Tekken 2009 Film Explained

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The future time is shown in the film.

Every year, the Tekken franchise organizes a tournament.

It is North American Company and the tournament which is hosted by it,

It is special tournament. A boy is shown at the start of the movie.

His name is “Jin”. This boy was running away from Tekken’s guards.

He had stolen the device of Tekken.

Now he reaches a city while running.

He sells one of Tekken’s devices to a fighter. This fighter wanted “Jin” to be part of his job.

But “Jin” was not ready for this.

“Jin” gives this warrior the device and accepts payment from him.

And he leaves this place. “Jin” passes by the satellite system.

There is the host of Tekken is announcing,

Tekken Tournament is going to be held within a few days!

Later, “Jin” moves to a bar when he is returning back, taking some things from there.

Some people urges him to take part in the Tournament.

But he forbids all of them for one more time.

Because his mother had asked him to avoid the Tekken fight.

On the other side, Tekken cooperation’s boss “Heihachi”.

His son’s name is “Kazuya”. They both are preparing for the tournament.

“Kazuya” suggests to his father, Guards should be replaced!

Because some of the guards are not performing their duty properly!

But “Heihachi” says to his son, Work on the security matters right now!

Contrarily, “Jin” goes to his house and offers the oranges to his mother for eating.

His mother queries him, From where did this money come?

He tells his mother, I want to take part in Tekken Tournament!

But his mother says in anger, I have already forbidden you!

Be far from Tekken fight or its Tournament!

“Jin” was fed up , hearing the instructions of his mother,

And he did not want to spend his further life in poverty now.

He also asks about his father from his mother with this.

His mother tells him on this, Your father is no more!

Hearing this, “Jin” becomes furious because his mother gives the same answer every time!

Afterwards, he goes out of the house. Coming out of the house, he encounters a girl,

For whom he has affections. Heihachi’s son is seen there.

Who has detected the head of “Jin”. Now Kazuya kills his boss, arriving there.

Because the device stolen by “Jin” belonged to Tekken city.

Later, Tekken force detects the house of “Jin”.

This power makes its way to his home. Jin’s mother is questioned by Tekken Force, who displays his photo.

Who is this boy? But Jin’s mother does not tell the truth to them.

“Contrarily, “Jin” also comes to know that her mother’s life is at risk.

And he runs to his house to secure his mother.

But “Kazuya” explodes the house of “Jin”.

The whole house was devastated at that time when “Jin” reaches his house.

“Jin” discovers his mother’s Tekken ID on the trash of the fallen house building.

Seeing this, “Jin” had left shocked because this ID is given to those people,

Who are Tekken fighter. He was not understanding this,

His mother was Tekken fighter but she also asks “Jin” to keep himself away from Tekken fighting.

“Jin” was blaming “Heihachi” for the death of his mother.

Now he will avenge of his mother from him.

Tekken 2009 Movie Watch Online

Now he will take part in Tekken Tournament to avenge his mother.

“Jin” will have to confront a man in Tekken fight whose name is “Marshal Law”.

A man provides the chance for each to take part in Tournament when “Jin” reaches there.

Two fighters are left in the last including “Jin”.

When first fighter faces “Marshal Law” then he runs away in fear after being beaten by him.

Afterwards, “Jin” is called in the fighting ring.

First of all, “Jin” is losing fight but he reminds the given training of his mother there.

Who used to train him in his childhood.

And his mother had said to him, You cannot lose the game until you yourself surrender!

“Jin” is motivated after reminding this saying of his mother.

He fights with his rival and succeeds.

This match is also being watched by “Kazuya” and “Heihachi”.

After winning the fight, “Steve” says to “Jin”, Every fighter has his own support!

You have no one to support yourself!

He also informs about some documentation that “Jin” will have to submit.

And 30 % of winning amount of money will also be given to this man!

On the other side, “Kazuya” is seen who is celebrating something.

His father asks him, coming there, Which victory are you celebrating?

He tells that we have caught a criminal gang ! We are celebrating this!

Kazuya’s father says to him, You did not understand it yet!

When will you grow up? It is compulsory for us to win the Tekken Tournament!

Winning of Tekken Tournament means the enhancement of prestige!

Winning of Tournament indicates the winning of the World! “Heihachi” leaves that place on this.

And his son was getting furious on his father.

On the other side, “Jin” and “Steve” are seen,

Who have reached at the place of Tournament.

Contrarily, “Kazuya” is giving the list of the name of fighters to his father , participating in the fight.

And he is also telling the capabilities of them which they possess.

On the other side, “Jin” meets with all fighters.

Seeing him, all fighters are commenting on him that,

He is still a child! “Jin” is awarded the room of “Marshal Law” in the Tournament.

After a while, Tournament is begun. “Jin” appears in second round.

And he wins the match while reminding the training of his mother.

“Heihachi” notices his son “Kazuya” who was dissatisfied with the match of “Jin”.

He was not understanding this, Why is he feeling much irritation from “Jin”?

In the next scene, “Kazuya” is seen who meets “Jin”.

He tells , My father is very inspired from you martial arts!

“Jin” says to him, I myself will gratify “Heihachi” after meeting him!

“Kazuya” says to him on this, If you will continue fighting as such,

Then you will surely will get the chance to meet my father!

“Kazuya” also says to “Jin”, Your martial art is appearing to me so familiar!

Was your father habitual to take part in this Tournament?

“Jin” tells, No! I know nothing about my father.

He is no more! Then a man was listening their conversation, standing there.

Who trains “Jin”. That man asks about their conversation as “Kazuya” leaves.

“Jin” says on this, Mind your own business!

Further, “Kazuya” is seen who is very shocked on the martial art of “Jin”,

As it is seeming so familiar! He investigates the history of “Jin”.

He knows this who is the mother of “Jin”.

Noe “Jin” goes to a club along with a girl and they enjoy a lot.

Two men attack “Jin” when they are returning back.

There was arousing a loud noise from Jin’s room after the attack of two assassins.

The girl with whom “Jin” went outside, she comes into his room to rescue him.

Afterwards, the assassins of “Jin” move out of the room later.

After this, This girl accompanies “Jin” to his trainer.

His trainer tells him , I knew that Jin’s rivals will attempt to kill him!

However, “Jin” displays his mother’s Tekken ID who used to be a Tekken city fighter.

The trainer and that girl ask “Jin” to hide himself on this.

Go away! Don’t take part in the Tournament!

Because your life is at risk! Then “Jin” says, Damn this Tournament!

I just need to avenge “Heihachi”! It is also revealed , those two attackers who had come to kill “Jin”,

They were fighters! Who had been sent by “Kazuya”.

But they remained unsuccessful to kill “Jin”.

And “Kazuya” was so a aggressive on this. Next day, when Tournament is held,

Then it is exposed , having a look at that fighter,

That she is the same fighter who had come at night to take the life of “Jin”.

That fighter’s fighting match was with the friend of ‘Jin”.

“Jin” tells her , Your opponent fighter had come to kill me last night!

His friend comes in full rage on this. And she defeats that rival fighter.

Who had come to end the life of “Jin” last night. Later, “Kazuya” is seen.

Who had visited a half robotic man. And this fact is not in the awareness of anyone in Tournament.

“Kazuya” says to that man, You have to kill “Jin”!

But he forbids to kill “Jin”.

But “Kazuya” blackmails him saying,

I will reveal before everyone that you are half robot if you don’t kill “Jin”!

In the next scene, it is seen that Jin’s hands are very wounded.

His trainer “Steve” gives him his gloves on this.

The contestant was now the player of semi final with whom “Jin” had a fighting match.

“Heihachi” asks to alter the player when he knows about this.

But his son forbids his father to do as such.

Because “Kazuya” is the security head of this Tournament.

This is the cause, his order is carried out by all guards of that place.

Now he orders to continue the match of “Jin” and that fighter.

Now Jin’s match is begun with that fighter of the semi final.

Now “Kazuya” tells “Heihachi” that “Jin” is his son!

Now the player of semi final is going to end “Jin”.

Because he was so trained so “Heihachi” rings the security alarm there.

Due to this, that semi final player’s attention is diverted.

“Jin” takes the advantage of this and he defeats that semi final player.

The strange happening occurs there later as “Kazuya” makes captive all the fighters.

And he informs all fighters, Fight will be held again with the new rules and regulations!

Only one fighter will survive in the end of the match!

Because its rule will include, Do or Die!

After this, “Kazuya” goes away saying this, Tournament will resume on the next day!

Now all fighters had become panicked by all these rules!

Now all fighters decide to flee because everyone knew this,

Tournament will be cancelled itself if all fighters leave away!

While fleeing, one of the fighters is shot.

They all run to the place of “Heihachi”.

“Steve” asks “Heihachi” about the security codes of doors to move outside.

“Jin” had got aggressive, seeing “Heihachi” here.

Because he was thinking that “Heihachi” is responsible behind his mother’s death.

Because “Jin” was wounded and he could not avenge “Heihachi”.

On the other side, “Steve” is seen who makes “Jin” free with his struggles.

When “Kazuya” knows that all fighters have fled.

Then he orders all his guards to capture all fighters.

Further, “Heihachi” is seen who exposes to “Jin”, I am your grandfather!

And my son is responsible behind the death of your mother!

It means because of your father! Jin’s grandfather tells him that,

When your father “Kazuya” tried to kill your mother,

I was a rescuer of her and I made her reach in a secure city!

Jin’s grandfather tells him, There was only one heir of Tekken before!

But there are two heirs now! This conversation was going on,

Meanwhile, “Kazuya” assaults all of them with his guards .

And “Steve” also loses his life during this assault.

It is not enough but “Kazuya” also victimizes his own father.

And he calls himself the heir of Tekken. tournament is again begun according to the rules of “Kazuya”.

These rules are very tough and hard as one fighter will only be survived in the end.

The defeaters will face the death!

Tournament’s final round is seen where “Jin” was also there.

He was recalling his mother’s given skilled and hard training.

Now he had understood that his mother had given him tough training for this cause,

That he may fight for the mankind not for himself!

“Jin” defeats his rival, knowing his weakest point.

Now “Kazuya” was witnessing all and he was not understanding this,

How much struggles that he made to kill “Jin”! But he did not succeed to kill “Jin”.

Afterwards, he himself also becomes the part of the Tournament.

And he was ready to fight with “Jin”. “Kazuya” was more powerful than “Jin”.

He beats “Jin” violently . “Jin” was going to meet his end here,

Then Jin’s friend named “Christie” is seen who breaks the glass window while firing her gun.

Kazuya’s attention is diverted. As his attentions is transferred,

“Jin” attacks “Kazuya” and pulls apart his abdomen.

“Kazuya” does not die but “Jin” was going to attack him again.

But “Jin” does not kill “Kazuyya”. It is seen later that Jin’s friend “Christie” comes on the stage,

And she calls “Jin” the winner of this Tournament.

He is “Jin,” the Tournament’s winner. “Jin” had now ascended to the position of Tekken’s leader.

All guards carry out the orders of “Jin”.

The native city of “Jin” has also been liberated now.

In the end, it is told that Tekken’s story has begun now.

This film ends here.

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