Spree 2020 Full Movie Explained

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This story is about a boy named ”Kurt” who runs a social media channel.

He used to stay active on his channel.

He uploads many stories on his channel like his dog’s story and his parent’s story.

He tells that his parents got divorced and tries to make the soundtrack.

He also gives his reviews on different products.

His friend is shown named ”Bobby”

he also runs a channel and shows live games on his channel while playing.

”Bobby” has many followers as compared to ”Kurt”

that’s why ”Kurt” wants to come live with ”Bobby but he refuses.

He says don’t come live with me but ”Kurt” becomes furious at this.

He leaves and later, ”Kurt” is shown as a street driver.

He conveys the customers to their destination.

”Kurt” is working on social media for round about 10 years.

He doesn’t get any special success yet.

This thing makes him worried and he sees that ”Bobby” is succeeding and has many followers but I don’t.

His followers don’t comment on his post.

After a few days, ”Kurt” posts a video.

He says I have an idea with it the people will like, share or comment on his post

then I will be famous.

”Kurt” is shown starting his task in the next scene.

He introduces himself and shows everyone while going to the backseat he has placed a mineral water bottle.

Then he goes to meet his mother.

The video was recording when he goes to meet his mother.

His mother called him to meet and there was a bracelet in his hand when he return.

He hangs the bracelet in his car.

Then a customer arrives and he has to go to a park but seeing cameras he asks what is it?

He tells him I have done this for my safety.

This customer tells him he delivers speeches in front of 3 thousand people.

Right now he is going for a speech.

Spree 2020 Full Movie Watch Online

Hearing him, ”Kurt” appreciates him and then they discuss different topics.

Meanwhile, ”Kurt” starts driving speedily and the man asks him to drive slowly.

He gets scared and ”Kurt” says there is a water bottle near you, have water.

He agrees and drinks a sip of water from the bottle.

We were feeling the man will get faint but ”Kurt” has mixed poison in the water.

The man starts coughing and tries to open the doors of the car.

He was breathing difficulty and dies.

”Kurt” was enjoying seeing the man dying.

”Kurt” makes a victory sign when the man dies.

Then he says ”One man down” later, there was a lady his next customer.

She places her luggage in his car.

She sits in the car while arguing with her husband and drinks water from the bottle.

It happens the same with her and she gets faint after a short time.

”Kurt” takes this lady’s phone and gives himself five stars for his driving.

”Kurt” is shown playing in the car in the next scene.

Meanwhile, another boy sits in his car, and they enjoy the music track.

Then ”Kurt” receives a girl request named ”Jessie” and she wants to enjoy his ride.

When ”Kurt” goes near the girl she cancels her request.

”Kurt” says I am a five-star driver so you can take a drive from me.

The girl sits in his car and the discussion is shown between them.

”Kurt” and the boy start arguing and ”Jessie” becomes furious at it.

She leaves the car.

While leaving she throws the water from the bottle at the passenger.

They again start their journey and ”Kurt” takes this passenger to a deserted road.

”Kurt” stops the car while saying this is a shortcut and the passenger comes out of the car.

”Kurt” moves the car forward and then reverses it.

The car hits the man and he falls to the land.

”Kurt” drives his car on him and ends him brutally.

This passenger tells ”Kurt” before dying the lady passenger named ”Jessie” is a famous comedian.

She has many followers on her account.

”Kurt” sees that girl’s account and she was viral and has many followers.

He also sees his videos where none was commenting.

Just one of his friends named ”Bobby” was commenting.

He was telling in comments that he has cheap material.

He was saying your post isn’t interesting.

”Bobby” was criticizing ”Kurt” again and again and he doesn’t like this.

3 people are shown in ”Kurt’s” car in which there were 2 girls and a boy.

”Kurt” was driving speedily and they were scared but he says this is an adventure.

Nothing will happen to you and I will take you to a dangerous place

people don’t go there, but it’s an exciting place.

They agree and when ”Kurt” takes them there he asks them to see outside through a window and enjoy.

A girl comes and sits with ”Kurt” and the couple sitting behind see outside the window.

Meanwhile, the wild wolves are shown attacking the couple.

They attack the couple and ”Kurt” shuts the window so they couldn’t come inside the car.

They die there and the girl in the car was also getting scared.

She was screaming.

”Kurt” turns his drilling machine on and ends the girl.

There was blood everywhere in the car and ”Kurt” is shown washing his car.

”Kurt” sees there isn’t any comment on this video.

On another side, the people were commenting on the video of ”Jessie” posted with her grandmother.

”Kurt” becomes jealous and says I am doing huge tasks even then there are no comments on my video.

See her there are many comments on her video and she has many followers.

”Jessie” is shown at home and the door knocks.

While thinking about who has arrived at this time she goes to open the door.

The scene shifts and ”Kurt” is shown at ”Bobby’s” house while recording the video.

”Bobby” was live on his channel and ”Kurt” asks him to tell his followers about him.

”Bobby” tells everyone ”Kurt” was his babysitter and he used to do strange tasks to get followers.

He always tries to increase his followers.

”Kurt” comes in anger hearing this and attacks ”Bobby” with his knife.

The live streaming was on and the people were showing their different responses.

Some were saying this is fake and some were saying this is a prank.

Some of them were enjoying it.

”Bobby” also takes out a gun to escape and was about to shoot him but ”Kurt” snatches the gun.

”Bobby” dies in all this and this was going on live.

There was blood everywhere and there was blood on ”Kurt’s” face

now ”Kurt” again comes live and tells everyone about it.

”Bobby” used to talk too much that’s why he has ended him

later, he takes shower and shows the victory sign in live streaming.

”Kurt” receives a message from his father to drop him at the club.

He makes his father sit in the car and there was a discussion between them about ”Kurt’s” mother.

His father asks about the gun in the car and he says I have kept it for my safety.

”Kurt” is shown breaking the signals on the way.

They reach the club and ”Kurt” meets a girl there named ”Uno”

and he makes her sit in his car for dropping her at home.

”Kurt” goes out and she finds the water bottle and sips from it,

she starts coughing and gets faint.

”Kurt” returns and discovers ”Uno” has drunk water from the bottle due to it, she has died or maybe fainted.

Meanwhile, the police officers are shown coming near the car and ”Uno” comes to her senses.

This girl gets scared and was feeling like the officers are also with ”Kurt”

because she has seen ”Kurt’s” gun in the car and because of it, she gets scared.

She fires a police officer with this gun.

”Kurt” also comes back in his car and was driving speedily.

The police were chasing him.

He drives his car on the wrong highway path and it was live.

Everyone was enjoying that how is he driving so fast?

His driving style was dangerous that’s why his followers were increasing.

He was excited to see them.

”Jessie” is shown delivering a speech on the stage.

As she is a comedian she is making everyone laugh.

She talks about ”Kurt” and he was also hearing all this.

”Jessie” tells she met a boy who was fond of getting followers on social media.

He used to do weird things for this.

She was making fun of ”Kurt” and he doesn’t like this.

”Kurt” was about to shoot her but then she changes her words.

he tells them she was like ”Kurt” before and used to stay restless for people’s attention.

Now I have taken my retirement from social media and then she breaks her phone.

”Kurt” who was about to shoot her changes his decision.

Later, ”Kurt” is shown and sits in a taxi that was driven by an old man.

”Kurt” was talking to him and after some time he steals his car from him.

Another boy asks ”Jessie” can I drop you at your home?

”Jessie” refuses and takes a taxi instead of moving with that man.

”Kurt” was in that taxi and he said to her did you recognize me?

I am that mad boy about whom you were talking.

”Jessie” starts feeling uncomfortable.

She asks him to stop the car but ”Kurt” doesn’t listen to her and didn’t stop the car.

He starts talking to her and says let’s get famous on social media together.

”Jessie” was scared and to escape she presses ”Kurt’s” neck while taking a wire from behind.

”Kurt” also punches the girl to escape and makes her faint.

”Kurt” shows her live and asks to tell me what to do with this girl?

They say end her and his followers were increasing gradually.

Some were commenting negatively and some were positive. Most of them were enjoying themselves.

”Kurt” tries to pick something to end her.

”Jessie” disappears from there and he tries to find her.

He sees she is inside the car and ”Kurt” is shown running in front of the car and ”Jessie” was driving.

He was escaping and running towards his house.

He moves inside his house and ”Jessie” was behind him.

The car hits their house and the wall of their house breaks.

There was a female dead body in their house and ”Kurt’s” father comes out.

He says to ”Jessie” what have you done?

”Kurt” is shown having a gun in his hand and shooting his father.

The dead body was of ”Kurt’s” mother.

He has ended his mother and wants to fire ”Jessie”

but his gun is shown empty and ”Jessie” reverses her car to run.

Then she drives her car speedily towards ”Kurt” to end him.

”Kurt” collapses with the wall and dies there.

Everything was going on live and people were becoming happy to see this.

Everyone was commenting and asking ”Jessie” to see whether he is alive or dead.

She slowly comes out of the car being scared and sees ”Kurt”

She hits ”Kurt’s” face even though many people were watching them.

”Jessie” takes ”Kurt’s” picture and posts it on her social media.

This story of ”Kurt” has gone viral and this story was everywhere.

The movie ends here.

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