The Animal 2001 Full Movie Explained

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Marvin is in his early thirties and utterly 
unsuccessful. Currently, he works as a clerk in  

the evidence department of a police station but 
his ultimate goal is to become a policeman.

The reason Marvin wants to be a policeman 
so desperately is that his father was killed  

on duty. He wants to pay homage to his 
father but at the rate his life is going,  

the dream might never come true.
The next day is the selection for  

the police force. It turns out, in the last 
selection process, Marvin didn’t just fail  

but humiliated himself after peeing his pants.
The competition starts and Marvin is immediately  

behind everyone, forgetting which way he should 
run. He makes several foolish mistakes throughout  

the course and fails the test one more time. It 
doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone as the entire  

police force is used to seeing Marvin lose.
At home, Marvin is watching TV when a particular  

commercial attracts his attention. It is 
advertising a supplement made of 25% badger  

milk which magically makes men gain muscles. 
Fascinated by the women in the commercial,  

Marvin decides to get a can for himself.
The next day at work, Marvin is left alone in  

the office while the rest of the crew goes outside 
to play baseball. Just then, he gets a phone call  

from a lady complaining about a group of robbers 
threatening to kill people. Marvin quickly  

informs his colleagues through a microphone 
but they do not hear him in the field.

He thinks of it as a chance to prove his worth 
and decides to go to the location himself.  

He hopes to save the day and become 
everyone’s hero but the plan goes downhill  

when he is met with an accident on the way. His 
vehicle flies off the road and down a hill.

The Animal 2001 Full Movie Watch Online

When it gets dark, a man in a gorilla costume 
comes to his rescue and drags him to a hideout.  

The man happens to be a doctor who “fixes” 
Marvin and keeps him back at the crash site.

Upon waking up, Marvin is confused but the 
memory of the crash soon comes to him. He is  

glad that he doesn’t have a single broken bone 
and doesn’t remember the doctor at all.

Following that, he returns home, still 
hazy from the medicines he was given.  

A dog that used to always attack him, leaps 
at him once again. But strangely enough,  

it stops midway and runs into its kennel.
The special body-building supplement has been  

delivered to his house. Although it doesn’t 
look appetizing, Marvin gulps it down,  

hoping to gain superhuman strength.
After the shower, he wiggles himself like a dog to  

dry off. He doesn’t think much of it but when he 
turns around, we see his back has grown abnormally  

long hair. That day, he returns to work and finds 
out he has been missing for an entire week.

His friend asks him to go to the doctor 
but Marvin feels better than ever.  

What he doesn’t know is that the doctor who 
treated him after the crash has replaced his  

damaged organs with that of animals. Because some 
parts of the brain were exchanged for a dog’s,  

Marvin has gained some characteristics of a dog. 
Similarly, he also feels the emotions of a bird,  

a cat, a horse, and many other animals.
On his morning jog, Marvin surprises himself  

by racing a horse. He relates it 
to the special supplement he ate  

yesterday and is happy that it worked.
He also bumps into a woman named Rianna,  

walking her dogs in the park. She is an animal 
lover and was recently on the news for spending  

an entire night on a tree. As they talk, 
Marvin notices a man throwing a frisbee. He  

cannot suppress his urges and ends up 
catching the frisbee with his mouth.

Later that day, he goes to meet a friend at the 
airport. Because of his heightened sense of smell,  

he can tell that a man has illegal substances 
on him. The security checks the guy at Marvin’s  

request but doesn’t find anything. However, an 
adamant Marvin stops the guy again and brings out  

a package he had hidden inside his behind.
Everyone claps for Marvin, praising his  

intelligence and bravery. Because of his 
contribution, he is finally deemed fit to be  

a police officer. After years of waiting, the day 
finally comes when he is appointed to duty.

Later, he is on his way back home when 
the doctor who treated him after the crash  

stops him. His name is Dr. Wilder, a mad scientist 
who is obsessed with human-animal fusion. He tells  

Marvin the truth about his newfound abilities. 
The doctor wanted to see how Marvin will adapt  

to life as a new person, but now that he is 
gaining attention, he has to be sustained.

When Marvin refuses to oblige, he is hit with 
a tranquilizer gun. According to the doctor,  

soon, Marvin won’t be able to suppress 
his animalistic urges which might  

create trouble for people around him.
Still, Marvin refuses to be confined as an  

animal and runs away from the barn where he was 
abducted. A few days later, the doctor’s concerns  

come to life when Marvin starts digging into the 
trash for bones thrown by his colleagues.

But more problem arises as his sexual needs start 
escalating. Upon seeing women on the street,  

he cannot help but hump a mailbox. 
He even feels attracted to a catfish  

because of how its mouth looks.
On the brighter side, he starts feeling  

more compassionate towards animals and impresses 
Rianna by feeding a bird with his mouth. She is  

an animal lover and owns a lot of them. The duo 
comes closer because of their shared interest.

The following morning, Marvin wakes up in a meat 
shop with his belly protruding out of his shirt.  

He immediately goes to the doctor and asks him 
for help. Dr. Wilder wants to keep him as a pet  

but Marvin insists that he is happy in his life as 
a policeman; he only needs some assistance. Hence,  

the doctor teaches him how to endure and 
suppress the urges. He makes Marvin eat a  

lot of meat and trains him like a dog.
The next day, Marvin and the sergeant go  

out to a farm to investigate some missing 
animals. Marvin carries toys and treats with  

him to distract himself when he gets the 
urge to do something that he shouldn’t.

On the farm, Marvin’s eyes land upon a goat 
who has been separated from the other animals  

because they cannot resist her. Strangely enough, 
Marvin also feels the same but is kicked away by  

the animal before he gets too close to her.
On their way back, the sergeant sees Rianna  

walking her dogs. Unaware that she is interested 
in Marvin, he hits on her. When Rianna rejects  

him for his junior, the officer’s ego is hurt. 
As a result, he makes it his mission to get  

Marvin kicked out of the police force.
Following the interaction, the two go to a  

high-profile party organized by the city’s mayor. 
Everything goes well until a cat snarls at Marvin  

and triggers his dog-like urges. He disturbs the 
entire party to chase after the cat. In the end,  

he has to be stopped by his colleagues. The mayor 
is furious at him for ruining the party. He asks  

the head of the police department to kick 
Marvin out as soon as he gets the chance.

Right then, Marvin hears a splash and follows the 
sound. It turns out the mayor’s son has dropped  

into a pond and is drowning. Marvin jumps 
just at the right moment to save the kid.  

The mayor is beyond thankful to him, alongside 
all the guests. Even the sergeant starts  

respecting Marvin after the incident.
Later that day, Marvin and Rianna go out  

to a restaurant on a date. Marvin keeps 
his urges in check for the most part but  

when Rianna goes to the washroom for a while, 
he pees under the table after smelling it.

Rianna returns and recognizes the horrible smell 
but Marvin passes it as the restaurant’s fault.  

As they chat, her dress slips off her shoulder. An 
animal like Marvin cannot control himself anymore  

so he goes to the washroom to finish 
the business. Seconds after returning,  

he notices her turning around and has to 
make a second trip to the bathroom.

Throughout the dinner, Marvin notices a waiter 
trying to flirt with Rianna and getting a little  

too close to her. Later, he finds the man outside 
the restaurant and attacks him out of jealousy.  

Upon reaching home Rianna invites Marvin inside 
but he doesn’t want to risk attacking her so he  

politely declines the offer.
But instead of returning home,  

he subconsciously goes on a rampage on the nearby 
farm. In the following scene, the farm owner is at  

the police station, complaining about a beast 
who attacked his animals last night. The head  

officer recognizes the culprit’s sketch and calls 
Marvin to his office. As the man scolds Marvin for  

his inhuman behavior, Marvin licks his legs and 
crotch area. In the end, he is suspended from the  

police force for a month to work on himself.
A few days pass before we see him again. Rianna  

goes to his house and finds it turned into 
a nest with hay and branches everywhere.

Marvin wants her to go away for her own safety 
because he doesn’t trust himself. However, Rianna  

knows that he is having problems but still trusts 
him. When she insists on staying the night, Marvin  

comes up with a solution and asks her to tie 
his hands. But things get steamy pretty quickly,  

and they end up spending the night together.
Since Marvin’s hands are not bound, he goes on  

a rampage yet again. In the morning, he wakes 
up beside Rianna. Before the two can enjoy time  

together, the police arrive outside the house. 
This time, they are sure that Marvin was behind  

the chaos that occurred at night.
Rianna, knowing that Marvin is innocent,  

makes him run out the window. Using his new 
skills, Marvin is able to get away from the  

police but the news about him being a cow 
assaulter makes it to the television.

The city’s finest officers and civilians 
join hands to organize a search party  

for him. They are all armed and ready to 
kill Marvin as soon as they find him.

In the meantime, Marvin is running through the 
woods when he comes across Dr. Wilder on a tree.  

The doctor says he was picking apples but his 
dart gun proves otherwise. Upon being urged to  

tell the truth, he reveals that he performed the 
same experiment on someone else and the person is  

the one killing the animals, not Marvin.
They set out to look for the person but the  

doctor fractures his foot, leaving Marvin on his 
own. When no one is around, we see the doctor take  

his socks off to reveal his animal-like foot.
The sergeant has set up a piece of meat in the  

middle of the forest. Marvin falls right 
into his trap and leaps for the meat,  

only to be showered with bullets. He somehow 
manages to climb a tree without getting shot.

After a long chase, the sergeant almost 
falls off a cliff but is saved by  

Marvin. When asked why he saved his rival, 
Marvin replies that he is not an animal.

Still, the sergeant stays true to his duty 
and points his gun at him. Right then,  

Rianna jumps on top of him and knocks him out, 
revealing that she is also Dr. Wilder’s patient.  

She hopes that the revelation doesn’t change 
anything between her and Marvin’s relationship.  

Marvin agrees and the two kiss.
But then, the mob surrounds the duo,  

wanting to kill both of them. Marvin’s 
friend Miles takes the blame for everything,  

revealing that he killed the animals.
Upon finding out that a black man was responsible,  

the people don’t want to take action anymore. 
They disperse as if nothing ever happened.

One year later, Marvin and Rianna are 
married and have two children of their own.  

While watching television, they see Dr. Wilder 
win the Nobel Prize for his experiments.  

He credits his fiancée Yolanda and kisses her to 
display large scars on her back, implying that she  

is also half animal and half human.
Thank You.

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