Adrian” is assigned a duty to clean up that waste.

He is the main antagonist of this move who is also known by the name “Vulture” here.

But some members of “Department of Damage Control” are approached there.

Coming there, they say to “Adrian”, It is our duty exactly after this!

You may leave with your team!

It will be our Department who will hold the charge of this location.

It is also revealed here , This Department belongs to “Tony Stark” not with anyone else.

It is seen here that “Adrian” and his team had no task to do now.

So they bring some waste material from there after picking.

Meanwhile, Adrian’s team also knows that,

There were also some illegal weapons of Chitauri army in their brought waste material.

After this, Adrian’s team starts their investigation on this waste material.

And they also try to create some new weapons among those old ones.

Then movie’s story takes place eight years later.

“Tony Stark” is seen here who gets knowledge about “Peter Parker”.

Who is the leading character of this movie named “Spider Man”.

Because one of the videos of “Peter Parker” had gone viral on social media.

“Tony Stark” meets “Peter Parker” here.

It was the same time when “Tony Stark” had to build a great team against US battle.

So he tells “Spider Man” about this project meeting him.

Whereas “Tony Stark” was only intended to know how much abilities that ” Peter Parker” possesses.

How much excellence he can show!

“Tony Stark” drops “Peter Parker” at his home after a short conversation.

Moreover, “Tony Stark” also gives him his new suit.

Spider-Man Homecoming Watch Online

“Peter Parker” feels excitement , getting this suit.

And he was also not focusing on his school because of this.

And he begins to perform his duties there as being “Spider Man”.

He had started to help the people in his city now.

He went to help the people where he detects the wrongdoings.

While walking, he witnesses some robbers in the bank.

Who were robbing the bank. At the same time, “Spider Man” reaches there to stop them.

“Spider Man” finally teaches those robbers a lesson after a great fight.

And he makes them arrest to the police, Later, “Spider Man” moves back to his house.

His close friend was already at his home when “Peter Parker” reaches there.

His friend is left shocked while Witnessing him the suit of “Spider Man”.

He was shocked on this as his friend is spiderman.

Whereas, “Peter Parker” did not want this as his secret of “Spider Man” may reveal before anyone.

But this secret had been exposed before his friend.

That “Peter Parker” is “Spider Man”. Now “Peter” includes his friend as his team member.

They both devote themselves in trying to rescue the World.

On the other side, Adrian’s team comes on the scene.

Who set out to sell the illegal weapons to the criminals after making the weapons.

It is known here that Adrian’s team had arrived o sell the weapons to some criminals.

Then “Spider Man” also enters at the exact moment.

“Spider Man” makes all the criminals flee from there after hitting.

And two bargainers of illegal weapons who came there ,

They were thinking as their third man is with “Spider Man”.

So they try to kill their third partner. In the meantime, “Spider Man” rescues that man.

And he makes both of them flee after teaching them lesson.

At the same time, “Vulture” also reaches there which is known that he is “Adrian”.

There is occurred a fight between “Spider Man” and “Adrian”.

Being more powerful, Vulture throws “Spider Man” into the water after picking him up.

“Spider Man” tries to open his parachute there.

But he remains entangled in his parachute and does not get courage to come outside.

Now that moment had arrived that “Spider Man” was facing short breath in the water.

And he was going to lose his breath!

Meanwhile, a robotic Armour of the “Iron Man” reaches there.

And he rescues “Spider Man”. This robot belonged to “Tony Stark”.

And he says to “Spider Man” , You have not changed into “Avenger” in a complete form!

You should take care yourself!

You should not indulge in a risky matter until your powers may not increase perfectly!

In this way, I will not come here every time to rescue you!

It is seen on the opposite side that “Adrian” had ordered his team to sell the illegal weapons.

In which they had not got success! “Adrian” flies into rage on this.

And he kills his own team member. The reason behind his killing was this,

“Adrian” tells his companion here, Our location had been detected before by anyone!

Due to this, we have remained unsuccessful to bargain our illegal weapons!

On the other side, “Spider Man” gets that weapon of which bargaining had been hindered by him.

Now he brings it at his home. And he also extracts that weapon’s power source.

Taking out its power source, “Peter Parker” and his friend make such a device,

Which works like Global Positioning system!

Now “Peter” says to his friend, We can also detect the bargaining of illegal weapon through this GPS!

We can help our country after detecting those locations!

Then “Peter Parker” knows about this that ,

The whole team belonged to the bargaining of the illegal weapons is present in Washington D.C.

Knowing about the presence of whole team in Washington D.C,

Then “Peter” says, he should also go there!

“Peter” has not much amount of money and there was also no other way to go to Washington D.C,

So he joins his school team again.

And he comes to know here that,

His school team is also leaving to Washington D.C for national tournament.

Now “Peter Parker” as a “Spider Man” reaches Washington D.C joining his school team.

It is also seen that “Peter Parker” and his friend,

They both are working on the suit of “Spider Man”, sitting in a room.

Now it is seen that “Peter Parker” and his friend had such a device,

Through which they could detect the location of the illegal weapons.

They come to know here that “Adrian” and his whole team have gone for the great dealing.

Because “Spider Man” had also known about these facts,

He begins to follow that truck where all illegal weapons had been placed.

Meanwhile, “Adrian” appears there in his Vulture suit.

Coming there, he hits “Spider Man” . So “Spider Man” falls into the same truck.

And that truck is driven to “Department of Damage Control”.

Then “Spider Man” comes to know , Those illegal weapons are nothing else but grenades!

Now “Spider Man” had entrapped in a big godown of “Department of Damage Control”.

And he had also no other way to escape.

Now he has to wait for the next delivery of weapons till the coming day.

And “Spider Man” does not waste his time here and he tries to use his device there.

He also tries the new spider web shooters there,

He also learns this, How he can attain the power and hold control over his !

Then the godown of “Department of Damage Control” is reopened.

Because the second delivery of the weapons was reaching there.

Then “Spider Man” moves away trickily from there.

Because “Spider Man” had awareness about this as that whole truck is filled with grenades.

So he goes to his friend in order to share this.

But his friends had gone in different directions for visiting.

When his friends are moving through the elevator then a great explosion occurs there.

Now “Spider Man” reaches that Tower.

But he does not find any place to enter that Tower.

At the same time, he reaches the top of that location.

The government and the police were thinking this there,

He is some kind of the impressionist and he has come to our World to harm the humanity!

Thinking this, those people begin to fire their guns at spiderman.

But “Spider Man” enters the Tower , breaking the glass and using his wisdom.

Meanwhile, he knows that elevator is under the influence because of that explosion.

In which his friends had been entrapped.

But spiderman struggles his best to stop that elevator.

And a time comes that elevator was going to smash with the floor.

“Spider Man” finally protects that elevator from smashing with the help of his web shooters.

Where his friends are entrapped. Then a new character named “Liz” of this movie also appears.

The scene moves to that man later,

Who had been rescued during bargaining by “Spider Man”.

He asks that man, coming there, Can you tell me?

Where is the bargaining of “Adrian” and his whole team going to be held?

At last, that man tells the “spider Man”. There is going to be held bargaining in a ferry.

He says that you can stop the dealing of those illegal weapons’ dealing if you are willing.

But you will have soon to move to that ferry.

After this, spider man immediately reaches that ferry now.

But “Adrian” has shown his trick and his dealing is going to start there.

In the meantime, “Spider Man” appears at that location ,

And he spoils that weapon with his web shooters.

That weapon was the grenade so it is activated there.

Then some emitting laser from that weapon halves that ferry.

Now the ferry had halved now and all passengers begin to fall into the water.

All goods of that ferry also begin to fall into the water.

Now “Spider Man” tries to fix those split part of the ferry with his hard struggle and web shooters.

But “Spider Man” is seen unsuccessful of doing this task.

At the same time, “Tony Stark” who is identified “Iron Man” enters here.

He also tries to repair that ferry , taking out the rocket cells from his pocket.

At last, that ferry is fixed. “Spider Man” and Iron man become successful of repairing that ferry.

After this, “Iron Man” fixes the whole ferry.

And he also repairs the both parts. Now that ferry had halved because of the “Spider Man”,

Due to this, many people were going to lose their lives.

For this cause, “Iron Man” shows his fury on “Spider Man”.

And he also talks about taking back his suit from the “Spider Man”.

But “Spider Man” clears to him, I am nothing without this suit!

“Tony Stark” says to “Spider Man” here, If you are nothing without this suit!

Then you don’t deserve this suit! Saying this, “Tony Stark” leaves that place.

Later, the scene moves on the character Peter Parker’s normal life.

Now “Peter Parker” wanted to lead his Normal life.

So he asks “Liz” for dancing here! “Liz” says to him that,

You may visit my home to pick me up!

Now “Peter Parker” reaches Liz’s house directly, getting ready.

He comes to know after reaching the house of “Liz”,

That Lliz’s father is not anyone else but “Adrian”! it means that the antagonist of this movie “Vulture”!

“Adrian” also tells “Peter Parker” here that,

My pursuit is different while my friendship is on the opposite side.

you will face the bitter consequences if you try to interrupt my affairs.

Then Liz’s father “Adrian” leaves both of them on the dancing location.

“Peter Parker” had detected it here , There is going on a great plan in the mind of “Adrian”!

So he leaves the dance party, leaving “Liz” alone there.

Now “Peter Parker” had not the possession of the spider man’s suit.

And he had given his suit to “Tony Stark”.

So he wears his an old suit and gets ready to fight with “Vulture”.

Then the partner of “Adrian” named “Jackson, he had put on an tool on his hand,

Which can hit someone with full speed. So it will be called here a shocker.

So a great fight is held between “Spider Man” and “Shocker” here.

But the “Spider Man” was being observed as a defeater.

Because he had not his genuine suit. Spider Man’s friend comes there at the same place.

Now he helps “Spider Man” to defeat shocker.

At last, “Spider Man” defeats “Shocker” after a long fight.

After this, he begins to go after “Vulture”.

Then “Vulture” is shown at the same place ,

From “Department of Damage Control”

He was carrying illegal weapons by plane after stealing them.

But “Spider Man” was on that airplane now. So their fight begins in the space.

And that airplane is crashed on the Earth during both of their fight.

In spite of this, “Vulture” does not accept his defeat.

He was moving away, grabbing the illegal weapons that he had placed in a big box.

Now Vulture’s suit had also been mostly torn because of the crashing of the airplane.

Seeing all this, “Spider Man” defeats “Vulture” there.

Now “Spider Man” ties “Vulture” or “Adrian” there.

And he leaves him there so that police may arrest him. After a moment, police arrive there.

Police also discover that box where those illegal weapons had been placed.

And “vulture” is also seized by the police officers.

Now the scene moves to “Liz” from here whose father “Adrian” had been seized by the police.

She leaves her High School and says to “Peter”, I will never come to school again!

Then “Tony Stark” is seen who calls “Peter Parker” to him.

And he tells him, Now you are able to be a perfect Avenger!

Now you can join our team ! But “Peter” rejects this offer to “Tony Stark” here.

He says, No! I want to lead my normal life. Saying this, he moves away.

Peter’s mother also knows about this as he reaches the home.

That her son “Peter Parker” is the real “Spider Man”.

After this, “Adrian” is seen who was in the prison now.

He encounters another prisoner there who asks, Do you know who is real “Spider Man”?

But “Adrian” does not expose anything to him about the “Spider Man”.

And he also keeps it secret that “Peter Parker” is real “Spider Man”.

And this movie completes on this happy ending scene here.

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