The Shy Guy Full Movie Explained

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Hi, Today Im 
going to explain a Chinese film called  

“The Shy Guy”. Spoilers ahead!!
 A fictional country named the Daughter’s kingdom 
is ruled by women. Men are given no rights,  

no respect, and are expected to be quiet 
and submissive. In Daughter’s kingdom,  

the gender roles are changed, so much so that 
men are catcalled and harassed in the streets.  

The ones who retaliate against the 
absolute law are sent to a rehabilitation  

center and taught to respect women.
In such a world, a couple gives birth to  

their son named Ming. His mother is disappointed 
to have birthed someone who won’t be of any use  

to the family. Throughout his life, Ming 
is compared to his non-existent sister.  

He is denied good education and health facilities 
because his mother wishes to save money if she  

ever gets pregnant with a daughter.
As time passes, Ming grows resentful of  

the entire female gender and starts a rebellious 
organization of his own. He and his friends Chan  

and Zheng conspire every day to end the rule 
of women but all they can do is talk since  

anyone who acts on such urges is punished.
One afternoon, they are with a new addition  

to the group, discussing their role in the 
world as men. As always, Ming speaks against  

the matriarchal society. Suddenly, the guys notice 
that the new man smells of flowers. If a guy puts  

effort to look presentable, it means he is doing 
so to please a woman. Ming suspects the new man is  

a spy and his assumption turns out to be true.
Suddenly, their hideout is raided and the police  

arrest them. Ming’s mother arrives at the scene 
and reveals that she was the one who reported him,  

having found out about the organization.
Following that, the guys are taken to the  

highly secured rehabilitation center. It has 
more than a hundred women guards who keep  

an eye on the men at all times. The place 
is surrounded by high walls, barbed wire,  

and an automatic main entrance. Any man who tries 
to escape will have their manhood taken away.

The leader of the place is the ruthless grand 
instructor. In a monthly meeting, she introduces  

a rookie teacher named Mina. The staff of the 
rehabilitation center is divided into two groups  

working under the grand instructor; first are 
the guards who are responsible to punish and  

discipline men. Second, are the teachers who are 
partnered with an individual man and are tasked  

to teach them how to please a woman.

The Shy Guy 2019 Watch Online

The new batch of men is brought to a room to take  

their clothes off. Ming and his friends get ready 
to run away but another man does it before them.  

After seeing him getting tased to the 
ground, they simply step back.

Then, they are forcefully made to take a shower 
and wear clothes to look more presentable to  

women. The grand instructor tells them about 
the curriculum they will have to learn in the  

next month. If they are unable to pass the 
final test or try to create trouble, they  

will be given a special serum called the cancer 
liquid. It forcefully turns men submissive and  

makes them act womanly. If given a larger dose, 
it completely transforms a man into a woman.

Before the classes start, the men are paired with 
their respective teachers. Ming is partnered with  

the new girl Mina. He refuses to respect her but 
since Mina is a rookie, she lets it slide.

When no one is looking, she shows him the 
picture of her brother, inquiring if he has  

seen him around. Ming doesn’t know the guy but 
says that he doesn’t tell on his own people.

The lessons finally begin starting the 
next day. The first lesson teaches the  

men how to take a perfect picture of 
their partner. For the second one,  

they are taught how to find out what their 
girl wants without her saying it. The third  

lesson is about how to notice the small 
changes the girls make in their appearance.  

With the three holy grails of pleasing a 
woman, they will be considered a useful man.

During practice, Mina again asks Ming about her 
brother. A flashback shows us that he was treated  

like trash by his mother. He was frequently 
insulted and belittled. Because of this,  

he hated every woman except his sister. 
One day, he saved her from the bullies in  

the street by pushing them away. When his 
mother found out he had attacked a woman,  

she called the police and got him arrested.
He was sent to the rehabilitation center, hence,  

Mina is in here to look for her brother. When it 
gets dark, everyone is sent to their respective  

rooms. Ming and his group are devising a plan to 
escape when they notice an opening to a tunnel  

under the table in their room. However, they are 
joined by a snitch named Jisan so they decide  

to explore the tunnel when he is asleep.
Somewhere else, Mina asks her roommate Tei  

tei about the guys who were denied rehabilitation 
because they were too disobedient. She finds out  

that all of such men have been given the cancer 
serum that turns them woman-like in nature.  

They are kept in the basement prison and 
will be there for the rest of their lives.

When everyone is asleep, Mina goes to the basement 
and sees several men inside the cells. However,  

her brother is missing. Suddenly, a loud noise 
is heard and Ming comes out of a hole in the  

wall. He spreads his arm thinking that he has 
escaped only to find out he is inside a cell.

Mina sees him but she doesn’t report the 
act to the grand instructor. She then goes  

to the filing room and finds out that her 
brother escaped from the prison a while ago.  

She also gets her hands on a poem he wrote 
about men’s suffering. What Mina doesn’t  

realize is that Tei tei is spying on her.
The following morning, Mina tells Ming that she is  

leaving her job now that she knows her brother is 
not here. Ming is surprised to see a woman being  

so compassionate. Suddenly, Tei tei comes in with 
the grand instructor and finds the poem on Mina.  

She is about to be punished when Ming claims that 
he wrote the poem and she just confiscated it.

As a result, he is tased but he bears the pain 
for her. Later that day, Mina comes to meet  

and thanks him for what he did. Ming hands her 
the poem that he had hidden in his pockets.

At midnight, Ming picks the lock of his 
cell and comes outside with his friends.  

They go to the main gate and are seconds away 
from escaping when the women block their way.  

It turns out that their roommate told the 
grand instructor about their absence.

Tei tei suggests they use the cancer serum on 
the guys but Mina suggests a better option. If  

they use force to discipline the guys, people will 
question their rehabilitation program. Hence, she  

asks for the last chance to try to change Ming. 
If she doesn’t succeed, she promises to stay as  

the rehabilitation guard for her entire life.
The following day, Mina hands the rule book to  

Ming and asks him to memorize everything. When he 
still refuses, she slaps him across the face. She  

is scared for him because his failure will turn 
him into a woman and imprison him for life.

On finding out that Mina cares about 
him, he agrees to make an effort to pass.  

In the following montage, we see Mina teaching 
him how to take good pictures. One evening,  

she invites him to eat with her. Tei Tei 
sees this and is outraged by a man getting  

the same level of respect as a woman.
She takes a picture of them and shows it to  

the grand instructor. Mina is called into 
her office and asked to explain herself.  

She lies and claims that she is trying to make 
Ming fall in love with her so she can mend him  

easily. The grand instructor buys her words 
but not Tei Tei. She records the conversation  

and gives the tape to Ming later.
After listening to it, he believes  

that Mina is only using him to make him 
submissive. He refuses to talk to her and  

goes back to being a rebel. He dresses as he 
wants to and makes his friends do the same.

As a result, all three of them are 
signed up for the cancer serum program  

and Mina is punished. Her failure means she 
will have to stay as a guard her entire life.  

She is also made to take a liquid called the iron 
blood that does strange things to her body.

Following the cancer serum treatment, the 
guys lose their minds. Fortunately for Ming,  

the side effects do not affect 
him as they do to his friends.

Mina comes to him and reveals that she 
is in love with him. She also explains  

that there is a serum called iron blood that 
makes women more powerful. It is an antidote  

for the cancer serum and if given to his 
friends, they will return to normal.

Having said that, Mina lies that 
the instructor has kicked her out.  

The two share a tearful goodbye and promise 
to meet each other outside one day.

When she is no longer in his view, 
Mina falls to the ground in pain.  

Her body starts changing because of the 
medication she was given as punishment.

For the next few days, Ming studies hard so he can 
excel on the final test. That way, he can get to  

the grand instructor’s room and find the antidote 
to save his friends. Meanwhile, his friends hit  

on him as the effect of the treatment.
Then, the day of the test finally comes.  

For the first round, the guys are let into 
a room with different items. They have to  

choose one of the items which they think 
women will like the most. Ming’s friend  

picks up a diamond ring and hands it to him.
When evaluation starts, the ring gets Ming through  

the first round. Similarly, the guy with perfume 
and a dress also passes. The first in the class  

is Jisan who picked a set of earrings.
For the second round, they are given a  

scenario of a couple spending the day together. 
They have to tell how many times the girlfriend  

was mad at the boyfriend in the scenario. Ming 
writes four but the guard nearby gestures that  

zero is the right answer. Ming trusts 
her and passes this round as well.

For the third and final round, only he 
and Jisan are left. They have to inspect  

Tei tei closely for ten seconds. After that, 
she goes to the back of a room and returns  

with very minimal changes in her appearance. 
The guys have to tell what is different.

Jisan goes first and takes a close look at her 
face. He confidently claims that she added a  

bit of foundation and blush to her face. Then, it 
is Ming’s turn but he sees no difference at all.  

He looks at the guard who helped him 
earlier, hoping to get a hint.

She simply shows him the poem that he 
had given to Mina long ago. Suddenly,  

Ming comes to a realization. The manly guard is 
none other than Mina who was given the iron blood.  

It is a type of medicine that turns women manly, 
in contrast to what the cancer serum does.

Looking at Tei tei, he confidently claims that she 
is not Tei tei at all. The grand instructor takes  

her wig off and reveals the answer is correct. 
Ming finally gets first place, defeating Jisan.

To receive his present, he is invited to 
the grand instructor’s room at night. She  

seductively asks him to pour them a drink. Ming 
takes this chance to slip a pill into her glass.  

A while later, she falls unconscious, and 
Ming excitedly opens the safe. However,  

the serums are nowhere to be found.
The instructor wakes up, revealing that  

she knew about his plan. He is about to be 
arrested when Mina makes him run outside.

A fight ensues between Mina and the guards. 
Amidst it, the instructor is hit by an iron  

blood syringe that will turn her manly. Before 
she can take the antidote, Ming stops her.

It is then revealed that the 
instructor also used to be a man.  

He was like Ming and wanted to introduce men’s 
rights to the world. However, he was locked and  

beaten which caused him to change into a woman 
using several doses of the iron blood serum.

The instructor finally sees herself 
in Ming and allows him to escape.  

In the last scene, she drops him, his friends, 
and Mina outside the facility. The movie ends  

as she watches them walk away.

Thank You .

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