The Seeds Of Happiness Full Movie Explained

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Today I’m going to explain a Japanese movie called

 “The Seeds Of Happiness”. Spoilers ahead!!

At the start of the movie, a couple, David and 
Nikki are having dinner at a fancy restaurant.  

While both of them are enjoying their food, 
Nikki suddenly questions David if he is alright.  

Unexpectedly, David takes out a ring from 
his pocket and proposes to Nikki to marry  

him. He then reveals his desire to spend the rest 
of his life with her. Startled by the unexpected  

proposal, Nikki just stares at him with confused 
eyes and soon looks away. Because of this,  

an awkward David suggests Nikki to 
take her time with the decision.

After a while, Nikki leaves the place alone and on 
her way back home, she comes across a flower shop.  

The shop has ‘seeds of happiness’ on sale and 
this makes Nikki curious. The next morning,  

Nikki is planting one of the seeds inside her 
garden. Here, we get to know that Nikki has been  

frustrated as of late so she has bought the seeds, 
in hopes of changing her sad and boring life.  

Later at office, a colleague at work inquires with 
Nikki if she answered David’s proposal, to which  

she says no. When the colleague questions her 
if there is any problem with David, Nikki again  

says no. The colleague then mentions that the two 
are a perfect match for each other as they have  

been dating since the last three years. Despite 
this, Nikki seems skeptical about something.

After returning from work, while Nikki 
is collecting her clothes, she notices  

a hand coming out from her garden. It is the same 
spot where she planted the ‘seed of happiness’.  

When she approaches the hand and starts 
digging near it, she suddenly finds a girl  

and screams in horror.

The Seeds Of Happiness Full Movie Watch Online

In the next scene, the same girl,  

who has a plant growing out of her head, cleans 
herself up while a shocked Nikki stares at her  

in disbelief. She asks the girl about her identity 
but the latter simply ignores her question. The  

little girl then approaches Nikki’s family 
picture and exclaims that she missed it very  

much. Hearing this, Nikki gets confused and 
she again asks the girl about her identity.  

This time, the girl replies that she is Joanna, 
Nikki’s mother. She further mentions that she  

came to existence because of the magic seed that 
Nikki had planted. Taken aback by the revelation,  

Nikki quickly grabs the magic seed packet 
and takes a look through it. However,  

she fails to find anything unusual so she 
suspects the girl of lying to her.

Just then, the little girl starts spitting facts 
about Nikki’s personal life, which only she  

would know. She mentions her date of birth, 
weight at birth and even her favorite food.  

This stuns Nikki but even now she is skeptical 
about the girl’s story. As the two are talking,  

Nikki’s stomach suddenly starts rumbling and the 
little girl decides to make her favorite dish.  

She then climbs on a chair and starts preparing 
the ingredients. As the little girl is at it,  

she mistakenly injures her finger but when Nikki 
rushes to check on her, she finds a green liquid  

instead of blood. This indicates that 
the little girl is totally a plant.

After a while, the food is finally served and 
when Nikki takes a bite of it, she realizes  

that the taste is similar. This assures Nikki 
that the little girl is indeed her mother. She  

takes some time to process the information and 
asks Joanna if she is going to eat. However,  

Joanna replies that she cannot eat food as she is 
a plant. She then asks Nikki about her father, and  

the latter replies that he has been busy traveling 
abroad. After the short mom-daughter conversation,  

Joanna decides on taking a bath but as soon as she 
gets in contact with water, she starts screaming.

Hearing this, Nikki immediately rushes to the 
bathroom and finds Joanna struggling to contain  

the water shower. When Nikki turns off the tap, 
she gets startled to see that Joanna has grown  

into a teenager. Turns out 
that the plant girl grows  

every time she comes in contact with water.
At night, Nikki lends some of her clothes to  

Joanna and as they are preparing to sleep, 
she suddenly gets a notification. On checking  

her phone, she finds a text from David, which 
suggests she take her time with the decision.  

Joanna also reads the text and excitedly asks 
her daughter if she has been proposed to.  

However, Nikki replies that it is personal and she 
should stay out of it. Despite this, Joanna urges  

her daughter for an answer. Left with no other 
choice, Nikki reveals that she has been proposed  

but hasn’t decided about her answer yet. Being 
the good mother that she is, Joanna decides to  

sleep with her daughter and discuss the whole 
matter with her, but Nikki pulls her away and  

orders her to sleep on the couch outside. Although 
distraught, Joanna agrees and leaves the room.

Outside, while Joanna is contemplating her 
life choices, she suddenly notices the magic  

seed packet and starts inspecting it. Inside 
it, she finds a note and after reading it,  

she becomes sad. Joanna then chucks the note 
inside the dustbin and goes to sleep.

In the next scene, while Nikki is walking 
around her office, she hears her nosy colleague  

talking to Joanna. The two are discussing Nikki’s 
boyfriend; David. Nikki hurriedly approaches them  

and tells her colleague that Joanna is her cousin. 
She then grabs Joanna and pulls her away but just  

then, David emerges from the elevator. Joanna 
immediately recognizes him and starts asking him  

several questions. Embarrassed, Nikki again lies 
about the girl’s identity and takes her away.

The duo then enters a private room and 
Nikki berates Joanna for her actions.  

After apologizing, Joanna expresses that David 
is a perfect match for her and hence, she should  

think about the proposal. However, Nikki replies 
that everything is not as simple as it seems.  

Hearing this, Joanna asks her daughter if 
she truly likes David to which she replies  

yes. This delights Joanna and soon she 
starts reminiscing about Nikki’s childhood.  

After this, the movie goes into a flashback.
It is Nikki’s sixth birthday and both her parents  

are there to celebrate it. Nikki seems really 
excited about her present and when Joanna hands it  

over to her, she starts unwrapping it immediately. 
However, her expression quickly changes when  

she finds a 5-piece makeup set instead of the 
magic ring that she had requested. Joanna then  

reveals that the magic ring has been sold out and 
hence, she got her the makeup kit. Hearing this,  

little Nikki acts as if she likes the gift 
but the disappointment is clearly visible  

on her face. This bothers Joanna so she approaches 
Nikki to inform her that she doesn’t have to force  

herself to like the gift. She then apologizes 
for not fulfilling the little girl’s wish  

and suggests she follow her heart and tell the 
truth. After a bit of thinking, Nikki concedes  

that she still wants the magic ring and Joanna 
vows to get it for her. After the conversation,  

Joanna heads out in search of the ring.
The scene then changes to the present where  

Joanna mentions that she is still proud 
of her daughter as she followed her heart.  

But before she can continue the story, 
she is stopped by Nikki, who exclaims that  

she doesn’t want to hear anymore of it. Following 
this, she leaves the room, leaving Joanna sad.

At night, while Nikki is walking back home, 
she starts remembering the rest of the story,  

where her mother is in the ICU bed. A young 
Nikki can only watch in horror as her mother  

fights for her life. Surprisingly, 
she has the magic ring with her.

After reaching home, Nikki proceeds to get changed 
but just then, she hears some noises coming from  

her bedroom. She rushes upstairs and finds Joanna 
going through her personal belongings. When Nikki  

tries to stop her, Joanna suddenly asks if she 
still has the magic ring. Hearing this, Nikki  

becomes silent for a while. After coming out of 
her emotional state, she takes out the ring from a  

drawer and hands it to Joanna. Delighted that the 
ring still exists, Joanna says that it brings back  

special memories from the past. However, when she 
asks her daughter if she remembers the memories,  

Nikki gets enraged, saying that she 
doesn’t want to remember anything about it.  

She then snatches the ring from Joanna’s hand and 
shouts that if it weren’t for the stupid ring,  

her mother wouldn’t have gone out and died 
in the accident. Hence, to this day, Nikki  

still blames herself for her mother’s death.
Following this, a distraught Nikki throws the ring  

out of a window, telling that she doesn’t need it 
anymore. She then claims that she doesn’t deserve  

any happiness in life. This is the reason why 
she doesn’t want to get married with anyone,  

as she fears that she will ruin someone’s 
life again. Joanna tries her best to console  

her daughter but Nikki cuts her short. She then 
orders Joanna to go away, saying that her life was  

happier before she came into existence. Seeing her 
daughter devastated, Joanna obliges and leaves.

In the next scene, we are shown that Nikki 
has been in her bed all day long. Tired of  

overthinking, she decides to take a walk but 
finds out that it is raining heavily. She heads  

downstairs to apologize to Joanna but fails 
to find her. Just then, it dawns on Nikki that  

the heavy rain might have drenched Joanna wet. 
Fearing that she will lose her mother again, she  

decides to head outside, but accidentally knocks 
the dustbin over, spilling all its contents.  

As Nikki collects the trash, she notices the same 
note from the magic seed packet. The note reveals  

that the lifespan of the flower is one week, but 
overwatering may result in immediate growth and  

shortened lifespan. Panicked, Nikki rushes 
out of her house with an umbrella and finds  

Joanna searching for something near a tree.
When Nikki approaches Joanna, she is shocked to  

find out that her mother has grown to 
her original state. Because of this,  

Nikki calls her mom for the first time. Joanna is 
delighted by the surprise, but she soon continues  

her search. Nikki requests that they go inside 
and talk, but Joanna stresses that she will only  

go back once she finds the ring, because it is 
special to her. Nikki again tries to persuade her,  

mentioning that her lifespan will be shortened 
if she stays in the rain, but Joanna is adamant  

on finding the ring first. After a bit of 
searching, Joanna eventually finds the ring  

and hands it over to Nikki. She then expresses 
her happiness at finally delivering the gift to  

her daughter. Following this, Nikki tries taking 
her mother inside but it’s too late. A flower  

petal from Joanna’s head suddenly falls down, 
indicating that her lifespan is about to end.

Before Nikki can get a chance to react, Joanna 
gets dizzy and loses her balance. However,  

even in her final stages, she continues to 
express her affection for her only child.  

Joanna mentions that she doesn’t regret going 
out to get the ring and if given the chance,  

she would do it over and over again. After 
Joanna apologizes to her daughter for leaving  

her with painful memories, Nikki assures her 
that she has always missed her mother. As the  

two get emotional, some more flower petals fall 
down from Joanna’s head. With her last breath,  

she mentions that she is proud to be the mother of 
a wonderful girl like Nikki. Joanna then requests  

her daughter to remain happy and passes away in 
her arms as the rain continues pouring heavily.

In the next scene, Nikki follows her mother’s 
wish and finally gets married to David. After  

exchanging their vows, the entire crowd applauds 
them. Among the crowd, Nikki’s father is also  

present, along with a picture of the late Joanna. 
The movie ends as Nikki gazes at her late mother’s  

picture and says the words ‘Thank You Mom’ Thankyou.

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