The Plague 2006 Full Movie Explained

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The movie begins in the year 1983 in a suburban 
town in America. A father, David Raynor,  

is yelling at his eight-year-old son Jake to 
wake up because he is late for school. When Jake  

doesn’t answer, David goes to check on him and 
comes across a troubling sight. Jake has stopped  

moving and is secreting fizz from his mouth.
Without wasting time, David rushes him to  

the hospital and discovers that his son is 
not the only person who woke up like that.  

The hallway is full of parents carrying their 
children and trying to contact a doctor.

In fact, according to the news on 
TV, every single child in the world  

under the age of nine has fallen into a 
catatonic state. Reports from the Asian,  

Australian, and African countries are flooding 
in asking for expert advice but even the smartest  

scientists have no idea what is going on.
Chaos ensues as parents come to the streets  

to protest but even they do not know what they 
are protesting against. Days turn into weeks,  

months, and years but the children 
never go back to normal.

 The Plague 2006 Full Movie Watch Online

Every child born after 1983 is born in 
the same condition, threatening the end  

of mankind. Several laws are formed to protect 
the rights of sick children and to stop people  

from procreating further. This causes economic 
and social instability around the globe which  

further gives rise to many problems.
The only movement the children make is  

when they get intense seizures twice a day 
at the same time every day. Science has no  

answers to what the seizures mean just like 
how it has no answers to the entire plague.

Cut to ten years later. Eight-year-old Jake 
has now turned into an eighteen-year-old boy  

but with no life inside of him. He is 
fed and kept in a healthy condition  

but David and other parents of the world have 
given up on getting their children back.

In David’s town, the school is closed 
after the last batch graduates and the  

gym hall is renovated into a hospital 
for the sick children whose families  

have no means to take care of them. The head 
doctor at the gym is a woman named Jean.

Then, we are introduced to Jean’s ex-husband 
Tom. He went to jail a few years ago for killing  

a man in a bar fight. The incident changed 
his life and took his job and family away.  

After serving prison time, he has just 
recently been let out on parole.

Since Tom has no place to live, David allows 
him to stay at his house for a few days  

where Tom also gets to meet Jake. David has 
brought several medical equipment for Jake’s  

comfort. Tom comments they must have cost a lot 
but David rationalizes that nothing will amount  

to his son’s happiness. He seems to believe that 
although his son cannot express his feelings,  

he can still tell what is going on around him.
In the evening, Tom meets Jean who isn’t happy  

to see him. They share a brief conversation 
before she asks him to stay away from her.  

Tom is still in love with her but 
she only sees him as a murderer.

The following day, Tom goes to the police 
station to meet his old mentor and the town’s  

Sheriff. There, he sees two teenagers who have 
been arrested for trespassing. Ten years ago,  

they narrowly crossed the age of nine and 
were saved from being like the other kids.  

While most such children are in bigger cities 
making a lot of money, these two break into  

houses and talk to unconscious children. No one 
knows why they do it but by the looks of it,  

they seem to be struggling mentally.
In the next scene, we see a doctor walking  

into the gym for a regular checkup. She is met 
with horror when she sees that they have come  

back to consciousness and are staring at 
her. The woman cannot believe her eyes and  

freezes in shock until one girl attacks her.
Back in the house, Tom wakes up because of a noise  

and sees the state of emergency message on TV. He 
rushes upstairs to check up on Jake but finds him  

missing. Then, he goes to David’s room to discover 
that his face has been squashed to death.

Seconds later, Jake appears behind and attacks 
him. He is about to be killed when his childhood  

friend and Jean’s brother Sam arrives at 
the house. He hits the kid with a tire iron  

and throws him off the window. Sam also reveals 
that the entire city has been swarmed by  

the awake children whose only aim is to kill the 
adults. No one knows what they actually want but  

people are dying at a frightening rate.
Suddenly, they remember that Jean was  

working a night shift which means 
she is surrounded by sick children.  

They quickly make their way outside but are yet 
again approached by Jake. At first, he tries to  

attack them but stops and falls unconscious.
After that, Tom and Sam drive to the school.  

The first dead body they find is of a nurse with 
a deformed face. While trying to climb the stairs,  

they are attacked by the kids who try to 
grab their faces for some reason. They are  

saved by the same two teens who Tom saw at 
the police station earlier. They introduce  

themselves as Kip and Claire. It turns out that 
the killers think the couple is one of them,  

which is how they have survived till now.
Tom asks them to quickly get out of the city  

while he and Sam continue looking for Jean. 
When in the hallways, they are almost spotted  

by a hoard of the killers but they manage 
to hide inside a room with locked doors.

They also find a group of eight survivors waiting 
for help. The doctors think the police are on  

their way to help them, unaware that no one 
in the town is safe, including the police.

Tom is told that Jean went up a vent to 
get medicines for an injured survivor.  

He follows her behind, asking Sam to take 
care of the others. A few minutes later,  

Sam hears someone trying to break the door. 
He panics and asks the group to go down the  

laundry chute. They make a rope out of bedsheets 
and manage to climb down one after another.

Sam goes last but halfway through, he hears 
the others screaming in pain. Realizing that  

they have been attacked, he climbs back 
up and unties the bedsheets. Just then,  

he sees a nurse trying to climb up the chute but 
because of his mistake, she falls to her doom.

Everything goes quiet for a second before Sam sees 
a guy inside the room. Meanwhile, Tom is crawling  

through the vent when he comes across another kid. 
He is about to be attacked but Jean arrives at the  

right time to save him. They both come out of 
the vents, deciding to return to the others.

However, upon reaching the room, they see Sam 
with a bloodied weapon and no survivors. Jean  

is heartbroken because they were her 
colleagues. Tom calms her down before  

the three of them make their way outside.
In the hallways, they are joined by Kip and  

Claire. A little further, they meet the sheriff 
who is also looking for survivors. All of a  

sudden, a panicking guard attacks Claire, 
assuming that she is one of the children.  

Before he calms down, the actual children drag 
him away while the others run to the door.

Outside, the sheriff’s wife Nora and the deputy 
are waiting for the survivors. When they are  

distracted, the children land an attack. Somehow, 
the others arrive at the right time and manage to  

free them. Amidst the chaos, Claire is left behind 
with the children while the others drive away.  

Kip is worried for her but is hopeful that 
the children won’t know she is a human.

The group stops in the Church where Jean takes 
care of Sam’s injured leg. He yells in pain  

for several minutes before she finally gives him 
drugs to make him sleep. While everyone stays in  

a safe room, Tom goes around the church to check 
if there are any more children. While inspecting  

the chapel, he is attacked by a girl.
The sheriff runs to see what’s up and is  

shocked because the girl is his daughter. His 
wife Nora weakens at the sight of her girl in  

such a condition. Instead of killing her, they 
decide to tie her hands to the railings.

Somewhere else, Kip finds a pastor’s journal 
where he has written interesting things about  

his dreams. A few hours later, they see the 
pastor outside being swarmed by the children.  

They hold him to the ground while a kid touches 
his face and kills him. Before dying, the pastor  

says that he is not yet ready, disclosing 
that he knows something the others don’t.

Kip then shows the journal to Tom and 
asks him to read the last entry. In it,  

the pastor has predicted his death, saying that 
his soul was taken by children through his face.  

He has also written a line that roughly translates 
to “the children give what they receive”. They are  

not able to depict what it means but Tom keeps the 
page just in case they need it in the future.

 The Plague 2006 Full Movie Review

Meanwhile, Nora sees her daughter tearing 
up and believes that she has turned into  

her normal self. She quickly unties her hands, 
only to be attacked and killed brutally. When  

the Sheriff arrives at the scene, his heart 
drops. Before his daughter can do more harm,  

he shoots her dead and commits the unthinkable.
In the morning, we see that Claire is still  

alive. She goes to her house and finds 
her mother’s dead body in the bathtub  

with her face crushed. In the meantime, the 
group finds out about an army base near their  

town which is their only hope for survival.
They pack up all the necessary stuff and go  

outside but come across a broken car. It turns out 
that the children are getting smarter by the hour  

and have learned to disable the engine in 
cars. They have done the same to every car  

in the neighborhood so Tom has to 
think of another way to escape.

He then remembers that David had a car inside his 
garage which could still be working. Since Sam  

cannot walk, he and the deputy stay at the Church 
while the other three go out to David’s house.

They reach the place safely but come across a girl 
in the front yard. She even has a gun on her and  

seems to know how to use it. Suddenly, Claire 
appears and kills the girl. She also discloses  

that the children are learning to do new stuff 
and almost all of them have a gun by now.

Back in the Church, a hoard of children 
attack Sam and the deputy. A while later,  

the rest of the group arrives to their 
dead bodies. Jean kneels down near her  

brother and breaks into silent sobs. She gets up 
surprisingly quickly, driven by the will to kill  

all the children. On their drive to the town’s 
border, everyone notices her stiff demeanor.

When they are distracted, two guys start firing 
at the car. The tires go flat causing them to  

come to a halt right in the line of fire. 
Tom asks everyone to stay down but Jean  

doesn’t listen. She comes out of the 
car and ambushes both enemies.

She continues fighting even after they are dead 
while the others watch in concern. Now that they  

are out of bullets, Jean wants to return to 
the town’s police station and get some from  

their storage. Tom argues otherwise because 
there is no need for guns in the army base.  

Still, Jean remains adamant and makes her 
way to the police station on her own.

Kip and Claire join her shortly after, leaving 
Tom the odd one out. He walks towards the army  

base for some time before sitting down to read 
the pastor’s note again. He rationalizes that  

the children are sucking out people’s souls but 
the way to stop them isn’t clear on the note.

Meanwhile, in the police station, they find two 
children gathering up all the weapons. Since they  

won’t suspect Claire, she decides to go inside to 
steal the guns. The other two patiently wait in  

another room until they hear a gunshot.
Kip runs to Claire and sees that she  

has been shot. He kills a man but is in 
turn shot as well. The two sit beside  

each other until they ultimately die.
Some time passes when Tom arrives and finds  

a frantic Jean in the hallways. She has lost 
all senses and is paranoid that the children  

have surrounded her. Tom gently brings her 
back to her senses before they go outside.

Since they do not have a vehicle, they are soon 
surrounded by the children from all sides. Tom  

makes Jean kneel down and remember the moment she 
was the happiest in her life. While she does so,  

he walks to a kid in the crowd and tells him 
that he is ready. Tom has finally figured out  

that the kids give you back the emotions 
you show to them. When you give them fear  

and anger, they do the same to you.
Seconds later, Jean opens her eyes and  

finds herself alone. In the last scene, we see 
her reading the pastor’s note while enjoying a  

beautiful day outside her house. Then, she sees 
the children surrounding her house yet again.  

This time, she simply goes inside, leaving 
the door open as a sign of trust.


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