The Captain Movie Explained

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The film starts on a flight flying from

Chongqing, China to Lhasa in Tibet. Chief

Liu and his co-pilot Kai hope to make a

smooth arriving in about 60 minutes. They are

extra cautious on the grounds that the airplane is flying

at a higher height which causes occasional

choppiness. Everything is moving along as planned

until unexpectedly, the pilots hear a break and

see that the windshield has been somewhat harmed.

The Captain Movie Explained

Liu stays cool and contacts aviation authority,

advising them regarding the crisis. Previously

the administrator can affirm what he heard,

the break gets greater. In under a

second, the whole windshield breaks,

setting behind closed doors strain in the cockpit.

Co-pilot Kai is jump started through the window

also, Liu jumps out of his seat to get him.

The scene suddenly slices to a couple of hours sooner.

The Captain Movie Explained

Liu is in the shower pausing his breathing for

however long he can. He does this consistently

also, can go for over five minutes without

relaxing. Today is Liu’s girl’s birthday,

thus he vows to get back

for the party by the day’s end.

After he embarks for work, we see the lodge

team heading to the air terminal. Everybody shows up

feeling great and starts pre-flight arrangements.

The Captain Movie Explained

Liu is flying close by a genuinely new pilot, Kai.

We are likewise acquainted with the third pilot,

Wang. They all look at their vitals previously

meeting the remainder of the team and examining the

weather pattern and span of the flight.

Outside, the travelers stand by while the air terminal

staff does a somewhat late mechanical check. The

airline stewards review the crisis

lights, breathing devices, number of feasts,

The Captain Movie Explained

also, such prior to answering to the head

attendant, Bi Nan. In around fifteen minutes,

everything is ready and the

travelers are allowed into the art.

One of the airline stewards is harassed by

an impolite traveler when she requests that he turn

his telephone off. He is a web VIP who

thinks he is qualified for do anything on the grounds that

he is above different travelers ready.

The Captain Movie Explained

Bi Nan helps the unfortunate airline steward

also, manages the traveler expertly.

Finally, the plane takes off without a hitch, making

everybody accept it will be a nice flight, yet

much to their dismay what is going to come straightaway.

In the main portion of the flight, the plane

encounters weighty choppiness. The air traffic

control had previously anticipated this considering

the adjustment of climate.

The Captain Movie Explained

Thus, Liu just calls

them and requests consent to fly at a higher

height where the mists won’t annoy them. The

travelers, then again, are quieted by the

airline stewards who go about their business effectively.

In some time, the choppiness finishes and everybody is

eased. As Liu converses with Kai about his own

life, we figure out that he used to be in the

armed force prior to joining the business carriers.

The Captain Movie Explained

Their discussion ends when they hear a

clamor and see the windshield has broken

somewhat. They realize it’s anything but a decent sign yet

stay cool and contact the aviation authority

right away. The administrator is going to propose

they go lower yet before they impart,

the windshield breaks totally, sending off Kai

outside. Liu rapidly keeps him down and attempts to

keep him inside the plane.

The Captain Movie Explained

In any case, the pilots

battle contrary to the natural flow and strain building

in the cockpit. All the while, the right motor

explodes and quits working, unfit to take the heap

of the plane. Presently, the existences of 119 travelers

also, 9 team individuals are in the possession of Liu.

Since the ways to the cockpit are shut,

the travelers and the lodge team outside

try not to feel the impact of the strain


The Captain Movie Explained

They experience weighty choppiness,

yet, don’t respect it since it has worked out

previously. Everybody is approached to be situated with their

safety belts on while Wang and Bi Nan attempt to

snag the pilots inside the cockpit.

At the point when they get no answer from inside, they at last

register that this isn’t simply normal choppiness.

In the cockpit, Kai is just seconds away

from being tossed external the window.

The Captain Movie Explained


holds himself together and chooses to assume command

of the plane prior to attempting to save his co-pilot.

He hops back to his seat and attempts to contact

the administrator once more. This is much more troublesome

since they are flying over the mountain and

the plane can collide with one of them whenever.

Abruptly, the plane makes a forceful

right turn, tossing every one of the travelers to

their side.

The Captain Movie Explained

This is when frenzy starts to

set in and they begin tying themselves

firmly. The airline stewards help the

kids and more seasoned individuals ready, gambling

their own lives for the security of the travelers.

As Liu makes an honest effort to control the plane,

the choppiness just deteriorates. Then, he makes a

cruel transform in order to draw Kai back into the

plane. The arrangement works yet it likewise causes the

entryway to the cockpit to open.

The Captain Movie Explained

The pneumatic force

inside the whole plane changes as it jerks

in reverse strongly. An airline steward is

tossed to the roof while she is attempting to help

a traveler. Also, every other person on board is

likewise jolted forward. The breathing devices drop and the

remaining ladies assist the travelers with wearing them.

At the point when the plane settles a little, Wang moves

forward attempting to get inside the cockpit to

help the others.

The Captain Movie Explained

Indeed, even the impolite traveler from

prior attempts to push him forward when it comes

to his life. Both Liu and Kai are going to pass

out when Wang at last enters the cockpit. Indeed

in such a condition, Liu gives his all to keep the

plane in charge, pausing his breathing as much as

he can. Wang makes the chiefs wear breathing devices

which helps them a piece and they can punch

in numbers to get the plane to a lower height.

The Captain Movie Explained

Elsewhere in the air traffic light office,

mayhem results when they see the plane diving

at a startling rate. The correspondence with

the pilots is likewise removed which is a reasonable

hint that something has turned out badly.

They illuminate different workplaces to account for

the flight’s crisis arrival. A few flights

are dropped all over east Asia on the grounds that

of a chain response.

The Captain Movie Explained

Also, fire fighters,

paramedics, and numerous other crisis laborers are

shipped off neighboring air terminals to plan for an arrival.

The control room likewise sends three warrior jets

looking for the plane while the pilots flying

them attempt to contact Liu through their separate

radios. Individuals on the ground do everything

they can to see as the plane and guarantee the security

of the travelers and team yet eventually, it

boils down to the pilots to save everybody’s lives.

The Captain Movie Explained

The way to the cockpit is currently locked, settling

the circumstance ready. The travelers are in a

furor yet they stay situated as requested by the

airline stewards. Bi Nan approaches to affirm

the places of her group, requesting that they press

the calling button on the roof when their names

are called. Everybody answers their name one

after one more aside from the last airline steward

who had been banged to the roof before.

The Captain Movie Explained

The others attempt to awaken her over and over and are

going to surrender when she abruptly raises her

hand, it is as yet alive to avow that she.

Her group

moans with help and watches her draw herself

together into a seat. They are glad for her for

holding herself up yet the circumstance requires

them to zero in regarding this situation within reach right now.

The Captain Movie Explained

Bi Nan then reports that they have lost lodge

strain and demands everybody to remain situated with

their safety belts and breathing devices on. In the interim,

Wang eliminates his veil to shout into the receiver

against the air hitting him through the wrecked

windshield. His endeavors don’t go to squander as

individuals on the ground catch wind of the decompressed

cockpit. The administrator uncovers that the plane

necessities to dive under 3000 levels to acquire

The Captain Movie Explained

enough oxygen yet the mountains beneath them have

a typical level of 4500 meters. This implies they

need to cross the whole level without crashing

into any mountains to get by. With as it were

one motor working and a decompressed cockpit,

accomplishing such a goal is beyond difficult.

In the following hour, the report about the plane

comes to the web. Loved ones

of individuals on board begin terrifying, attempting to

The Captain Movie Explained

find as much data as possible. The plane

ought to have arrived at this point, so individuals coming

to get their relatives begin accusing the

air terminal workers for keeping them out of the loop.

Meanwhile, inconvenience adds up when a thick

cloud arrangement hinders the plane from

proceeding. Hovering over the mists is

impossible yet flying straightforwardly into the

tempest would be welcoming afterlife.

The Captain Movie Explained


is the point at which the travelers flip out and

begin revolting. An alcoholic man gets up from

his seat, shouting at a crying kid to stop.

At the point when the airline stewards request that he quiet down,

he shoves her to the side, requesting to know what

is going on. He likewise slams a food streetcar into

another airline steward, harming her seriously.

Bi Nan comes to the scene, asking him to trust

their chief; the main individual who can save them

The Captain Movie Explained

Different travelers join her,

causing the alcoholic man to return to his seat.

In the mean time, in the cockpit, Wang attempts to keep the

pilots warm while they fly the plane around and around

attempting to stay away from the tempest. On the ground, Liu’s

spouse is planning for her girl’s birthday

party. She is stunned after seeing the report about

the plane yet she is positive that her better half

will bring the plane back. She likewise guarantees her

The Captain Movie Explained

girl that Liu will be back before she knows

it and they will praise her birthday together.

Simultaneously, Liu’s brain goes dim

what’s more, he envisions his girl cutting a

birthday cake. The creative mind gets more

clear as he gradually passes out;

representing an incredible danger to the whole plane. Wang

comes behind the chief and shakes him to wake

him up appropriately.

The Captain Movie Explained

Assuming the circumstance proceeds,

everybody on board will fall oblivious. The

plane will keep continuing on autopilot and

at last accident when it runs out of fuel.

Subsequent to making a few circles, Liu

at last sees what he was pausing

for. A small pathway has cleared between the mists

that he can fly the plane through.

The Captain Movie Explained

Individuals from

the control room acclaim his fast reasoning and

watch as the plane flies into the foreboding shadows.

The choppiness deteriorates and gear begins

tumbling from the compartments above. The

control room watches the flight anxiously until

it abruptly goes off the radar. Everything goes

quiet as they accept that it crashed. Yet

their requests work and we see the travelers

The Captain Movie Explained

are as yet alive somewhere close to the mists.

The chief pulls a switch, moving the plane

forward energetically. A few minutes of

quiet later, gab go on in the control

room when the plane is back on the radar.

Yet, despite the fact that it escaped the tempest, it is

totally shifted and not even close to settled.

The security of 119 travelers rehashes in Liu’s

mind, over and over, forestalling him

The Captain Movie Explained

from passing out any moment. Finally,

the plane passes the mists and the choppiness

closes. Subsequent to seeing demise very close, the travelers

begin admitting their haziest mysteries to each

other. A spouse lets his better half know that he misled

her about his work yet she pardons him quickly.

Numerous others make last recordings for their

friends and family, wanting to express farewell to them.

In the accompanying scene, the plane at last

The Captain Movie Explained

arrives at the height when there is sufficient

oxygen and the pilots remove their veils

for a superior view. The association with the

control room is restored and they are

advised where to land. Each and every trip around

the air terminal is ended and landed right away.

Inside the airplane, travelers and the team get

prepared for a crisis arrival while outside,

the columnists prepare to catch

The Captain Movie Explained

the drop. Seconds before they land,

the travelers are filled with a will to

live. They all serenade empowering words

also, prepare themselves for the effect.

The plane at last lands yet

continues to move towards the finish of the runway.

The Captain Movie Explained

The fact that it will crash yet makes everyone pushed

without a moment to spare, each of the three pilots pull the

switch all in all making it stop.

At the point when the tension finishes, the administrators hop

in festival yet the travelers are so

overpowered that they break into tears.

The Captain Movie Explained

Liu converses with the speaker and apologizes

to everybody for the burden. Thus, the

travelers all in all offer him a go-ahead,

saying thanks to him for saving their lives.

The Captain Movie Explained

After everybody gets off the plane,

an official from the administration agency comes in

to explore the glitch. It would seem

the cockpit had not been compressed as expected

since the airplane was old. After seeing the

condition it is in, the official considers Liu an

amazing pilot and says thanks to him for his work.

The Captain Movie Explained

Liu calls his family, telling them

he will be home soon. He is hindered

due to a clamor outside which ends up

to be the travelers yelling to say thanks to him.

The Captain Movie Explained

Chief Liu and a couple of other lodge team

individuals bow to the travelers to communicate

their appreciation. The film closes as the

travelers from Sichuan Carriers meet

their loved ones, grateful for

the wonder that simply happened to them.

The Captain Movie Explained

At last, we are shown photos of the real

lodge team who experienced such an episode in

May of 2018. Photos of the genuine Sichuan Carriers

Flight 8633 after the episode are likewise shown.


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