The Jungle Book 2016 Movie Explained

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A young boy is shown at the start of the film named ”Mowgli”.

He was running with some wolves.

”Akela” was a black panther even though it lived with wolves.

It has taught ”Mowgli” the living style of wolves

then the ”Summer” is shown and there was no water everywhere.

The aniamls in the forest decide to go to drink water that is left near the shore of the stream.

None will attack other animals.

Now all the animals come to drink water from the shore of the stream.

”Mowgli” also arrives and the wolf’s leader has forbidden him to adopt the human lifestyle.

It asked him to live like wolves, not humans and then the animals are shown drinking water together.

They were watching ”Mowgli” being surprised.

They haven’t seen any animal like him then there was silence everywhere

and a tiger named ”Shere Khan” is shown.

It feels the aura of a human and it says there is a human between us.

”Shere Khan” sees ”Mowgli” and says give him to me.

Then the wolf leader says he is from our crowd

and we will not give him to you but ”Shere” says there will be rain.

This water deficiency will be recovered and the unity between animals will be over.

Then I will take ”Mowgli” from here and none can stop me.

It leaves while warning all the animals

now the wolves were worried for ”Mowgli” and the time passes.

It starts raining and there was a meeting of wolves

because they couldn’t decide whether they should keep ”Mowgli” or not.

If they will keep ”Mowgli” then ”Shere Khan” will become their enemy as well.

”Mowgli” doesn’t want to put his wolf companions in danger.

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He goes to the wolves and says I will leave this place but ”Bagheera” was also there

and it says it will be better for ”Mowgli” to leave.

”Bagheera” says I know a human village and I will drop ”Mowgli” there.

The mother of ”Mowgli” among the wolves says I will not let ”Mowgli” move far from me.

”Mowgli” has to leave this place and he moves forward with ”Bagheera”.

He reaches a dry grass field and there were many buffaloes.

”Bagheera” realizes a danger there and asks ”Mowgli” to run towards the light.

Before he could understand anything ”Shere Khan” attacks him.

”Bagheera” fights with it and ”Mowgli” starts running from there.

”Shere Khan” was powerful and ”Bagheera” can’t compete with it.

It defeats ”Bagheera” and then chases ”Mowgli”.

As it was about to capture ”Mowgli” it collides with the running buffaloes.

Being scared of ”Shere Khan” ”Mowgli” jumps into a ditch while running.

The buffaloes who were grazing also start running being scared of ”Shere Khan”.

”Mowgli” gets benefits from it and moves from there while holding a buffalo.

”Shere Khan” becomes furious because ”Mowgli” escaped from it.

Now it goes to the place where wolves live and they tell ”Shere Khan” that ”Mowgli” has left.

”Shere Khan” says this is your fault you didn’t give me the human baby

then it fights with the wolf’s leader.

”Shere Khan” throws the ladder down from the mountain and it dies.

Now the wolves get scared and ”Shere Khan” has occupied their area.

”Mowgli” is shown who was still sitting on a buffalo.

He awakes and sees the buffaloes were passing from a rock and the path is dangerous.

He also notices the land sliding.

Then he jumps into a stream for saving his life.

”Mowgli” has reached a dark forest and was also feeling hungry.

He sees some fruits on a tree and gets on the tree for plucking them.

Meanwhile, other animals arrive who pick ”Mowgli’s” fruits and run from there.

He has forgotten the path as well and when he was passing by a tree a python snake arrives

and hypnotizes him due to it, he remembers his past.

When he was a baby and sees in his past how his father saved him from ”Shere Khan”.

There was a flambeau in his father’s hand with which he attacked ”Shere Khan”.

There is still that mark on ”Shere Khan’s” eye.

”Bagheera” arrived at ”Mowgli” when ”Shere Khan” has ended his father

then it took him to the wolves.

The present is shown again and the python is shown

and it was trapping ”Mowgli” as it was hungry

so it will eat ”Mowgli” and when it was about to eat him a bear arrives.

Its name was ”Balu” and saves ”Mowgli” from here and takes him with it.

He fainted and when he comes to his senses he sees ”Balu”

and ”Balu” says I have saved your life and you have to help me in return.

You have to help me in order to get honey and he gets ready for helping ”Balu”.

”Mowgli” uses his mind like humans and reaches the place where the honey was.

”Balu” becomes happy and asks him to stop with it here.

We will live as good friends and will collect a lot of honey.

We will enjoy winter.

”Mowgli” says ”Bagheera” has forbidden me to stop here and ”Balu” says it is a good friend of mine.

”Balu” has convinced ”Mowgli” to live here

as they were enjoying ”Bagheera” arrives and gets shocked to see ”Mowgli” here.

It says I asked you to leave but ”Mowgli” hugs it as he sees it.

then he brings a rope there to help those elephants to take the baby out of the ditch.

”Bagheera” and ”Balu” were also there and become happy to see this

and ”Bagheera” tells ”Balu” that ”Shere Khan” has ended the wolf’s leader.

Its next prey is ”Mowgli”.

Hearing that ”Shere Khan” is behind ”Mowgli” it goes near him

and says you are not my friend and I made friendship with you just to collect honey.

”Balu” knows it can save him from ”Shere Khan” and ”Mowgli” feels bad

then he sits on a tree but many monkeys arrive and take ”Mowgli” with them.

”Balu” and ”Bagheera” also chase them but they take ”Mowgli” to a rock

as there was their castle and their king as well.

”Balu” traps the monkey king and ”Bagheera” points ”Mowgli” to run.

When ”Mowgli” and Bagheera” run from there a monkey sees them running.

They were competing with the other monkeys.

The monkey king was behind ”Mowgli” and he comes into the caves while running.

”Mowgli” escapes while jumping on a tree.

The monkey king presses under the destroyed castle.

He notices the fire there

Then he takes a flambeau from there and the flames from it fall on the dry grass

due to it, the grass sets on fire, and ”Mowgli” reach his companions.

There were wolves and ”Shere Khan” was also there and says to ”Mowgli” look, what you have done to the forest?

You are also like humans.

”Mowgli” sees behind and notices the whole forest was on fire.

His companion wolves were also scared of him

”Mowgli” throws the flambeau into the water and says I am not a human.

I am also a wolf.

”Shere khan” says none can save you from me but when it comes to attacking him

the animals come for his help.

”Mowgli” runs to the forest and makes a rope through the branches of the trees.

He climbs on the trees

on another side, ”Shere Khan” has defeated the animals and was behind ”Mowgli”.

”Mowgli” was climbing on the branches of the trees and ”Shere Khan” was also behind him.

”Mowgli” unwillingly climbs on a branch that was about to break.

”Shere Khan” was also behind him and because of its weight, the branch broke.

”Shere Khan” falls into the fire and ”Mowgli” escapes with the help of the rope he made.

”Shere khan” has also injured the animals who were ”Mowgli’s” companions.

They were worried about ”Mowgli”.

They notice ”Mowgli” has returned while sitting on an elephant

then changes the way of the stream with the help of elephants.

Due to it, the water of the stream moves toward the forest

the forest fire has now been extinguished.

Likewise, the forest was saved.

”Mowgli” has not only saved the animals while ending ”Shere khan”

”Balu” also started living with them.
This movie ends here.

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