The Last Recipe Full Movie

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Mitsuru Sasaki is a talented Japanese 

chef known for having the taste bud of  

a mythological Giraffe. He never forgets the 

taste of the food he eats and is always spot  

on when copying dishes even without a recipe. 

One afternoon, a bedridden man and his wife  

call him to make a last meal for the dying man.

Sakaki comes to the hospital room with a table  

fitted with all the ingredients and 

utensils. The dish he is making is a  

simple fried rice and omelet but it has 

to be exactly like the one the man and  

his wife used to have when they were young.

They watch him closely as he showcases his skills  

with knives. Halfway through the cooking, the 

familiar aroma of omelet spreads around the room,  

shocking the couple. It is spot on 

with how their house smelled like every  

morning when they were young and struggling.

At last, they get to taste the food and tear up  

because of the memories it brings. After devouring 

it all, the man declares it his last meal and asks  

his wife to reward the chef for his work. Sasaki 

is thanked but he doesn’t show any emotion while  

being praised. All he cares about is the one 

million yen he is getting to cook the dish.

Somewhere else, Sasaki’s best friend Ken is at 

a funeral. Sasaki and Ken were brought up in a  

children’s home by the director. Recently, he 

passed away but Sasaki refuses to go to his  

funeral. A flashback reveals that the director 

never supported their decision to learn culinary  

art. Hence, Ken and Sasaki ran away from 

the children’s home when they were teens.  

Ken kept in touch with the director but 

Sasaki never did, which is why he doesn’t  

feel like he deserves to be at the funeral.

Ken calls him repeatedly because it was the  

director’s last wish to meet his son-like 

boy but Sasaki hangs up without listening.  

We find out that Sasaki’s restaurant failed 

a while ago which put him in a lot of debt.  

Currently, he makes money by cooking 

rich people their last dishes.

A flashback shows that the restaurant was doing 

pretty well and was renowned for its authentic  

taste. However, because of Sasaki’s perfectionist 

nature, he threw away a lot of dishes made for the  

customers if they weren’t perfect. This caused 

his employees to hate the work environment and  

ultimately, no one wanted to work with him.

That night, Sasaki gets a call from an agent  

asking him to come to China to cook the last 

dish for someone important. They offer him  

three million yen for a single dish, a deal Sasaki 

cannot refuse. The next day, he lands in Beijing  

and meets the said important person.

He is an old man named Seimei Yoh, a chef  

respected by every Chinese culinary artist. 

He cooked for generals and emperors during  

the time of world war two and is regarded as a 

legend of East Asian and European cuisine.

Sasaki is confused as to why someone 

like Yoh wants him to cook his last dish.  

The man introduces himself before revealing 

that a teacher Naotaro taught him to cook  

everything he knows. Naotaro paved the way for 

his career and made him into who he is today.  

When they were in Manchuria during world war 

two, they created one hundred twelve dishes,  

each made with different flavors and 

different cooking techniques.

They were the rarest world delicacies but the 

recipes have been lost. No one knows Naotaro’s  

whereabouts but Yoh believes that he still 

has the recipe book. Sasaki’s job is to find  

Naotaro’s book and cook the dishes he created.

Since the work is tedious, he will be compensated  

with fifty million Yen. The money will pay off 

all of Sasaki’s debt but he is still unsure  

about the task. He goes to Ken’s local restaurant 

with the three million Yen he got as an advance  

and asks him for advice. Being a good friend, Ken 

gives him a green light to accept the task because  

even if he fails, he has nothing to lose.

The next day, Sasaki goes to a government office  

and looks at Naotaro’s ancestry. He discovers 

that the man retired in 1964 but no one knows  

what happened to him after that. While looking 

through the pages, someone named Tatsumi catches  

his eyes. He seems to have been a close friend 

of Naotaro who might know his whereabouts.

In the following scene, Sasaki goes to Tatsumi’s 

house and finds out he has been dead for over a  

decade. However, his wife gives him the address 

of another man who might be able to help him.  

The man’s name is Kamata and he was 

Naotaro’s helper when he was in Manchuria.

Kamata lives on a secluded mountain running a 

small restaurant. He discloses that he doesn’t  

have the recipe book but he can tell 

Sasaki how the recipes were created.

From there the story goes into a flashback. In 

1933, Naotaro, his wife Chizu, and a young Kamata  

came to Manchuria for the first time. They were 

called by the Japanese army general who wanted  

Naotaro to create the best delicacies for the 

emperor about to visit in a few months.

Naotaro was given his private kitchen with all 

the ingredients and equipment he needed. They  

were also introduced to a Chinese helper named 

Yoh, none other than the old man who is now a  

retired world-famous chef. Sasaki is shocked upon 

hearing the name of the person who hired him.

Yoh was arrogant on his first day. He comments 

that the Japanese cannot make dishes better than  

Manchurians but Naotaro doesn’t take it to heart. 

He instead asks the helper to make something for  

the family because they are tired.

Yoh makes a famous watermelon dish  

and puts something special in it which 

he claims is a secret ingredient.  

After devouring the food, Naotaro gets up and 

skillfully creates an exact replica of it.

Yoh tastes the food and is astonished because the 

chef has nailed the taste exactly even without  

the secret ingredient. Naotaro reveals that he 

never forgets the taste of the food he eats,  

a unique talent he has learned over years.

Yoh is much more welcoming after the incident.  

They start working together beginning the 

next day and the first dish Yoh makes is  

a Manchurian spring roll. Naotaro puts a twist on 

the dish, creating a version that suits both Asian  

and European taste buds. This spring roll 

has fish and meat inside and is delicious.

Back in the present, Kamata 

makes the same dish for Sasaki  

and asks him to taste it. Even the critical 

chef is blown away by the taste but he comments  

that the amount of salt could be reduced.

Kamata freezes in shock as the comment sounds  

a little too familiar to him. Naotaro frequently 

used to comment that he puts too much salt in  

everything when they worked together. Moreover, 

he was very critical of the food he created  

and threw away anything that wasn’t a hundred 

percent perfect, much like how Sasaki is.

After Naotaro’s first week in Manchuria, the 

army general is presented with the first dish  

he came up with. The man devours it all and 

allows him to create more of such dishes.

As work continues, Chizu takes on the 

responsibility of being the group’s photographer.  

She also helps her husband write the recipes down 

at the end of every day but refrains from helping  

in the kitchen because she is pregnant.

We are also introduced to the regular military  

chefs whose job is to cook for the 

people on the base. They do not go  

inside the special kitchen, knowing that it 

is for experimental and special purposes.  

The chief cook and his son are always eager to 

socialize and grow close to Chizu with time.

One day, Naotaro introduces the concept 

of one hundred and twelve dishes assigned  

to four respective seasons. They will continue 

creating new dishes and adding them to the wall,  

innovating and removing some in the process.

In the following montage, we see them  

experimenting with many foods from around the 

world. The wall eventually fills up with recipes  

and they finally make one hundred twelve new 

dishes. The team wants to celebrate but Naotaro  

surprises them by tearing off some of the dishes. 

According to him, their real challenge has just  

started because now, they have to pick the good 

ones out and throw away the average ones.

For the next few months, Naotaro immerses 

himself in work but fails to come up with new  

ideas. Chizu sees him struggling and advises him 

to start trusting his colleagues. Up until now,  

Naotaro only trusted his craft and didn’t believe 

Yoh and Kamata could come up with great ideas.  

Chizu knows that he can only win if 

he keeps this arrogance aside.

A few days after that, Chizu gives birth and 

passes away. Not even an hour later, the head cook  

finds Naotaro in the kitchen cooking something 

and calls him out for being a heartless man.  

Naotaro reveals that he is making Chizu’s favorite 

dish and they enjoy a feast in her memory. Now,  

the responsibility of his newborn 

daughter is entirely in his hands.

Back in the present, Kamata stops talking and 

gives Sasaki the address of a Russian man named  

Joseph. Sasaki has to go to him to hear the rest 

of the story. Upon reaching Joseph’s restaurant,  

he finds out the man is dead but his son Robert 

is ready to tell him anything he wants to know.

Robert used to be best friends with 

Naotaro’s daughter Misa when she was a child.  

At one point in history, Naotaro was 

called to cook for a Jewish exchange  

party where he met Joseph. It is also when 

Robert and Misa met for the first time.

Naotaro and Joseph have their differences at 

first but Naotaro manages to impress him with  

his non-traditional cabbage roll dish. It 

has elements of Russia, Japan, and China,  

making it a perfect dish for a meeting 

with people of all these nations.

The meeting was highly successful and all 

credit went to Naotaro. This marked the  

beginning of Naotaro and Joseph’s friendship. At 

present, Sasaki is offered the cabbage dish that  

Joseph’s restaurant still serves. He is yet again 

blown away by another of Naotaro’s dishes.

After devouring it, Sasaki inquires where the 

recipe book with the one hundred twelve dishes is.  

Robert reveals that one afternoon, Naotaro came 

to Joseph in a hurry and trusted him with the  

recipe book and a letter. At that time, Manchuria 

was swarming with spies from different communist  

parties. Naotaro was told Yoh was a Chinese spy, 

who has not only been keeping an eye on them but  

was selling the recipes to outsiders.

The betrayal prompted Naotaro to kick Yoh  

out of the base, asking him to never return. 

Sasaki is in shock that the person he met at  

the beginning of all this was the villain. But 

then, Robert hits him with another surprise,  

disclosing that Naotaro asked Joseph 

to give the recipe book to Yoh.

This means, the old man had the recipe 

this whole time but he still made Sasaki  

run around for it. After finally figuring 

everything out, he goes to Yoh and inquires  

what the last piece of the puzzle is.

Yoh still says that he doesn’t have the recipes  

and asks him to read the last letter left 

by Naotaro. In it, Naotaro discloses that  

he was asked to poison the Japanese emperor 

when he came to feast in their establishment.  

The army general is being given a lot of money 

to do so and is offering the same to Naotaro.  

If the plan goes right, they will blame Yoh for 

poisoning the emperor because he is Chinese.

Not just that, but Kamata turns out to be a 

Japanese spy sent to keep an eye on Naotaro  

and the group. Naotaro doesn’t have the option to 

refuse the offer so instead, he kicks Yoh out of  

the establishment to save his life.

However, the general doesn’t give up,  

still asking Naotaro to cook for the 

emperor and poison the food. Hence,  

the night before the food trial, Naotaro copies a 

second recipe book and hands it over to Joseph.

On the day of the trial, he burns the original 

copy of the book, angering the general because  

his plan is ruined. As a result, Naotaro is 

imprisoned. To ask for forgiveness, Kamata  

tries to break his master free at last. But before 

he succeeds, the general shoots Naotaro dead.

His daughter Misa remains with the head cook who 

takes care of her like his own daughter. Soon,  

the Sino-Japanese war starts and he brings his 

son and Misa to Japan to save their lives.

Yoh says that he made connections with Japanese 

high profiles and climbed the ladder of success,  

meanwhile, Kamata went to the war.

Several years later, they reunite and  

look for Misa because she is the true heir of 

the recipe book. They find her still with the  

head cook and his son who she calls her elder 

brother. She also has a little son but her  

husband turns out to be dead.

On finding out about her father,  

Misa breaks into tears and promises 

to open a restaurant using his recipes  

to honor him. Everything goes well until the day 

of the restaurant’s opening. It lights on fire and  

Misa dies trying to save the recipe book. Her poor 

kid screams for his mother but she never returns.  

The book, however, was miraculously saved.

A few days after her death, her elder brother  

took the responsibility to take care of her 

son and established a children’s home for less  

fortunate children. This is when Sasaki realizes 

that the kid is himself. He is Naotaro’s grandson  

and Misa’s son who lost his family and was 

raised by his uncle in a children’s home.

Yoh sent him on this mission so he would find 

out about the history of culinary art in his  

family through research. In the end, the 

director wanted to meet him before dying  

because he had the recipe book and he wanted 

to hand it over to its rightful owner.

At last, we see Sasaki return to the 

children’s home and pay respect to  

his uncle’s shrine. He finally receives 

the recipe book and sees the pictures  

of his family on it. His uncle didn’t 

want him to become a chef because he  

had seen his family suffer because 

of their obsession with food.

In the final scene, Sasaki 

recreates his grandfather’s dishes  

for the children of the establishment.

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