The Golden Monk (2017) Film Explained

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This film starts and it is known that,Hell door had opened in China thousands years ago.Due to this, many demons had started to attack in China country.Now these demons were creating havoc in China while victimizing the humans.Now an aristocratic person of China,He hires many demon hunters to keep his family safe.It means , those people who could hunt the demons.And many demon hunters were the magicians.Many demon hunters are seen in the palace.But they all were looking so coward because they were thinking this,Demon may avoid attaching on them in an anyway.

One of the demon hunters named “Jade,” who also happens to be the main character in this film,She was the only one who was waiting for that demon and willing to fight.But the confusion was this here if all were fearing demons,Why was she only waiting for the demon?This confusion will be solved further in the movie.Now it is seen that she was feeling now that demon is nearly to approach here,She was ready to hunt it. In the meantime, the palace’s door opens.She hits her weapon on the door before opening the full door.Now the man targeted by a weapon was not demon but his name was being told “Tong”.

Who had come here to end the demon like “Jade”.It means that he may also be called a demon hunter.But he was sacered from “Jade” for a moment , coming here,Because he was badly attacked by her. So he begins to flatter “Jade” to impress her.But “Jade” was not interested in his words even slightly.Because she was feeling the presence of demon here and wanted to fight with it.Suddenly, it is noticed that the decorated bells in the palace begin to ring.And the Earth is cracked all of sudden.So all demon hunters start struggling to defeat that demon, seeing this while using their weapons.But that demon lures them in spite of being attracted by their magic.

After a time, some bones which belonged to the same demon hunters,These come out of that hole where demon was present.Seeing this, the leader of those demon hunters who had hired them,He was scared. Contrarily, other demon hunters had also fled, witnessing this.Who were being chased by the demon.While a standing “Tong” behind them who was actually a demon hunter,He was observing them instead of running.Who is caught with one demon’s tongue who is looking like a monster .Seeing this, more demon hunters come outside to hunt demon.Noticing them, the demon was nearly to kill them after crushing them under its giant hand.

Those demon hunters had fled like cowards while escaping from it.Now the demon is seen coming towards the city.The ground starts cracking from the direction from which it was crossing.Consequently, it was being felt throughout the city,That Earthquake is occurring there.Where natives were running towards a safe place to rescue themselves as being afraid.And that demon had come near crowd of the people , collapsing all buildings.And the demon hunters had reached a city’s bridge for their final attack.

Now that demon appears from the water through their magic attack.It had revealed after its appearance from the water that,”Tom” which had been engulfed by that demon,He was still not dead! Because he was being seen, sitting in the back of the demon.And it was trying to hold sway over the demon.So it may not create the chaos further.While that demon victimizes the demon hunters’ leader, coming out.It is seen later that demon was eating all people coming o his way while damaging all things.

Meanwhile, it also pushes “Tong” down, sitting on its back.Now “Jade” enters here who was going to attack the demon with her poisonous arrow.In the meantime, that demon was also eating the people , shouting aggressively.As that demon starts to eat a man,Then it is seen that “Tong” proceeds to rescue that victim,As “Tong” jumps to rescue that man,Then Jade’s fired arrow targets “Tong” instead of hitting demon.Due to this, he had fallen down on the ground.Where another lady had slapped him, taking him as a wicked man.

Contrarily, those girls were going to make their 2nd attack on that demon.As they attack its eye then demon eventually becomes the victim.Now “Jade” marks its back, coming on this. “Tong” protects “Jade” from that demon’s poisonous blood, jumping and pushing her down.As it was observed as its blood had splashed on the face of another man,Then his face had started to burn. It means that his blood was so poisonous.”Jade” slaps “Tong” in spite of thanking him .And “Jade” pulls that demon’s spine, coming on its back again.After this, “Tom” reads some magical words, going near that demon.And he turns that demon’s dead body into ash.

In the next scene, “Jade” is seen extracting a liquid from the spine of demon.Because she wanted to make another reincarnation liquid for her friend.It means she wanted to create a liquid that would allow her to restore her friend.So she may meet him again. Jade’s real life history had exposed here.Where it had revealed that “Jade” was the goddess of a heaven.Thre was a specific tree under her supervision,Which was popular with the name ” Tree of Mortality”,”Jade” had to gather its fruits. Now “Jade” is seen meeting “Bu Tong” in the heaven.It had revealed here that “Bu Tong” is the that friend of “Jade”,Whom she has lost and she again wants to gain him.

It is seen here as they both close to each other,Then that tree’s fruits had started to fall which used to ripen at once within 3000 years.Gods’ long life duration used to increase after eating them.When “Bu Tong” and “Jade” had realized this ,It was too late! Because many fruits had wasted there.And all gods had arrived there who were enraged on these gods.Now the queen of gods decides to punish both of them because of being careless.Giving “Tong” a specific medicine,She had sent “Tong” into the World while removing all his memory and making him a human.So this was perhaps the cause that ,He had not recognized “Jade” on the time of her coming before him.

While “Jade” had forbidden to take this medicine here through which she could forget her friend,Because she did not want to forget “Tong”.So she herself jumps from the heaven. Now there was on her a queen’s curse that,She could never recognize “Tong” .And she will have to remind everything to “Tong” , searching him on Earth.Now she was finding a way to search out of his friend after the struggle of many years.Due to this, a giant demon spine was required .That she had got after killing this demon.But there was still one missing thing in her magic which was an eye of cyclop.

Cyclops are actually one eyed creature. After this, “Tong” is shown here,Who was in the forest and a caravan was passing before him.And most charming girls are seen in the carriage who were demons in reality.”Tong” had recognized them with his first sight.While those demons had also known that “Tong” is not an ordinary man.He is rather most powerful man!Because those demons were witnessing a golden light in his surroundings.And a green dressed demon recognizes “Tong” , seeing him here.And she remembers here that “Tong” is her protector.It means that “Tong” had rescued her at once.And it is known about the past history of “Tong” that he was dragon after the expulsion from the heaven.

He had victimized the demons.And he had also imprisoned an evil creature under the sculpture of Buddhist.It is seen here that creature’s baby had also come from the mouth of that creature.”Tong” had also witnessed this but he had left that baby alive far from this place instead of killing.That demon was looking a tiny snake.It had revealed here that the girl of green dress is actually that snake demon.Who was very excited, seeing “Tong” after many years.And she had felt here that her life is Tong’s given.And she is owed of “Tong”.

Then those three demons are seen in the palace.Where their father who is demon lord was showing aggressiveness on three of them.Because his plan had spoiled.And it had exposed, their plan which was to kill the king.After this, he could enslave the whole humanity.But a mysterious power had put them away from the king here.So they had not got chance to kill the king and their plan had flopped.Now demon lord was thinking to alter his plan in which a human girl was required.To whom no power may recognize her in the surrounding of the king.And she may carry out his order.

Hearing them, these charming girls are seen in their actual demon form here.where one demon girl had transformed into a spider. It means that she was spider demon.While other one had transformed into a dog. And they were victimizing the kids.So they may have a long life! In the next scene, “Tong” is again observed,Who wanted to become a Monk. It means the member of the religious community.For this cause , he had to shave his head. Whenever he wanted to do this,His hair used to stiffen like the iron.Now Tong’s masters were trying to cut his hair. taking an axe.His hair are not cut but that axe is damaged.”Tong” had saddened here because he had a wish to become a monk after coming into the World.

Now he was worried, Why could he not do as such?And one of the masters of “Tong” says to him,It may also happen that god may be enraged from you in your previous life!This is the cause that they are not allowing you to be a monk.Hearing this, he asks them , What should I do now?And they say to him, You should ask forgiveness from god, moving into a temple!As he enters the temple to ask forgiveness from the god,Then the Buddhists sculptures turn their face to the opposite sides.He had confirmed through this that gods are in full rage from him.It means that he had committed something in his life which was devilish.

But he was still unknown for this, What he had done till today!Because he had never committed any evil doing till now!So he moves to the goddess of Mercy now! And he says to her after praying her,Tell me what is my fault? Only goddess of mercy replies his question among all gods,She says to him, You will have to kill a cyclop to known about your past history!Before this he may understand the words of goddess of mercy,Meanwhile , the Buddhists enter the temple.Who had become so worried, witnessing the turning position of the Buddhists sculptures.Now they wanted to harm that man who had enraged their gods.

As they know that it has been done by “Tong” then they begin to beat him while capturing.In the meantime , an aristocratic lady enters there.And it is revealed on her entry that all monks who had visited here,They had come here on her command because she had to make a worship here.But she becomes so furious because of her delaying assigned task.And she commands all her soldiers to kill all monks.Tong’s masters move ahead to stop them.But a soldier attacks his head which causes a bitter pain for him.Shockingly, a mysterious golden light had started to emit from his head now.

After this , clouds had cast in the sky and the thunderstorm began.Then it is seen that a bright light moves into his head’s direction from the sky.And that monk is transformed into a giant monster.He throws all soldiers away after beating. While “Tong” was so excited , seeing him.Because his leaders were seeming to him so powerful.Then old man tells “Tong” here that he is not monk in reality.He is rather a friend of “Tong” came from the heaven.He cannot see “Tong” in more miserable state so he had come to help and bring him back to heaven.But “Tong” was not understanding a single word of that man here.

So that monster places his hand on his head and shows him his past.Where he is one of the gods of heaven,Where queen of god had expelled him to Earth after cursing him.He had also this curse that he cannot recognize the faces of his friends.Seeing this, when “Tong” turns his face then his friend had also transformed into a human face.Now he tells “Tong” that you will have to kill a cyclop soon.As it had been advised by goddess of mercy . In this way, your curse will be over!After this, you will be able to see the real face of your friend.On the other side, demon lord is seen who was keeping an eye of “Tong”.

Who had been imprisoned by “Tong” under this Buddhist sculpture for many years.Now he wanted to take revenge from him so he says to his daughters.Capture the friend of “Tong” and we will carry out our plan through him!But snake demon was not agreeing with him at all here!But she could not violate his command before him so she agrees,But he was feeling regret to harm her protector! Now soldiers’ troop is seen in the next scene ,Which was been led by a female warrior named “Angry Mistach”.It is revealed as she approaches in a restaurant to take meal,This restaurant belongs to “Tong”.

He had started a new restaurant here,So his workers were not expert in cooking so “Angry Mistach” had flown into rage,So she scares “Tong”, transforming herself into a hawk.Because she needed meal at any cost. As she is turned into her real form of a girl,Then a green liquid splashes all over her. She raises her eyes to the ceiling.There was a big hole in that ceiling from which she was witnessing a giant eye,With the close up in the movie, it had revealed that it is a giant cyclop.Which is also being searched by “Jade”.About which it had also been said by the goddess of mercy ,”Tong” will know everything about his past if he kills it.

It is observed here that cyclope was victimizing all soldiers while capturing them mercilessly.And he was also bringing the destruction in the village.Now it is seen that “Jade” had also come here to catch it.While “Angry Mistach” was going to attack its eye to protect from it.Because “Jade” needed cycolp’s eye so she attacks Angry Mistach’s arrow to move its direction.So that cyclop’s eye may remain safe!Consequently, that cyclop had caught that “Angry Mistach”.But that girl had also not accepted her defeat and she had attacked in its giant mount with her sword.So that cyclop’s power had reduced because of the suffering bitter pain.

So all standing people at the downside had got a chance to attack that cyclop.Bearing this attck, that cyclop throws “Angry Mistach” far away. But “Tong” instantly rescues that girl. As “Jade” attacks the head of that cyclop,Then cyclop gets angry and he catches “Tong” from downside.”Tong” uses his mysterious hair which used to change into iron.Now it is seen that they all people were running while escaping from that cyclop.Then “Jade” makes a plan. Those people thinks, noticing the hair of “Tong”.Why do we not attack that cyclop, using Tong’s hair?Now they kill the cyclop with the help of “Tong”.Now “Tong” had killed that cyclop according to the saying of goddess of mercy.

On the other side, it is seen that “Jade” had grabbed the eye of the cyclop.Now she reaches with her companion to a laboratory.As she pours that eye into her apparatus then a projection of motion pictures is started.It is exposed to her that “Tong” is the same person who is being searched for many years by her.It is also seen here that “Tong” had also come into that laboratory.And “Tong” had also become so sentimental, witnessing this.At last, they both had united. Then demon lord is seen here.Who always wanted to take the revenge from “Tong”.It had already also been observed that he wanted to carry out his evil plan through “Jade”.In which he was wishing to enslave the whole humanity.

There were also his daughters. Before this, demon lord attacks “Jade”,”Tong” rescues her.On the other side, “Angry Mistach” begins fighting with the spider demon to help them.Where that spider demon was attacking with her spider.While “Angry Mistach” was attacking her using her sword like a bat.Meanwhile, she also ends one of the demons.Contrarily, “Tong” is seen who was still fighting with the demon lord .Now that demon lord was so powerful so he comes out , defeating “Tong” and “Jade”.Where “Angry Mistach” was present. Seeing her, he had got very angry.Because she had killed one of his daughters.

Seeing this, that girl attacks demon lord with her sword.But demon lord makes a counter attack, stopping all his sword attacks.Due to this, she is died there. And “Tong” is seen here.Which had been brought out from there while attacking by the spider demon.And the demon lord had come here to take his revenge .As he was going to kill him then “Jade” comes to save him.And she requests a lot to the demon lord that he may leave her friend.But he was not going to do as such Then he says to her that,Okay! I will spare his life but you will have to do me a favour.”Jade” had found her friend after a long time so she was ready to do anything for him.And she accepts all demands of the demon lord.

Now snake demon pours a parasite into her on the commandment of the demon lord.Now “Jade” had become the poisonous and she had to infect king with this.In In this way, that king might die and the demon lord could rule all over the World.In the next scene, “Jade” is seen in the palace of that king.On the other side, “Tong” is seen who was nearly to die.At the same time, snake demon arrives there ,And she transfers the spiritual energy into Tong’s mouth, emitting from her body.As a result, he may be recovered properly. She had done as such because,”Tong” had once saved her life. And she also reveals the location of “Jade” to “Tong”.Where is she? What she is doing now?Now this temple where the “Tong” was present at this time.

He listens , going near it,That he had given back his god’s power to kill the cyclop.Now he will have to rescue his friend, moving there.On the other side, “Jade” is seen who was going to pour the poison into king’s mouth,She changes her plane and exposes all truth while holding that poison.Demon lord was seeing every action and he had got much furious on “Jade”.Due to this, he had started to beat the drum loudly,So the parasite present in the body of “Jade” was harming her body.With it, spider demon had also approached here to kill the king.

Many soldiers had arrived here to kill her here.But she kills all the soldiers with the help of her webs.Seeing this, the whole army had come ahead to kill that spider demon.Now the demon lord had come here for the ease of his daughter.Who had turned the entire army into ash with his first attack.On the other side, spider demon had also attacked the king with her webs.Before this, she may kill the king then “Tong” appears there.And he attacks her , gathering all the webs of spider demon.And he ends her while dismembering.Now Tong’s friend had again transformed into a monster to fight with the demon lord.

In spite of this, he was nothing before the demon lord.So demon lord falls him back while attacking him. And “Tong” is seen here.Who had recovered “Jade” soon with his power, moving to her.Then he had come outside, taking her where his friend was fighting with the demon lord.Demon was defeating him again and again easily there.And that time had also come when the demon lord had thrown him away while picking that monster up.Due to this, he had turned into his human form.But that old man Tong’s friend does not accept his defeat yet.And he again stands to attack demon lord while “Jade” is seen at the same place.

Who proceeds to attack the demon lord.Demon lord pushes her away with his one kick because she had not even a little energy in her.So she receives a severe injury. Tong’s friend had again attacked the demon lord here.But demon lord had thrown him away after defeating him.Now he had lost his breaths on demon lord’s attack.But Tong’s friend was not only died here. But Tong’s friend had also harmed demon lord badly.So his wounds were bleeding excessively. And he was nearly to die.Now he asks the spiritual power from her daughter snake demon.Which she had already transferred to “Tong”. It is also seen here that,That “Jade” had also died in the hands of “Tong” .

So he had become so dejected.But he had regained his god power because of her death.Now demon lord had also come into his real form who was nearly to die.Now the snake demon had understood this, seeing him as he is going to eat her.Demon lord wanted power at any cost and he does the same in any circumstances.He fills the requirement of his energy after eating his daughter.Now that demon lord dragon moves to “Tong” who had transformed into a golden god.He brings out many of the soldiers like him, using his magic.And he makes them attack that dragon.Now “Tong” is also transformed into same dragon like him while bringing ,any soldiers from himself.And he fights with him here. But that red dragon here attacks “Tong”.

Due to this, he was severely wounded there but he had still not lost his courage.Now he had turned all coming soldiers from his body into a human being.At last, he had beat that dragon while punching him violently.Then he moves to “Jade” after killing that dragon which had turned into ash.Seeing him, he had become so dejected.Now there comes the goddess of mercy here who was telling him that heaven is awaiting for you!Now you can move to heaven. But “Tong” rejects to go to heaven.And he says to her that it is my curse that I am living without my friend!Hearing this, the goddess of kindness joins him and transforms Jade’s soul into a bird.After this, “Tong” is seen with the soul of “Jade” in the heaven.And the movie completes on this scene. Thankyou.

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