The Kings Daughter 2022 Full Movie Explained

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The action of the movie gets underway on the coast.

In this scene, a young woman is seen snorkeling and swimming in the ocean.

After seeing what she was doing, the nuns forbade her to continue in that manner.

They are also making an effort to stop her. The name of this young lady is mentioned here.

Marie is her name, and she spends every day of her life participating in such pointless activities.

So she also gets punishment. Actually, “Marie” is the daughter of the France king named “Louis”.

Marie’s father “Louis” was a self obsessed man.

He himself did not bring his daughter up but gave her to a priest.

So nuns used to take care of her from that time.

After it, the city’s sight is shown.

Where king “Louis” returns back to France after winning a great war.

A man sent by his rivals shoots him with a gun in the victory celebration.

King “Louis” is confirmed on this . No matter how much power he gains,

But he will remain a human being. As a human, he is also mortal!

But king’s physician says to him, You will have to catch mermaid to get immortality!

He says, I can make you immortal with the power of mermaid!

So King dispatches his special fisherman amid of the ocean to catch the mermaid.

And this fisherman’s captain name is “Yves”.

He becomes successful to capture a couple of mermaid and merman.

But they just wanted mermaid.

The Kings Daughter 2022 Full Movie Watch Online

So he sends merman into the sea again, commanding his group.

He himself returns to the palace , taking that mermaid.

“Louis” becomes so excited, getting this news. But his priest remains unsatisfied on this.

Because he was considering such act as a crime or nothing else.

But nothing was affecting on doctor. Rather, he had a belief that,

That he will turn the king into immortal on the solar eclipse day through mermaid’s heart.

Priest also asks him to carry his daughter into the palace.

Then King agrees with the priest! And the priest reaches there to carry “Marie”,

Going there, he comes to know that “Marie” is a best musician.

Priest brings “Marie” into the place later. It is the first time that she has glimpsed palace,

So she was so shocked and happy, seeing all.

But king “Louis” still remains it secret before the World as “Marie” is his bloodline.

So priest sends “Marie” into a small room with a maid.

Marie’s maid is making her a visit of the whole palace there.

Everyone was watching “Marie” with the doubtful eyes.

Some people were also laughing at her because she was the stranger at this time.

She had come here as a guest.

And no one had knowledge why she was brought into the king’s palace .

“Marie” is observing the fountain, going near to this.

Meanwhile, king “Louis” comes there.

Being confused, “Marie” falls into the water.

As a king’s daughter, so the king makes her put on his coat.

Then that captain “Yves” is seen who reaches the place , taking that mermaid.

And king was becoming so lunatic of being immortal,

He only hears the words of the doctor not the priest.

He only thinks the doctor ‘s advices best.

Afterwards, when king goes to see mermaid.

Then he knows that mermaid’s condition is worst.

Because she was so frightened and confused.

Neither she was taking food not coming on the surface of the water.

Then that doctor tells, It is compulsory for this mermaid to stay alive till the solar eclipse!

Otherwise, it will never be happened what we are wanting!

We will never be able to fulfill our mission!

They will have to make mermaid eat something in some way while keeping her alive.

“Louis” threatens the doctor saying, You will take care of the mermaid!

Otherwise, you will face the dire circumstances.

“Marie” is seen in the room who is practisng music.

But she feels as someone is calling her to him.

Through a voice! So she begins to chase that voice.

Following the voice, she reaches that cave where they had imprisoned the mermaid.

That mermaid comes outside, seeing “Marie”.

“Marie” tries to talk with mermaid.

At the same time, that fisherman captain “Yves” and he shows his anger on “Marie” too much.

He asks him, Why did you come here and how?

Don’t move to mermaid! Then “Marie” declares that I did not come here according to my will.

But mermaid herself has called me here , hearing the sound of my music.

Captain “Yves” is left astonished , hearing her.

Next day, it is seen when “Marie” is playing the same music.

Then that music is also liked so much by “Louis”.

So he commands priest, Bring “Marie” quickly in the palace hall!

All people are staring at her when “Marie” is brought into the palace.

Now king “Louis” is also staring at her daughter.

He still does not expose before the people that “Marie” is my daughter.

Later, he begins to teach her dancing. Then he starts seeing his wife in the face of her daughter.

Observing this, king “Louis” is so shocked and stopped.

It is seen later that “Marie” used to spend much of her time with mermaid.

Due to this, mermaid’s health condition is also restored now.

During this time, “Marie” and captain “Yves” become friends.

They develop intimacy. One day, docr observes all,

So he starts his further planing. “Louis” accompanies her daughter to the same garden,

Where he used to draw the sketches of his wife or Marie’s mother.

Now “Louis” was also trying to understand her , spending much time with his daughter.

There is also a guest in King’s palace who was a great businessman of France.

Now king helps that guest and owns his father’s property to him.

That guest glimpses “Marie” when the king is proclaiming it before everyone,

But “Marie” was looking at “Yves”. Then that guest feels so envious.

He dislikes this at all that “Marie” has started to like “Yves”.

It is known here that guest had also liking for “Marie”.

So a controversy is started between that guest and “Yves” at night.

Then “Marie” is seen who comes back to the mermaid again.

At this time, she also touches the mermaid , moving into the water.

Mermaid had also liking for “Marie” and she had a trust on her.

That she cannot harm at any cost. Meanwhile, “Yves” also approaches there.

He stops “Marie” of doing this. Because it may prove so harmful for her.

But “Marie” does not come out of the water, ignoring him.

But “Yves” brings “Marie” out of the water forcefully.

“Marie” goes outside with “Yves” on the coming day, riding on a horse.

They are racing in the forest. Suddenly, “Marie” gets wounded while falling down from horse.

And her one of the arms is badly fractured.

Doctor suggests after diagnosing the problem of her arm, We will have dissect her arm!

But “Marie” is so disturbed. She did not want to do as such.

Because he has belief in god that he will reform her . And he will never let her afflict.

So “Louis” says to the doctor , You will not do as such right now!

You will have to wait till night. Mermaid is seen at night who wants to talk with “Yves”.

And she requests to bring “Marie” to her. And “Yves” also understands her.

What she is wanting to say? And he also does the same,

He immediately brings “Marie” to the mermaid.

He sends her into the water after taking her to the mermaid.

Mermaid begins to enchant “Marie”, swimming around “Marie”.

As a result, “Marie” is fully recovered.

Actually, mermaid had the power to recover every wound.

All people are left shocked on the coming day, seeing “Marie” fully recovered.

She tells the doctor and the priest about the whole incident occurred last night.

Hearing this, doctor is affirmed on his words.

It means, to kill the mermaid! but they all tell a lie to “Marie”.

That they have brought mermaid to cure the diseased French people.

“Marie” also thinks as they will release mermaid after doing as such.

Later,”Marie” knows through “Yves” that mermaid is not brought for the French people but for king.

It remains incomprehensible for “Marie”. Then they both start talking ,

“Marie” asks “Yves”, Why do you hate that guest?

“Yves” tells , Because he had imprisoned me after putting a blame of theft on me!

Then “Yves” shows a very charming sight to “Marie”.

They were creating intimacy with each other gradually.

“Marie” says to “Yves” here, It is my wish that you may release that mermaid as soon as possible!

King “Louis” is seen in the palace there who tells the guest while calling to him,

That “Marie” is my daughter! And he asks that guest to marry “Marie”,

Now that guest has already the affections for “Marie” so he quickly agrees with this.

But the priest still does not like this decision of the king.

He suggests to king “Louis”, You should ask the will of “Marie” at lease for one time!

But it does not affect king as “Marie” is willing for this marriage or not!

Priest says to “Louis” after being aggressive, She is your daughter!

You should not be so self obsessed because this action may make you a good king,

But not a good human being!

On the other side, “Marie” again goes to meet the mermaid.

And mermaid makes her swim in the water, letting her sit on her.

“Marie” enjoys a lot through this. When “Marie” comes out of the water,

Then king “Louis” calls her to him where he reveals her the secret that,

You are my daughter! he also gifts her a locket.

There is a stuck photo of her mother in this. King “Louis” says to “Marie” that,

You resemble your mother! Otherwise, your nature is also same like your mother.

She also never heard a command of anyone. Further, the king tells that,

I am self obsessed person. In fact, your mother had dies at that time,

When you came into life! But I could not bring you up alone.

So I had left you while trusting the priest.

Because I could not manage this kingdom with you!

Further, he tell that France’s financial condition is not sound right now,

If I get you married with that guest then his all money will be got by us!

Marie’s heart is broken , hearing this.

Being angry with her father, she leaves away.

But the angry attitude of “Marie” was not affecting “Louis” even to an extent.

“Marie” leaves that place while weeping.

Contrarily, the priest is seen who goes to the mermaid.

He was disliking the injustice and the cruelty occurring with the mermaid.

So he attempts to explain the doctor, moving to him.

But the doctor was possessed so he does not focus on his single word.

He gets him out of that place, saying ill for him.

“Marie” is seen there who is trying to escape from her room.

But king “Louis” had assigned the guards at her door step to keep an eye on her.

So she goes to meet mermaid through the window.

Where mermaid shows her the past time with his power of showing visions.

How did “Yves” had caught her and and her family ?

But “Marie” notices during this time that “Yves” is good by heart!

And he was not acting as such according to his will but under the compulsion.

Now priest worries, seeing this, As king “Louis” is losing his senses for being immortal!

So he tries to explain the king. When “King” does not give an ear to the priest,

Then priest moves away, leaving his job.

On the other side, “Yves” with his friend was trying to know about the plan of the doctor.

Because he had also no knowledge , What this doctor is going to do with this mermaid?

When “Yves” knows that it is the part of doctor’s plan to kill that mermaid,

Then he goes near Marie’s room to inform her.

But the doctor captures him, coming there and he also imprisons him.

When “Marie” returns to her room then she receives the message of “Yves” there.

And the whole secret is also exposed before her. She becomes so aggressive that,

She quickly moves to her father king “Louis”.

But “Louis” had turned into a beast from the human being and he has no care of anyone.

He only cared himself as he may remain the king of France forever after being immortal.

So he sends “Marie” to get ready for the marriage.

When “Yves” knows that “Marie’s marriage is going to be held.

Then he thinks , There is perhaps the will of “Marie” in this!

So he decides to carry out the command of the king now.

Contrarily, priest moves to Marie’s room and gets ready to help her.

Priest says to “Marie”, You will have to move outside, wearing the bridal dress!

Taking the action by “Marie,

He makes “Marie” free , avoiding her from the soldiers.

Now “Marie” reaches mermaid while running.

But reaching there, she notices that “Yves” is trying to bring the mermaid out of the water.

“Marie” expresses herself to “Yves”, I have liking for you!

She says, We will both marry later if I release mermaid from here at once!

After this, we will spend the same life which we have dreamt!

“Yves” orders his companions , hearing this, Get ready the ship!

He himself begins to plan to bring mermaid to the other side of the bridge.

It means, Where mermaid moves into the water easily.

But it was not a child’s play. Doctor detects about the escaping of mermaid.

Fort this, he reaches the cave and his fight is held with “Yves” reaching there.

“Yves” receives a gunshot during that fight.

“Marie” begins to cooperate with doctor in fight while saying to mermaid to run with “Yves”.

She hangs doctor Topsy turvy while tying him with the ropes.

For this mermaid also runs away , taking “Yves”.

“Marie” also moves away, riding on the horse.

King “Louis” is seen in the palace who was waiting for Marie’s wedding in the palace.

Then he knows that “Marie” has fled.

So he quickly runs away with his soldier in search of “Marie”.

Mermaid also recovers “Yves” properly on the way.

In the same way, as she had recovered “Marie” before.

After this, “Marie” climbs up a high mountain.

She is going to jump from there then king “Louis” with his soldiers instantly reaches there.

He forbids “Marie” of doing so. He also tries to stop her.

Then “Marie” notices “Yves” and mermaid , jumping into the sea.

“Marie” places an option before her father here.

That you will have to choose one either mermaid or your daughter!

I will jump into the water from here. Later, mermaid will recover me!

You will also lose your daughter if you kill that mermaid!

“Marie” jumps into the water here. King’s soldiers had seated while targeting the mermaid here.

But the king’s conscience is awaken now.

.He changes his decision and stops his soldiers with gesture.

Then mermaid moves to “Marie”, noticing the safe zone.

And she recovers her with her magic so soon.

“Marie” and “Yves” board the ship as “Marie” is recovered.

The king was also observing both, standing on the top of the mountain there.

Then it is seen that they both are amid of the sea to release mermaid.

“Marie” jumps into the water there where she meets with mermaid and her family.

Mermaid again swims the whole sea , making her sit on her back.

It is observed here that mermaid’s sea World is so charming here.

“Marie” is enjoying a lot of the swimming of this sea.

And the movie completes on this pleasant moment.

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