Tenkosei Sayonara Anata 2007 Full Movie Explained

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In the beginning of the film Tenkosei Sayonara Anata 2007, we see kazuo, After his parents’ divorce, sixteen-year-old Kazuo 
and his mother move to her hometown, Nagano. Kazuo  

used to live here when he was in kindergarten so 
he is confident he will settle right back in.

On his first day at school, he is introduced 
to the class. Suddenly, a girl gets up,  

recognizing him from the time they were 
in kindergarten. Her name is Kazumi and  

she used to be best friends with Kazuo a long 
time ago. She even reveals that he wetted his  

bed and had to wear her underwear one time.
Kazuo remembers the incident but pretends to be  

oblivious. After class, he comes to Kazumi, 
asking her to stop telling everyone about  

the embarrassing stories of the past. 
Kazumi’s boyfriend Hiroshi interrupts  

them and is jealous of their friendship.
After school, Kazumi follows Kazuo behind as  

he tries his best to get rid of her. She reminds 
him of his favorite noodle he used to have at her  

mother’s noodle shop. When he says he doesn’t 
remember, she brings him home. Her family is  

delighted to see him after so long but Kazuo feels 
uncomfortable because he hardly remembers them.

While Kazumi’s mother cooks the noodles, she 
is asked to show Kazuo the Shabishira spring.  

Tenkosei Sayonara Anata 2007 Full Movie Watch Online

The water used to make the noodles comes from the 
spring which is the secret ingredient. The two  

walk for a few minutes before reaching the place. 
They have to take different paths especially meant  

for two genders to get to the spring.
Kazumi picks up a dipper so Kazuo can taste  

the water. They stand on either side of the 
spring which causes them to struggle for  

the dipper and fall into the spring. When 
they come outside, they have miraculously  

changed their bodies with each other.
Kazuo doesn’t realize this and makes his  

way home without saying anything. He takes off the 
wet clothes and the first thing he notices is that  

he is wearing a skirt. Confused, he looks into 
the mirror and sees Kazumi instead of himself.

It doesn’t take him long to register 
that he has changed bodies with her.  

He runs outside to tell his mother who thinks he 
is a perverted girl trying to seduce her son. She  

makes him wear a jacket before kicking him out.
After that, Kazuo goes to Kazumi’s home and finds  

her crying hysterically. Her family is also 
just as confused as everyone else. They think  

the kids hit their heads while on their way to 
the spring and are not in their right minds.

Moreover, since Kazumi is not wearing enough 
clothes, they assume Kazuo did something to  

her. Before their anger escalates, Kazuo runs 
away with Kazumi on his bicycle. Kazumi’s  

biggest concern is Kazuo touching her breasts but 
Kazuo argues that he has no interest in her.

He brings her to his home, asking her to act 
like a man as much as possible. They decide  

to stay in each other’s places until they find a 
way to get back into their respective bodies.

At first, Kazuo experiences the difference in 
gender roles when he is made to serve dinner to  

everyone in the family. Moreover, he learns 
that he has to eat quickly because if not,  

the family will devour everything.
Meanwhile, Kazumi is doing just fine at  

Kazuo’s home. She cooks for his mother, 
surprising her with a delicious meal.  

The mother goes on a rant about an indecent 
girl like Kazumi for barging into their home,  

unaware that her son is the same indecent girl.
Kazumi doesn’t know about Kazuo’s parents’ divorce  

so she asks questions like when will his dad 
return home. Kazuo’s mother thinks it is a joke  

and asks him to be more compassionate towards her. 
She also discovers that Kazuo broke up with his  

long-term girlfriend Akemi before moving here.
A while later, Kazuo calls Kazumi, asking her to  

keep his phone strap safely. It was a gift from 
his father and is close to his heart. Kazumi,  

on the other hand, is having problems of her own. 
She is shocked by how his genitals changed when  

she tried to take shower. Kazuo orders her to 
stop looking at his body and ends the call.

The following morning, Kazuo wakes up in 
Kazumi’s room and remembers what happened  

yesterday. Then, he checks himself 
in the mirror and to his distress,  

sleeping hasn’t turned him back to normal.
Kazumi breaks in through the window with Kazuo’s  

school uniform that he left at his home 
yesterday. She also teaches him how to  

wear a bar but just then, her mother 
interrupts them. She assumes the worst  

and calls the entire family into the room.
As they yell at their daughter, Kazuo and Kazumi  

trick them and run away to school. They promise to 
do their best as each other before walking in.

During music class, Kazumi is asked 
to play the piano because Kazuo was  

known as a talented pianist in his former school. 
When she is in the front, she gets a panic attack  

and runs to the rooftop. Kazuo follows her 
behind while being followed by the teacher.  

They meet each other on the roof where the 
teacher inquires about what is going on.

Kazumi panics again and accidentally knocks 
the teacher out. Hiroshi finds Kazuo and  

Kazumi together and suspects something is going 
on between them. After school, the two sit by the  

river and discuss their situation. Kazumi touches 
Kazuo’s body, reminiscing about her older self  

but to a man walking past them, it looks 
like they are doing something else.

He tries to join them in the fun and holds Kazuo’s 
hand. To defend himself, Kazuo kicks him in the  

nuts and runs away with Kazumi. In the following 
scene, both Kazuo, Kazumi, and their mothers  

are called to an older gentleman’s home.
He is the father of the guy they beat up  

earlier. He wants to press charges against 
Kazumi but has to consider otherwise after  

discovering his son wanted to kidnap the girl.
Then, Kazuo and Kazumi are together when Kazuo  

gets a text from Hiroshi. He is jealous of their 
growing relationship and is ready to break up  

if that is what Kazumi prefers. 
Kazumi replies that she loves him and  

asks him to give her some space.
At home, Kazumi’s mother notices that her daughter  

is acting more strange day by day. She lays down 
like a man, speaks like one, and has forgotten  

how to cook. Hence, Kazumi’s older brother 
is called from Tokyo to take care of her.

Kazuo has been more sensitive than normal 
because his period is near. Moreover, both  

Kazuo and Kazumi are forbidden to meet each other 
outside school after what happened yesterday.  

He panics since he has no clue what must be 
done when he gets his period. He also feels  

awfully weak but passes it as a symptom.
The next day, their class is going on a trip  

to a hot spring. Throughout the 
bus ride, Kazuo continues puking,  

worrying everyone. Then, while changing into 
a swimsuit, his nose starts to bleed.

At the same time, Kazumi meets Hiroshi and asks 
him to come aside. Before she can tell him the  

truth, he asks her if she is Kazumi. It turns 
out that he had been observing them for the past  

few days and has come to this conclusion. Kazumi 
affirms and apologizes for not telling him sooner.  

Hiroshi says that he still loves her because he 
is in love with her soul, not her body. However,  

Kazumi doesn’t feel the same for him.
On the first day after the trip,  

Kazuo doesn’t come to school. Kazumi is worried 
but her mother doesn’t let her see Kazuo. Hence,  

Hiroshi goes over to make sure he is fine. It 
turns out that Kazuo has had sharp body pain and  

has been vomiting since the morning.
He goes to the doctor’s the next day  

and they find out that he suffers from an 
incurable disease and has only two months  

to live. Kazumi’s parents are shocked and in 
pain. The doctor promises to do whatever he can  

to ensure Kazuo’s last days are painless but 
he cannot help the family other than that.

Hiroshi finds out about this and comes to tell 
Kazumi. She is just as shocked as everyone because  

Kazuo’s death could mean a lot of different 
things. She is worried for him and for herself  

because her body could go away forever.
When she goes to visit him, she is initially  

stopped by her mother. The woman blames 
her for Kazuo’s condition because he had  

been acting strangely after her arrival. The 
doctor convinces her that they should not keep  

a bed-ridden girl from meeting her friend.
Kazumi meets Kazuo and feels responsible for  

his illness. Since her body has the disease, 
it is almost as if he is dying because of her.  

Kazuo assures her that even if that were the 
case, he would be happy to die in her place.

When Kazumi returns home that day, she convinces 
Kazuo’s mother to go visit him. She agrees and  

tells her about Akemi. Akemi used to be 
Kazuo’s girlfriend and is coming to visit  

him in a few days. Kazumi emails Akemi at night 
and tells her everything about the situation.

In the following scene, Kazumi and 
Hiroshi welcome Akemi to the city.  

She has known Kazuo for years and can tell that 
Kazumi is not him. Later, she and Kazuo’s mother  

go to visit him. Kazuo shares an emotional 
conversation with them, making the mother  

feel like she is talking to her own child.
A few days later, Akemi, Hiroshi, Kazuo, and  

Kazumi are together when Kazuo says he wants to go 
somewhere far. The adults would not allow him so  

they decide to sneak out at night. The plan works 
and they reach the mountains by the morning.

Akemi and Hiroshi know that 
the other two want to spend  

time together, so they ask them to go ahead.
After that, the two are spotted by a group of  

performers. They join the group and decide to 
stay with them for the night. Kazumi has a hard  

time falling asleep so she cuddles with Kazuo 
and inquires if they can take their relationship  

a step further. Kazuo says he wants to make love 
to her but only as a guy. Kazumi understands and  

hugs him instead. She also takes his top off and 
says goodbye to her body for the last time.

The next morning, Kazumi hears two men 
talking about her and Kazuo. They are  

planning to do something to get rid of the 
couple. Instead of being a burden on them,  

she and Kazuo leave a while later.
Kazumi wants to go home now but Kazuo  

says there is the last place he wants to visit. 
Then, they make their way to the Sabishira spring  

where it all started. Unlike the last time, 
they do not take the separate gender gates  

since they are both male and female.
They stand on the edge of the spring  

drinking from a dipper. Suddenly, they slip and 
fall into the water for the second time. They  

somehow manage to come outside but soon realize 
that they have changed back into their bodies.

Kazumi is over the moon that Kazuo doesn’t 
have to die in her place but Kazuo cannot  

help but feel sad. She will go away but he 
will have to continue living without her.  

They hug each other for a long time before Kazumi 
says she is happy to die for him. Then, they go  

to a cliff and watch the sunset together.
Cut to a few months later. Kazumi is no more and  

the world has moved on without her. Kazuo comes 
to her home often to meet her family. Because of  

all the time he spent with them, he feels like he 
is a part of the family. One afternoon, he arrives  

and finds Kazumi’s grandfather making noodles.
He offers to help but unlike the traditional way  

of kneading, he steps on the dough. 
This reminds the family of Kazumi  

and they cannot help but shed tears.
It turns out that Kazuo has come to say goodbye  

because he is moving to a different city for 
college. We also find out that Akemi and Hiroshi  

are now dating each other. Before leaving the 
city, Kazuo visits Kazumi’s grave and wishes  

her goodbye. What he doesn’t know is that her 
spirit is watching him with a smile on her face,  

glad that he is moving on with his life.
On his way out, Kazuo passes Hiroshi  

who has also come to pay respect. The movie ends 
with a message that says “A person’s lifespan is  

limited but a story lasts forever”.

Thank You.

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