The Handmaids Tale Movie Explained

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In the near future, war rages across the Republic 

of Gilead, formerly the United States of America,  

and pollution has rendered 99% of the 

female population sterile.The country,  

under the rulership of a totalitarian patriarchal 

theocracy, is designed in such a way that only  

benefits the high class. The lower class members 

are separated from their families and forced into  

taking up demeaning jobs. There is little or no 

justice, and the country’s citizens are deprived  

of their fundamental right to freedom.

The movie opens up with Kate, her husband, Luke,  

and daughter, Jill, attempting to cross over to 

Canada from the Republic of Gilead in an attempt  

to escape the hardships of the country and give 

their daughter a better life. Unfortunately for  

the family of three, they’re unable to reach 

their promised land as the Border Patrol  

soon discovers them. After a horrendous 

encounter with the Border Patrol officers  

that leaves Luke dead, Kate is taken into the 

system while Jill is nowhere to be found.

After being arrested, Kate, alongside 

some other criminally convicted women,  

is transported to a holding facility where 

they are tested. When the results come in,  

Kate and a handful of the women receive positive 

results. They are immediately separated from the  

others and are transported to another location. 

Here, Aunt Lydia, the woman in charge of the “Red  

Centre,” an academy where Handmaids are 

trained, meets them and explains that  

they will all become Handmaids.

She further reveals to the women that  

they were selected as Handmaids primarily because 

they’re part of the Republic of Gilead’s 1% of  

fertile females. Apparently, pollution caused the 

majority of the country’s women to become sterile,  

exempting these lucky few. After Aunt Lydia’s 

introductory speech, the girls are transported  

in a bus to the Red Centre. On the bus, Kate 

meets Moira, and the two become friends.

The next day, Aunt Lydia instructs the fertile 

women on their duties as Handmaids. They are  

to act as concubines to the wealthy but barren 

couples of the country with the primary purpose of  

bearing children for them. Their duty is perceived 

to be an act of service to God and their country,  

and their training comes with a good amount 

of scripted group chanting and ritualistic  

violence to ‘discipline’ the girls.

Not long after, Kate is taken into the  

home of the Commander, aka Fred as his 

newest Handmaid. The Commander’s wife,  

Serena Joy, welcomes Kate into the house, but 

it’s obvious she’s displeased by her presence.

Serena immediately lays down the rules for Kate 

to adhere strictly to. She then proceeds to ask  

Kate if she wants to have a baby, and the 

latter says yes since that is her duty as  

a childbearing concubine. Serena approves of 

this and tells Kate they can work together.

Soon, Kate is indoctrinated into the cult of 

Handmaids and becomes an official Handmaid who  

walks the streets in red garments. After 

the indoctrination ceremony, she returns  

to Fred’s house, where Serena shows her to 

her room and gives her further instructions.  

Kate then receives her new name, Offred, which 

means she belongs to Fred- aka the commander.  

That night, she dreams of her daughter; Jill.

The next day, Serena and Kate have a short rite  

with the Commander. He and Serena take turns 

reciting a Scripture from the Old Testament  

and then pray that they would be blessed 

to have a child through Kate. At night,  

Kate and the Commander have their first 

‘ceremony’ with Serena present.

When Kate wakes up the next day, the 

kitchen staff gives her instructions  

on how she’s to spend her day. She’s to wait 

for a fellow Handmaid named Ofglen. Together,  

the duo are to make a trip to the grocery store 

to pick up supplies for their respective houses.  

Later, while walking to and from the store, Kate 

and Ofglen do some light talk on the on-goings  

of the Mayday war against a resistance movement 

in the country. They also encounter a pregnant  

Handmaid on their way back, who everyone 

applauds for fulfilling God’s duty.

As time passes, it becomes evident from 

Kate’s behaviour that she is unhappy with  

the turn her life has taken. One night, 

Kate is about to steal a pair of scissors,  

probably to commit the unthinkable. But she’s soon 

discovered by Nick, the Commander’s chauffeur,  

who has been giving her flirtatious glances 

for a while. He doesn’t report Kate. Instead,  

the both of them make out passionately before Nick 

breaks the news to Kate that the Commander needs  

her by 10 pm in his office the next night.

When day breaks, Kate asks Ofglen what happened  

to the last Offred since there have been two other 

Handmaids who served the Commander before her.  

However, Ofglen claims that she 

doesn’t know anything about it.

Meanwhile, the Commander inquires to his wife 

about what she thinks of their latest Handmaid,  

to which Serena replies that she’s 

better than the previous ones.

That night, Nick escorts Kate 

to the Commander’s office.  

Thinking it’s another ceremony, Kate 

covers herself with her veil. However,  

the Commander locks his door and tells her 

to remove it because this meeting is not an  

official visit. He then reveals that he intends 

to get to know Kate better as a person because  

he thinks if he gets closer to her, she will be 

more at ease and become a better Handmaid.

The Commander suggests that he and Kate play 

Scrabble, which they do. After Kate emerges  

as the winner of the game, The Commander 

offers her some strawberries as a reward,  

claiming that he knew she would win the game 

because she was a librarian. He then informs  

her that he will go to the Capitol for a week, and 

while he is away, Kate shouldn’t forget him.

The next day, Serena invites Kate outside to 

assist her with gardening. She engages Kate  

in a discussion and tells her that the only 

reason she gets Handmaids is that she wants  

a baby who would make her life whole.

Serena then lets Kate know that she’s aware  

of the fact that Kate has a daughter. When 

Kate asks if Serena knows what happened to  

Jill after she was captured, Serena says she’s 

equally clueless and will try to find out.

Three months after Kate’s residence in 

the Commander’s house, she’s still not  

pregnant. This makes the family anxious, and Nick 

drives Kate to a hospital to run some tests.

Meanwhile, Kate’s doctor tells her that 

there’s absolutely nothing wrong with her.  

However, he knows the Commander and suspects 

that he’s the one who’s sterile because he  

has tried twice before to have a child. When 

Kate asks if they also test men for sterility,  

the doctor says they don’t and that Kate will 

get the blame if it doesn’t work out.

Surprisingly, he offers to help Kate by 

impregnating her. The doctor says that no one will  

know it’s not the Commander’s child, and that he 

has helped many other women get pregnant this way.  

Kate politely declines, but he presses on by 

warning her of the consequences if she doesn’t  

become pregnant. When he begins to make further 

advancements, Kate threatens to scream for help,  

and as a result, he finally lets her go.

Back at the Commander’s house, Kate is  

given one more month to get pregnant, or 

else she’ll be up for reassessment.

In the next scene, the commander and Kate play a 

game of cards, and Kate is the winner once again.  

When she asks for her prize, the Commander gives 

her a stash of magazines that were supposed to  

be burned because such material is illegal.

Meanwhile, Kate asks the Commander to do her  

a favour by giving her hand lotion because she 

needs it for her dry skin. At first, he obliges,  

but after a while, he rethinks and mentions that 

his wife might smell it on her and get furious.  

When Kate argues that she’s barely even close 

enough to Serena for her to notice her scent,  

the Commander agrees to give her a hand lotion 

on the condition that she doesn’t use it on the  

nights of their ‘ceremony.’

During their next ceremony,  

the Commander gets carried away and is 

about to touch Kate sensually. However,  

Serena immediately stops him, fearing that he 

might be more attracted to Kate than her.

Later that night, Kate confronts the 

Commander and tells him to never try  

touching her like that again because Serena 

can get angry and send her off to the colonies,  

where the standard of living is unbearable.

Kate then uses the opportunity to ask what  

happened to the last Offred. The Commander 

reveals that she couldn’t conceive, so she  

committed the unthinkable. Hearing this, Kate gets 

taken aback and she quickly leaves the office.

Meanwhile, Serena is getting impatient while 

waiting for Kate to conceive. One day, she calls  

Kate over for a talk on the issue. Kate asks if 

she has discovered anything about her daughter,  

but Serena says she hasn’t. Serena 

then asks Kate if she has had any  

pregnancy signs, and the latter says no.

As they keep talking, Serena points out that  

Kate’s time is running out. She admits that her 

husband might be infertile and suggests that Kate  

should sleep with another man so that she can 

become pregnant. Kate reminds Serena that she  

would be killed for that, but Serena brushes 

it off by saying women do it all the time.

When Kate asks her who she has in mind, Serena 

tells her Nick is a good fit for the job because  

he’s loyal to them. Eventually, Kate agrees to the 

idea, and the two decide to keep it a secret.

The night Kate and Nick get intimate, and 

this marks the start of their affair.

The next day, Serena confesses to Kate that 

Jill is alive. Apparently, she had known all  

along and was hoarding the information from Kate. 

She then gives Kate a photograph of her daughter,  

which makes her emotional. When she inquires 

about Jill’s location, Serena merely assures her  

that she’s in good hands and is well taken 

care of. Kate asks when she can see her,  

but Serena breaks the sad news to her that 

it’s impossible because Jill wouldn’t even  

recognize her as her birth mother.

That night, Kate goes to Nick’s room  

to confide in him. She tells him that she 

needs to see her daughter. Nick knows her  

wish can’t be granted, so he decides to 

comfort her instead while she mourns.

Some days later, all the Housemaids watch the 

extraordinary event of their fellow Housemaid,  

Offwalder, giving birth. Serena also witnesses the 

event and becomes more impatient, telling Kate to  

get pregnant soon. Meanwhile, Ofglen advises Kate 

to study the Commander and get to know everything  

about him, claiming this would be helpful.

The next time Kate and the Commander meet at  

the Commander’s office, Kate mentions that the 

Commander is a mystery to her and she would love  

to get to know him better. They then have small 

talk, and Kate uses the opportunity to study  

the Commander and his thought process.

Sometime later, all the women attend an  

event where they witness the verdict of a 

Handmaid who was found guilty of seduction  

and fornication with a medical staff member. 

According to the Handmaid’s training, situations  

like these are inevitably the woman’s fault, 

and her punishment is death. Everyone watches in  

delight as the other Handmaids pull the rope that 

eliminates the Handmaid in the public centre.

Next, another man is brought in and convicted 

for the assault of a pregnant Handmaid.  

All the Handmaids in the centre are furious, 

and they eventually beat him to death. However,  

Kate and Ofglen seem to be the only sane 

women there, and Ofglen reveals that she  

is a part of the resistance. She then tells 

Kate that the man wasn’t guilty. Instead,  

he was one of their best men.

As they walk back to their houses,  

Ofglen asks Kate what the Commander wants from her 

since he sees her privately. Ofglen then reveals  

that the Commander is the security chief, making 

him one of the resistance’s biggest targets.

Almost immediately, a vehicle explodes behind the 

women, and a group of armed men start shooting  

sporadically. The men are members of the Mayday 

resistance, so they spare all the Handmaids in  

the area. Following this, Ofglen tells Kate that 

the resistance may need her to kill The Commander  

as he has been their main obstacle for a 

democratic state. Kate is sceptical about the  

plan at first, but when she realises that it’s her 

only chance to meet her daughter, she agrees.

Later, when Kate returns to the Commander’s 

office, she is surprised when he tells her  

he’s taking her out and gives her a 

fancy black dress and boa to wear.

Nick is their chauffeur, and while in the 

car, Kate has to lie down on the floor during  

checkpoints because, according to the Commander, 

wives aren’t allowed where they’re going.

When they arrive at the destination, which 

is revealed to be an illegal nightclub,  

the Commander introduces Kate to everyone 

as Mary Lou. They both dance, have drinks,  

and sleep together before eventually leaving.

Once they get back home, Kate goes to Nick’s  

room and tells him that she’s pregnant 

for him and isn’t going to give up their  

baby to the Commander and his wife, who she 

detests. She then tells Nick that she wants  

to escape and asks him to join her.

When Kate returns to her room to rest,  

she finds on her dressing table a note from Ofglen 

saying “10 pm tomorrow” and a knife beside it.

The next day, Kate goes to meet with Ofglen to 

tell her she found the note, but when the girl  

turns, Kate realises that the Ofglen she knew has 

been replaced. When she asks the unfamiliar woman  

where Ofglen is, the lady claims to be Ofglen.

Meanwhile, Serena finds out that Kate has  

been sleeping with her husband outside the 

‘ceremonies.’ She confronts Kate about it and  

insults her before storming out of the house.

By 10 pm that night, Kate prepares herself to  

eliminate the Commander. When she enters his 

office, he’s about to fire a gun at her, but when  

he sees it’s Kate, he lowers his guard. Kate then 

uses the opportunity to kill him. Immediately,  

Nick and some other police officers 

arrive at the house and arrest her.  

However, the arrest is a ruse because the 

police officers are actually undercover  

Mayday resistance who help Kate escape.

In the next scene, Nick and Kate have an emotional  

farewell because Nick has to return to join the 

Mayday resistance. He tells Kate that he’ll keep  

sending her messages and she should run away and 

take care of their child until he returns.

The movie ends with Kate 

hiding safely in the mountains,  

thinking about her first daughter, Jill, while 

also awaiting Nick’s baby’s arrival.


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