Thelma Movie Explained -Plot And Ending

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Joachim Trier and Eskil Vogt’s 2017 supernatural psychological thriller Thelma is set in Norway. Thelma, a young lady who leaves her rural home to attend university in Oslo, is the focus of the movie as she develops weird and perilous supernatural abilities. The movie is fantastic to see and examines topics of identity, sexuality, and the influence of the unconscious mind. Spoilers ahead for the movie Thelma’s narrative and conclusion, but check it out.

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How the Thelma movie’s plot works

Thelma Movie Explained -Plot And Ending

What happened to the grandmother in the Thelma movie? What is her tale?

Thelma’s grandma seemed to have had superpowers that allowed her to make whatever item she could imagine manifest. She imagines that her husband was gone in the distant past for an unspecified cause, that he vanished from their boat, and that his body was never located. The grandmother’s actions initially appear to be an accident, but later on, she even causes cancer in herself and waits to pass away while being highly drugged in a hospital by Thelma’s father.

When Thelma was a young girl, what happened to the infant?

Thelma’s deepest emotion for her infant brother is jealousy as her parents focus solely on the child. She once causes the infant to vanish from the crib and reappear under the couch. The baby isn’t as lucky the following time because Thelma makes the baby vanish from the bathtub and reappear under a frozen lake.

What kind of bond does Thelma have with her parents?

Thelma’s parents, especially the father, are proven to have had a significant impact on her upbringing and religious beliefs. The father is a devout Christian. Years seem to pass following the baby’s passing without Thelma experiencing another similar event. Until she enrols in college, they keep a careful eye on her.

Thelma Movie Explained -Plot And Ending

Thelma’s mother uses a wheelchair—why?

Thelma’s mother is unable to walk due to either the trauma of losing her child or another injury that isn’t depicted in the film. Although there isn’t a strong enough reason for it, we can’t really say for sure if Thelma was the one who somehow managed to disable her mother’s capacity to walk.

What kind of seizures does Thelma have?

As Thelma’s brain scans don’t spike during her seizures, a doctor comes to the conclusion that she is experiencing psychogenic non-epileptic seizures. Thelma’s abilities started to emerge again after a long absence with the onset of her seizures.

Anja in Thelma| Who is she?

Anja, a genuine nice girl who attends Thelma’s university, is worried about Thelma after witnessing her experience an epileptic seizure. Thelma and Anja are seen to have a love relationship. Anja seems to have genuine feelings for Thelma, despite Thelma’s father thinking that Anja’s feelings are the result of Thelma’s mind control. Towards the conclusion of the post, we’ll talk more about this.

Thelma Movie Explained -Plot And Ending

Is Thelma capable of controlling people’s minds?

She does, indeed. This is evident in the scenario where Anja unexpectedly arrives to Thelma’s home without being able to explain how or why she got there in the first place. Thelma wants to be with Anja, therefore this occurs. Anja recalls receiving Thelma’s telephatic request the following day as a text message.

Why does Thelma dislike giving Anja a kiss?

Anja approaches Thelma at a performance, and we witness Thelma almost have another seizure. Her mind is unable to comprehend what she is going through. Thelma exits the theatre just as the roof starts to collapse. Thelma gets kissed by Anja after she leaves.

Thelma feels guilty and ashamed after giving Anja a kiss. This is because she was raised in a strict religious environment by her parents, who ingrained in her the notion that homosexuality is a sin. Thelma reaches a breaking point when she kisses Anja because she is forced to face her genuine desires and the tension between her sexuality and her religious convictions.

Why does Thelma act oddly at the gathering?

Thelma voluntarily lets go of the mental restraint when she consumes alcohol and smokes what she is told is cannabis during the party. She imagines herself kissing Anja since that is what she really wants to do. In actuality, Anja intervenes before things spiral out of control and she ends up embarrassing herself in front of everyone.

Thelma then attempts to separate herself from Anja and wishes that her feelings for her would go away since she feels even more guilty for wanting a woman.

Thelma Movie Explained -Plot And Ending

What does the snake in the Thelma movie stand for?

Because of her rigid upbringing and religious convictions, Thelma has suppressed her secret impulses, which are represented by the serpent. The snake is a potent representation of the unconscious mind and is frequently linked to desire and sex. The snake represents Thelma’s repressed sexuality and wants as her powers intensify and she starts to have tremendous feelings for Anja.

What happened to Anja in Thelma?

Thelma’s subconscious mind kills Anja by causing her to vanish into the glass window, despite the fact that all she wants is for her yearning for Anja to fade away. This is later confirmed by Thelma, who discovers a small piece of Anja’s hair stuck to the window.

Thelma discovering the details about her grandma

Thelma learns that her parents had been lying about her grandmother’s long-ago passing. In actuality, the grandmother has been held in a hospital under heavy sedation in order to prevent her from utilising her superpowers to hurt others. Thelma finds out that her grandma had in the past both caused her own cancer and made her grandfather vanish.

Why did Thelma return to her house?

Thelma returns home to seek medical care and the support of her family after becoming concerned about her health. Thelma wants to quit the university after realising she killed Anja so she won’t harm anybody else. As she struggles to comprehend what is happening to her and how she may recover control over her life, she returns home in an effort to feel comfortable and stable.

Thelma Movie Explained -Plot And Ending

Thelma’s father starts medicating her at home to control her talents. Thelma begs her father for permission to depart because she thinks she will resemble her grandma.

What does Thelma’s mother advise Thelma’s father to do?

Thelma has gotten out of their control, and the mother says in secret that they are being tried and that the only option is to kill her before she causes further damage to others. The mother makes this idea because she thinks Thelma’s abilities are a product of sin and wickedness.

Thelma’s murder of her father| Why?

Thelma has a deep-seated perception that her father is an excessively controlling individual. Thelma discovers that her father intends to inject her with a deadly dose of medication through what seems to be a telepathic read of her mother. She causes her father to suddenly explode in order to kill him using her abilities. Thelma is able to use her talents for good as soon as he leaves. Hence, even though Thelma’s father was a decent man, it seems that his presence caused her powers to be repressed and behave badly.

Thelma spares her mother, but why?

It seems that Thelma’s father was to blame for her sense of being trapped and for her powers acting inappropriately. Thelma has sufficient mental and physical control despite the fact that she could have killed her mother for organising her demise. Thelma is not a malicious creature out for vengeance. She saves her mother and restores her ability to walk now that she understands how to use her talent.

How does Thelma spit up a dead bird in the Thelma movie?

As we see the bird fly away in this picture, we can see that Thelma not only builds the bird but also gives it life. Thelma understands that not all of her abilities are bad. We observe Thelma receiving a call from Anja on her phone, indicating that she has also replicated Anja.

How is Anja alive again in the Thelma movie ending?

Thelma Movie Explained -Plot And Ending

The film’s conclusion Thelma demonstrates to us that she is capable of mastering her talents to the point that she is able to create life. Anja is raised from the dead by Thelma. Yet, if Anja had kept in mind the entire glass event, she would have had a terrible collapse when she got home. She wouldn’t appear to be quite as joyful as she was in that previous scene, in my opinion.

One theory is that Anja has no memory of the window event, dismisses it as a nightmare, is ignorant of the amount of time that has gone since her passing, and resumes living her life while oblivious to the brief period of time she was away.

Anja is now Thelma’s puppet and is totally under her control, which is a more sinister alternative interpretation. Thelma’s will overrides Anja’s head, not her affections for her, as the dad attempted to convey before. Thelma is shown picturing Anja kissing her neck, and then Anja appears and does just that. Hence, only Thelma is joyful at that final scene, and Anja is under duress. This also begs the important question: Is Anja gay, or is Thelma also responsible for this? We learned earlier in the movie that Anja had a boyfriend who she had broken up with.

This may have been brought on by Thelma’s unconscious wishes. Thelma is reshaping reality to suit her goals, which may also explain why she decided to leave her father dead while having the ability to bring him back to life.

In conclusion, Anja’s passing acts as a catalyst for Thelma’s abilities to manifest, and her reappearance at the film’s finale is an important and ambiguous moment.

What did you think of the plot and resolution of the 2017 movie Thelma? Please leave a remark so that we can continue our discussion.

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