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The movie opens in a new world where God is 
a human-like entity with feelings, desires,  

and emotions. He lives in an apartment in 
Brussels which he shares with his wife and  

his 10-year-old daughter Ea. His older son JC was 
a rebel who wanted to do things his way, hence,  

God doesn’t like talking about him.
Unlike how he is normally painted, this  

God is not a messiah or the savior. He is simply 
a creator who is bored of designing things.

Before creating humans, he made cities and towns 
filled with only animals. But such a world was  

boring since animals didn’t create drama on their 
own. Hence, God made the first human in his skin  

named Adam. After traveling the world, he found 
a woman named Eve and instantly fell in love.

Being the first humans was a bit difficult for 
the couple at first. But after trying a bunch  

of things in bed, they finally managed to get Eve 
pregnant. Their children multiplied over the years  

and eventually, humankind was formed.
God watches them learn and grow but it all  

gets boring after a while. As time passes, he 
turns sadistic, someone who gets high by making  

people suffer. He creates stupid rules like a 
slice of bread will always fall to the ground  

with the jam side down and the line next to you 
in grocery stores will always move quicker.


When the little problems get old, he creates 
bigger ones like terrorism, global warming,  

poverty, natural calamities, and so on. Even 
outside of work, God is a terrible creature,  

always bossing his wife around and treating 
her like a lesser being. He is emotionally  

and physically abusive to his daughter as well. 
She can move things with her mind like her older  

brother JC but God doesn’t allow her to use her 
powers, jealous that he doesn’t have them.

No one is allowed into his office room where 
he keeps files and data about humankind. Until  

one day, Ea finds the door open and walks 
inside without her father’s knowledge.

In the middle of the room is a computer 
that God uses to control the entire world.  

Through the computer, Ea discovers the many 
catastrophes that her father has created.

She is disgusted at how he enjoys 
watching people drown in misery.  

Hence, at dinner that night, she calls him out for 
being a sadist. An enraged God whips her with his  

belt for hours until his anger dies down.
By the end of the toture, Ea has had enough.  

She decides to run away from home 
but since it has no doors or windows,  

she asks her brother for help. When she touches 
a little statue in her room, it comes to life  

as JC and explains what she must do next.
She should first get herself a bunch of apostles;  

someone who can be an advocate for her policies 
and ideas. JC tried twelve and it was too messy  

so he asks her to try getting only six apostles. 
To choose the said apostles, she can just randomly  

pick up six human cards from her father’s study. 
Then, JC asks her to write a brand new testament  

using the apostles and their experiences. That 
way, Ea can contribute to the betterment of  

humanity like JC once did.
To get her out of the house,  

he has hacked the dryer and connected it 
to the human world. After a long chat,  

Ea steals the key to the study room from her 
father and retrieves six human cards randomly.

Before leaving, she hacks into his computer 
and sends a text to every living human,  

telling them the exact day they are about to die. 
This brings chaos to the human world. Many people  

who have less time on earth, leave their jobs 
and start doing things they always wanted to.  

Some eat whatever they like while the others 
take a step further and jump off buildings.

Initially, people don’t believe the text messages 
but many coincidences happen in relation to the  

texts, making them come to terms with their death 
date. The scared ones do everything they can to  

prevent their deaths but they ultimately find out 
that it is inevitable, as they can die from simple  

accidents like a cupboard falling on them.
This also sends people into a moral dilemma and  

many soldiers flee the war, wanting to do 
better with the time they have left.


As the chaos continues, Ea goes into the dryer 
and crawls along a long path until she finally  

reaches the human world. She enjoys the rain 
for some time before eating a burger from the  

dumpster. When the burger makes her sick, she 
is helped by a homeless man named Victor.

She senses that he is a good man and asks him 
to help her write the testaments since she is  

not good at writing herself. Initially, Victor 
dismisses her request as childish but when she  

continues following him, he agrees to help.
Back at home, God wakes up and finds out that  

the world he created is changing into a better 
place. Until now, the uncertain future made  

people fear doing what they loved. But 
with their lifetime in front of them,  

they can choose whatever they want to do with 
their lives. This brings people joy which is  

against God’s wish of how humans should be.
He quickly goes to his computer to change the  

settings but finds out that it has been 
hacked. Ea’s smell is lingering around  

the house and by following it, he finds 
the pathway located in the dryer.

At this moment, he decides to go into the world 
he created to teach his daughter a lesson. Back  

on earth, Victor and Ea go to their first apostle 
named Aurelie. She is a beautiful woman, wanted  

by many men and envied by every woman she meets. 
However, she is always sad and frequently blames  

her life for being unfair. It turns out that when 
she was a teen, Aurelie lost her left arm and has  

been wearing prosthetics since then.
Ea asks her to talk about her life so  

they can extract the important parts 
to write in the new testament. Victor  

gets ready with a pen and a piece of paper 
to note down Aurelie’s life lessons.

She starts by saying that the most crucial 
moment of her life was not when she lost her arm,  

it was when she met a homeless man one day.
He told her that life is like a skating rink  

where a lot of people fall. It was a simple 
sentence that many people would interpret in  

the ways they like. However, to Aurelie, 
the sentence gave her life a new meaning.  

She knows she has already had her fall and 
is trying to get up for several years.

Ea understands her concerns and asks her to wait 
for a miracle that is about to happen shortly.  

At night, Aurelie dreams of reuniting with her 
hand. She comes to terms with her disability  

and finally gets up from the skating rink 
that the homeless man told her about.

After Aurelie, Ea moves on to the 
second apostle, Jean. In his childhood,  

Jean loved adventures and always wanted to 
explore the world. But when reality hit,  

he got stuck in a nine-to-five job, dedicating 
his life to climbing the corporate ladder.

When he found out that he has twelve years 
left to live, he didn’t want to work anymore.  

Hence, he sat down on a park bench and hasn’t 
moved ever since. He spends his day looking  

at things around him and feeding birds.
Ea finds him on the same park bench and sits  

down to chat. She can talk to animals and offers 
to translate Jean’s words to a bird. Jean wants to  

ask the bird why it never flies away from the park 
when it has wings to travel anywhere in the world.  

In turn, the bird asks Jean the same question.
The question brings clarity to Jean’s mind  

and he sets off on a journey to find himself. At 
the same time, God finally reaches the other end  

of the tunnel and enters the human world.
He is instantly troubled by the world he  

programmed when a lady pepper 
sprays him for being a creep.  

As he tries eating a burger from the garbage 
can, he is attacked by the street gangs.

Later, he is taken to the hospital where he gets 
into a fight with the doctor after insulting him.  

Still not coming to terms with a 
human’s way of life, he steals a  

kid’s sandwich and is beaten by the mother.
Meanwhile, Ea looks for the third apostle named  

Marc. He is a sex addict whose only wish in life 
is to get in bed with as many women as possible.  

His addiction started when he saw a girl on the 
beach at the start of his teenage years.

After finding out he has around eighty 
days to live, he took all the money out  

of the bank and has been spending it 
on prostitutes every night. However,  

it hasn’t provided him with ultimate happiness 
and he is still longing for something deeper.

Ea tells him that he has a beautiful voice and 
asks him to do something with it. She is sure  

that the path will lead him to happiness. The next 
day, Marc gets the job as a voice actor and meets  

a woman at work. She turns out to be the same 
girl who he saw at the beach a long time ago.

They two instantly feel the chemistry 
between them and go back to his place.  

For the first time in Marc’s life, he feels 
a connection deeper than his sexual urges  

and they fall asleep holding hands.
In the meantime, God’s wife is enjoying  

time alone without her husband. While cleaning the 
house, she notices that three more apostles have  

been added to the picture of the last supper.
Somewhere else, God ends up in a church  

thinking that it is the one place he will be 
respected. But he is beaten for cutting a line  

to the food. The pastor helps him and feeds him 
but God repays the kindness by insulting the man  

and making fun of his life. Even the calm 
pastor loses his cool and abuses him.

Meanwhile, Ea and Victor make their way to the 
next apostle named Francois. For the last week,  

he has turned into an assassin after finding 
out that he has twenty five years left to live.  

He thinks that he is not doing anything wrong 
by killing people since the ones who die at  

his hands were supposed to die anyway.
One day, he is on a mission when Ea approaches  

him, asking him to target a specific lady. 
The lady turns out to be Aurelie, hence when  

the bullet hits her prosthetic arm, Francois 
thinks it is a miracle that she doesn’t die.

Intrigued, he follows her for the rest of the day 
and is smitten by her beauty. He falls in love but  

keeps on denying it to himself, until one day when 
he buys Aurelie flowers. Gathering much courage,  

Francois hands them to her, expressing his love. 
Aurelie accepts them but gives him no reply.

Then, Ea visits the fifth apostle Martine. She 
used to be a hopeless romantic who is now stuck  

in a loveless marriage. She found out that her 
husband is going to outlive her for thirty years  

and has been sulking ever since. She even 
tries hooking up with random men to get rid  

of her loneliness but nothing works.
Ea meets her and senses that she is being  

called by someone in the circus. Martine takes her 
word and the three go to a circus later that day.  

There, Martine locks eyes with a gorilla and 
instantly feels a connection to it. Knowing  

that he is her one chance at happiness, 
she buys the animal from the circus.

At night, they connect and Martine 
ends up kissing him. Somewhere else,  

Aurelie calls Francois and the two decide to 
meet. Aurelie shows him her prosthetic arm,  

and he kisses it, showing that he loves every 
part of her. They make love and Francois finally  

finds happiness outside of killing people.
The following morning, God is wandering down  

a street when he sees Ea and Victor. He chases 
them behind but they manage to escape by walking  

on the water. When God tries to do it, he 
almost drowns and loses the other two.

A group of men from the church save him and 
bring him back to the pastor but even he  

doesn’t want to take care of the guy.
After that, Ea finds her last apostle,  

a boy named Willy who is about to die from 
a terminal illness. His last wish in life is  

to dress as a girl and his parents allow him 
to do so. Ea makes friends with him and gives  

him a shining fish as a gift. Before dying, 
Willy wants to send the fish to the sea.

On Monday, he sells all of his parents’ furniture 
to travel to a beach that he always wanted to  

visit. On Tuesday, Francois tells Aurelie 
that he is in love with her and wants to  

spend the rest of his life with her. Wednesday 
is the day when Martine’s husband finds her in  

bed with the gorilla. They kick him out of the 
house and continue their romantic relationship.  

Then, Thursday comes and Marc makes love 
to his girlfriend for the first time.

On Friday, Jean follows a flock of 
birds and reaches a place in the arctic.  

There, the birds signal him to a woman 
who happens to be his soulmate.

And, on the last day of the week, God is deported 
to Uzbekistan with a group of illegal immigrants.  

At the same time, Willy and the others come to the 
beach where he sets the fish free. He is only a  

few minutes away from dying so the group decides 
to stay on the beach until his last breath.

In the meantime, God’s wife enters his 
office to clean it. She unplugs the computer  

which sends the entire world into a frenzy. The 
airplane that God is in starts to descend towards  

the beach, threatening to kill everyone.
Thankfully, she plugs the computer again just  

in time to avoid the crash. She then proceeds 
to make personalized changes in the world,  

giving every human the gift of immortal 
life. The sky is covered with flowers,  

people can walk underwater with their pet 
fishes, the rules of gravity can be bent,  

and the world turns into a utopia where all dreams 
are fulfilled and everything is possible.

Martine has a human baby with the 
gorilla, Victor publishes the new  

testament and becomes a renowned author, 
Francois is pregnant with Aurelie’s child,  

and lastly, Ea and Willy kiss each other.
The only character who doesn’t have a happy  

ending is God who is stuck in Uzbekistan 
without a family. He desperately spends  

the rest of his days looking into every 
dryer for a way to return home.


Enter the digital haven designed for movie fans! Meet Namolaturkar, our seasoned film expert, on a year-long journey to decode cinema's enchantment. With a pen mightier than a director's lens, NamoLaturkar doesn't just write articles, he opens doorways into the intricate layers of film narratives. Take a cinematic journey with NamoLaturkar's guidance, where each article is your pass to the heart of storytelling, shaped over years of passion and unwavering love for the big screen. Get ready to learn about film from the experienced eyes of a master storyteller.

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