The Act 2019 Movie Explained

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The episode starts with a 911 distress call on 

June 14th, 2015, from a worried neighbour, Lacey,  

stating nobody at Dee Dee’s house is answering. 

Lacey cries for the police to hurry, revealing  

that her neighbour has posted some terrible 

and depressing posts on her facebook page. 

In the meantime, her mother, Mel, enters 

Dee Dee’s residence through a window to  

check if anything bad has happened. 

As she stares at the silent house,  

the police sirens can be heard in the background.

After a while, the detectives finally enter  

The Act 2019 Movie Explained

Dee Dee’s house and discover her badly stabbed 

corpse in the main bedroom. They share the news  

with Lacey and her mother, who are now worried 

about Dee Dee’s daughter: Gypsy’s whereabouts. 

The show then flashes back to seven years earlier. 

Dee Dee lives with her sick and wheelchair-bound  

daughter Gypsy Rose in their new home provided by 

Habitat for Humanity. The two arrived in the new  

neighbourhood in Springfield, Missouri in 2008, 

following the destruction of their previous home  

caused by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

One day, they sit for a television interview,  

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where Dee Dee talks about how getting the 

house was like a Disney dream for her. 

In the next scene, Dee Dee shaves Gypsy’s 

head in the kitchen sink. As they talk,  

Dee prepares a medication concoction and 

injects it into Gypsy’s stomach via a long tube. 

Later at night, Dee Dee sings a lullaby for 

her daughter and makes her wear a sleep apnea  

machine to bed. After leaving Gypsy to sleep, 

Dee Dee opens a closet full of medicine bottles  

and takes a few pills for herself, 

including one named ‘sleepy baby.’ 

The Act 2019 Movie Explained

The next day, they get a surprise visit from 

their neighbour Lacey. She offers Gypsy a  

makeover, and Dee Dee reluctantly allows it.

During the makeover, the two girls start to  

bond and Gypsy shares that her father made fun 

of how she walked when she was a child before  

she used a wheelchair. All this time, Dee Dee 

is closely listening to the girls’ conversation.  

Later, she makes sure to scrub off all 

the makeup, much to Gypsy’s dismay. 

The following morning, the mother-daughter duo 

decides to venture out and meet new people in  

the neighbourhood. First, they come across Lacey 

and her boyfriend, Mel, who are washing their  

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car. Dee Dee heads over to Lacey’s mom, Mel, 

who is chilling out with her friend Shelly.  

The three talk about parenthood, but Dee Dee 

keeps mentioning about how her daughter is  

suffering with diseases like paraplegia, 

epilepsy, anaemia and a heart murmur.  

Shelly and Mel are amazed by Dee Dee’s strength 

to look after her poor kid. As the mothers talk,  

everything comes to a screeching halt when Lacey 

offers Gypsy a sip of Coke. Dee Dee immediately  

rushes over to her daughter, and tells 

everyone that Gypsy is allergic to sugar. 

The following day, Dee Dee takes Gypsy to 

the mall. Gypsy pleads with her mom to buy  

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a blue necklace, but rather than buying 

it; she slips the chain into Gypsy’s bag.  

It isn’t until the last moment that she 

spots her neighbour Mel looking at her. 

In the evening, Dee Dee tries to talk to Mel, but 

the latter simply ignores her. Hence, with the  

intention of buying Mel’s silence, Dee Dee plans 

a party at her house, inviting all neighbours.  

Meanwhile, Gypsy takes the time to search 

‘best friend’ and ‘boyfriend kiss’ on her  

mom’s laptop and immediately deletes the 

search history before her mom gets home. 

The movie then cuts to the party, where a lot of 

people are gathered. Everyone is having fun out in  

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the yard, and Dee Dee talks to all the people one 

by one. Just then, Gypsy decides to eat a cupcake,  

which can be fatal for her. Seeing this, 

her mother freaks out and immediately  

rushes to stab her with an EpiPen. This stuns 

everyone, and they wonder how much pain Dee  

Dee has endured to care for her sick daughter.

Gypsy wakes up at the hospital and overhears the  

doctor telling Dee Dee that she is not allergic 

to sugar. While leaving, they find Mel waiting  

outside to drop off Dee Dee’s wallet that she 

had left at the party. Dee Dee thanks her and  

laments that she doesn’t want people to see her as 

a woman with a bad reputation due to her past. Mel  

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also reveals that she has her own troubled past, 

so she understandably offers to start afresh. 

At night, Gypsy lays her daughter for bed 

and puts on her usual sleep apnea machine.  

As Gypsy fades to sleep, Dee Dee opens a stash 

of cheques addressed to Claudine Blanchard,  

possibly her real name. After that, 

she goes to bed next to her daughter. 

Less than an hour later, Gypsy 

wakes up while her mom is asleep  

and shuts off her machine to get out of bed.

Gypsy, who had been a wheelchair user up  

until this moment, stands on her feet and 

slowly tiptoes her way out of the room. 

The Act 2019 Movie Explained

She then goes to the kitchen to eat whipped 

cream while readying her EpiPen. But after  

she licks a handful, there’s no shock. 

It turns out she isn’t allergic to sugar;  

her mom had just lied about it. When she returns 

to her room, she is startled to see her mother  

awake, who furiously tells her to get back to bed.

On another night, Gypsy sits in front of her  

laptop watching makeup videos on YouTube while 

enjoying a tub of frosting and a Coca-Cola drink.  

She soon feels a pain in her tooth, 

perhaps having a cavity after all  

the sugar she’s been eating secretly.

The following morning, Dee Dee wakes  

The Act 2019 Movie Explained

her daughter up to share great news: Gypsy has 

been named the community’s Child of the Year.  

While she gets excited, she notices Gypsy’s 

tooth troubles. Dee Dee immediately suspects  

it is an underlying condition and takes her 

daughter to see their paediatrician; Dr Harley. 

At the hospital, they meet with the doctor, and 

Dee Dee thinks Gypsy’s acid reflux has returned,  

which is ruining her teeth. While the doctor 

calls for a gastroenterologist, Dr Chandra,  

to look at Gypsy, Dee Dee sneakily steals 

his prescription pad from the counter. 

In the following scene, Dr Chandra suggests 

Dee Dee make an urgent dental appointment.  

The Act 2019 Movie Explained

However, Dee Dee wants to treat her daughter’s 

acid reflux first, prompting the doctor to become  

suspicious. Hence, she asks for Gypsy’s medical 

records, but Dee Dee states that they were lost  

during Hurricane Katrina. Before the doctor can 

say anything, Dee Dee rushes her daughter away. 

Later, Dr Chandra asks Dr Harley if he has 

confirmed Gypsy’s full medical history, but  

the latter has no answer. After this, the scene 

cuts to Dee Dee and Gypsy waiting in their car  

outside a pharmacy. Surprisingly Dee Dee 

takes out the writing pad that she had stolen,  

and forges some prescriptions on it.

Back to the present, the detectives  

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examine Dee Dee’s stab wounds. Meanwhile, Lacey 

suspects someone might’ve been after Gypsy instead  

of her mother. She also informs the detectives 

about all of Gypsy’s underlying illnesses. 

The movie goes back to 2009 where Gypsy has 

one of her teeth rot out completely while  

brushing her teeth. She whimpers with excruciating 

pain, as the sink is left in a bloody mess. 

Because of this, her mother starts giving 

her more unnecessary medications. After a  

while, Dee Dee takes Gypey over to Lacey’s, 

who is hanging out with her friends. As the  

group discusses trivial topics, one of 

the girls notices Gypsy’s bad tooth,  

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prompting Gypsy to reveal that she has been 

sneaking out to eat sweet things at night. 

Meanwhile, Dr Chandra isn’t ready to give up 

on her suspicions. She makes several calls to  

hospitals to learn more about Gypsy’s medical 

history. She finally places a call to the Child  

Protection Services, and Allison, one of the 

representatives, pulls up on Dee Dee’s doorstep. 

Seeing this, Dee Dee immediately springs into 

action, feeding sleeping pills to Gypsy to make  

her look sick. Allison introduces herself and 

looks around the house. When she asks for Gypsy,  

Dee Dee lies to her that her daughter 

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has the mind of a seven-year-old. 

Soon, Allison sits for a talk alone with 

a medicated Gypsy while Dee Dee lurks at  

the doorway. She interrogates the little girl 

continuously, to check if she is fine. However, as  

Gypsy speaks, she appears disoriented and dizzy, 

hence confirming her mother’s claims. After this,  

Allison questions Dee Dee about her social 

security card not matching the name on  

her address, but as usual, the mother uses 

Hurricane Katrina as an excuse. With this,  

Allison decides to conclude her visit, as 

she didn’t find any suspicious activity. 

Next, Dee Dee takes Gypsy to the dentist to 

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have her teeth extracted. After she is put under  

anaesthesia, she wakes up to find most of her 

teeth gone. The little girl weeps while looking  

at herself in the mirror with a swollen mouth.

Later, Gypsy tells her mom that she doesn’t  

want to attend her Child of the Year award, not 

wanting to show herself in such a state in front  

of people. However, this only angers Dee Dee, 

and she yells that Gypsy is going to the event. 

We are then taken to the award day, where Dee 

Dee is preparing her daughter for the big event.  

She also brings some dentures for Gypsy 

to wear while on stage. After a while,  

her name is called upon on the stage for the Child 

The Act 2019 Movie Explained

of the year award. Along with the recognition  

comes financial help of $5,000. Dee Dee cannot 

contain her happiness after receiving the cheque  

while the crowd cheers for them. She then gives 

an emotional speech before she and Gypsy sing  

an impromptu rendition of “I’ll Be There.”

Meanwhile, Dr Chandra calls to check on Gypsy  

and manages to get an appointment with her, 

despite Dee Dee’s reluctance. In the evening,  

Gypsy and Dee Dee are back at the hospital for 

their appointment with Dr Chandra. In her room,  

the doctor manages to talk with Gypsy alone and 

tries to convince her that she isn’t allergic  

to sugar. She offers a can of coke, but Gypsy 

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refuses to drink it out of loyalty to her mom.  

Just then, Dee Dee arrives, prompting the doctor 

to put away the can, and start examining Gypsy. 

Back in 2015, the cops continue to search 

Dee Dee’s home to find clues to the murder.  

Sometime later, Lacey tells them of a “secret 

Facebook account” Gypsy had created to make  

friends and assumes she even had a boyfriend.

Following this, the movie again flashes back  

to 2011. Dee Dee collects all the money from a 

GoFundMe page that pours in for her supposedly  

sick daughter. Meanwhile, Gypsy continues her 

routine of sneaking out of bed at night to watch  

YouTube videos on kissing and cosplays.

The Act 2019 Movie Explained

Next, she prepares for Fantasticon,  

a cosplay event, while putting some makeup 

on her mom. While checking in at the event,  

Dee Dee says her daughter’s birth year 

is “1995” when the girl at the counter  

asks her. This confuses Gypsy, as she was always 

under the impression that she was born in 1993. 

Soon, the two run into Shelly and her 

boyfriend at the event. Meanwhile,  

Russ, one of the neighbours, notices Dee Dee and 

tries to ask her out for a date. However, Dee Dee  

changes the subject and asks to leave for the 

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restroom while Gypsy approaches a guy dressed  

as Wolverine. He introduces himself as Scott, and 

they chat about their favourite Marvel characters. 

Gypsy then urges Scott to see the DeLorean from 

Back to the Future, to which he agrees. Luckily,  

they are invited to the front line. Scott 

picks Gypsy up to put her in one of the  

seats, and the two have fun together.

Sadly, the good time doesn’t last long  

as Dee Dee interrupts them and hurries Gypsy 

home. At the same time, Russ again shows up,  

trying to get Dee Dee’s attention, and shares that 

he, too, had a son in a wheelchair before he died. 

After they reach home and tuck themselves in bed, 

The Act 2019 Movie Explained

Gypsy sneaks out again to open a Facebook account,  

hoping she will find Scott online. However, she 

becomes confused about her birth date again,  

so she checks her mother’s purse. To her 

surprise, her actual birthday is in 1991-  

meaning she’s 19 years old.

Angered by her mom’s lies,  

she steals some cash from her. The following day 

at a gas station, Gypsy secretly buys a cellphone. 

In the next scene, Dee Dee surprisingly gets 

a call from Russ, prompting her to ask where  

he got her number. Meanwhile, Gypsy starts 

talking with Scott through her new phone,  

sharing about her hospital staff, whom she refers 

The Act 2019 Movie Explained

to as her friends. Dee Dee continues to get phone  

calls from Russ, but their brewing romance 

cuts short when he offers to help her with  

her sick daughter. As expected, Dee Dee doesn’t 

want anyone close enough to unravel her lies. 

On the other hand, Gypsy has also become close 

with Scott. She subtly suggests that she wants  

to run away with him. She also gives him her 

address if he wants to send a gift. Lo and behold,  

he sends her a package containing a red Ariel wig.

One day, Lacey catches Gypsy smiling at her  

phone and asks her about it. Unlike her 

mother, the little girl shares everything.  

She talks about Scott, who she refers to 

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as ‘prince charming’. Before departing,  

she also tells Lacey about her secret FB 

account, which is under the name Emma Rose. 

Later at night, Gypsy gets a message from 

Scott, saying that he is in the emergency  

room at the hospital, so he cannot talk. This 

worries Gypsy and she immediately heads to the  

hospital. When Scott sees her, he is taken 

aback that Gypsy can stand on her two feet. 

Back at home, Dee Dee wakes up to find that her 

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daughter is nowhere to be seen at the house.  

She then finds a note Gypsy left, 

stating that she is fleeing away with  

her Prince Charming and never coming back.

Elsewhere, Scott takes Gypsy to his place.  

She is seemingly happy to be home with her Prince 

Charming and puts some ice pack on his bruises.  

After chatting for some time, they kiss 

but get interrupted by Dee Dee at the door. 

Dee Dee begs her daughter to return home and 

admits that she nearly had an anxiety attack while  

she was gone. Hearing her mom, Gypsy reluctantly 

The Act 2019 Movie Explained

agrees to return back. Before leaving, Dee Dee  

tells Scott that Gypsy is just 14 years old.

Once back home, Dee Dee pulls her daughter’s  

red hair and forces her back 

into the wheelchair.


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