Thor Love and Thunder Explained

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As the movie starts ”Gorr” is shown sitting in a desert.

here, there was a daughter with him but they had nothing to eat.

“Gorr” prays to his god, pleading with him to save them,

help us but nothing happens after so many prayers.

Their God does not assist them and has not become their support.

The time passes gradually

and the condition of ”Gorr’s” daughter becomes worse and she dies in her father’s hands.

”Gorr” becomes sad but then he makes a grave of his daughter and moves forward.

Then he sees a forest at a far distance

and he thinks seeing the forest in the desert that maybe God has listened to him.

He moves to that forest and there he finds a lot of water.

He drinks a lot of water and later, he sees a lot of fruits in front.

He immediately moves to those fruits and starts eating them.

Meanwhile, the demigod sitting here says to ”Gorr” ”O strange human why are you eating my fruits?”

Hearing this, ”Gorr” says I prayed to you and you have come here as I called you.

You saved my life but ”Sungod” says I am not here to keep you

but I am here for celebration as I have found a sword named ”Necrosword”.

The sword is to fight and end everyone and I am here for its celebration.

”Gorr” becomes serious as he hears the word ”Happiness” as he has lost all happiness.

He just had a daughter he wanted to save while praying to the God

but now he has lost his daughter.

”Gorr” says to ”Rapu” the people who worship you are ended

and I am the last one.

”Rapu” says sacrifices are always needed to make the gods happy

and what’s the big deal if your daughter is dead?

Just consider her death as a sacrifice

”Gorr” becomes furious hearing this and the sword that was made to end Gods

it secretly comes in ”Gorr’s” hand.

Getting the sword, ”Gorr” ends ”Rapu” and promises that now he will end all the Gods.

The gods whom we worshiped are not able to be honored.

That’s why I will not spare any God

later, the scene shifts to ”Korg” who was telling ”Thor’s” story to the kids about how he fights for them

who can’t fight for themselves.

”Thor” considers his real purpose to help helpless people since his childhood

during this, he met ”Jane Foster” but soon they were separated.

Later, ”Thor’s” parents, siblings, and the humans whom he loves were separated from him.

There was a special thing about ”Thor” that he didn’t give up fighting for others.

Then he joined ”Guardians of the Galaxy” and there he fought with them in many fights.

He always misses a person named ”Jane Foster”.

”Thor” was alone and he has made himself far from the humans’ world

later, he started living alone.

His inner warrior awakes whenever anyone says the fight can’t be won without you ”Thor”.

Then ”Peter Quill” is shown here saying to ”Thor”

there is a war and we can’t win it without you.

”Thor” flies while taking his Stormbreaker out of the earth and making it a broom.

He reaches the war where the warriors of ”Guardians of the Galaxy” were fighting with their enemies.

Meanwhile, the king arrives and says the robbers have attacked us

and ”Thor” you are the one who can save us from those robbers.

Our lives were fine but then someone ended our God

then those robbers attacked us and starts robbing us.

They even occupied our temple and ”Thor” promised to return their temple.

Later, ”Thor” picks his Stormbreaker and connects his powers with it

and becomes ”Mighty Thor” now he was ending the robbers one by one.

He stretches his legs and stops two cars together.

After much fighting, “Thor” triumphs, but the king’s temple is completely destroyed.

Later, the scene shifts to female ”Mighty Thor” means ”Jane Foster”

and she is the female main character of this story.

She was suffering from fourth-stage cancer and ”Darsi” asks ”Jane” how’s he whom you love?

”Jane” ignores her and doesn’t pay attention to her

because at this time ”Jane” wasn’t in any relationship with ”Thor”.

”Jane” has become a professor in those 8 years and she gives lectures on science and theories as well.

During this, she discovers from Vikings book there was written about ”Mjolnir” the weapon of ”Thor”

strength and good health were also included in it.

”Valkyrie” is also shown living in her new Asgard with humans.

She also has a good relationship with humans and also got funding.

A show of ”Thor”, ”Odin” and ”Loki” was going on in the new Asgard where they were performing.

There was ”Thor’s” old weapon ”Mjolnir” in a glass bowl

but it was broken and its pieces were there.

As ”Jane” arrives the pieces start moving and they seem alive.

On another side, ”Yakar” gifts ‘Thor” two goats as he has saved their life.

The reward was a must.

Later, they come to their ship, and ”Peter” discovers while checking his advanced communication

that many countries need help.

Everyone was sending messages for help

and they were saying our Gods are ended.

Meanwhile, ”Thor” sees ”Sif” who was actually his best friend.

”Thor” says to his friend we have to save ”Sif” and her country

but ”Peter” says there are many other people and countries who need our help.

Why wouldn’t we help them go separately? ”Thor” agrees

and reaches ”Sif” with his Stormbreaker and ”Korg”.

When they arrive, they notice that the Falkerian God has been killed by someone.

”Thor” finds ”Sif” in the worst condition at a place and she has lost her hand.

Here she tells ”Thor” the person who made our condition this his next target is the new Asgard.

Our enemy is moving there

then after it, ”Gorr” enters who is the villain in this movie.

He reaches the new Asgard and makes monsters of black shadows with the help of Necrosword.

The monsters were destroying the city

but then ”Valkyrie” arrives on a flying horse and starts ending those monsters.

”Thor” enters during all this and starts stopping them

but the monsters were increasing in number one by one.

Here, ”Thor” sees his old weapon ”Mjolnir”

and he feels the presence of another brave warrior except for him.

He is brave like him and ”Valkyrie” says I do believe you will like that warrior.

Here is the amazing entry of the female ”Mighty Thor”

means ”Jane Foster” but she has reached here in her ”Mighty Thor’s” getup.

”Thor” also comes in his ”Mighty Thor” look to impress her

here, they were happy to see each other.

Their first task was to defeat the enemies

so they start fighting with them and during the fight, a flashback of ”Thor” is also shown.

”Jane” and ”Thor” lives happily

but when there was a call from avengers to take ”Thor” and a call from science to take ”Jane”

then they ended their relationship.

Their busy routine separated them and there was a time when their relationship ended.

In the present scene, ”Gorr” takes a kid of new Asgard with the help of his black shadow.

”Gorr” leaves before ”Thor” faces him.

The next day, the parents report about their missing kids.

They were worried because of their missing kids

meanwhile, ”Thor” arrives and says ”I promise I will bring your kids back”

”Thor” was talking to his team about ”Gorr” the God butcher.

”Valkyrie” tells him ”Gorr” has Necrosword which can end all gods easily.

Even the sword has the power to make many monsters with the black shadow.

”Jane” asks what is Necrosword?

and ”Thor” explains it is a sword that changes its owner with the passage of time

This sword makes the human corrupt who will hold it

meanwhile, there was the holographic image of ”Astrid”.

He says I am one of the kids whom ”Gorr” has taken with him

here, ”Thor” asks him where are you right now?

He tells I can’t use my powers properly and ”Thor” asks him to use eye power.

With this power ”Thor” reaches the place where the kids were

and the kids become happy to see ”Thor”.

They ask him to help them and escape them from here.

We want to go back to our parents

but ”Thor” says I am not here with you in reality, just my mind is present here.

That is the unconscious mind but don’t worry I will definitely come to save all of you with my team.

Coming back to his conscious mind he tells his team

”Gorr” has placed the kids in the dark place of the spaceship.

There is darkness everywhere

if ”Gorr” was powerful on the earth his powers will increase in the dark shadow of space.

That’s why we need a powerful team to defeat ”Gorr”

that will be strong and they reach the Gods palace to increase their team.

This palace wasn’t on the earth but it was in the sky

here many Gods were discovered as ”Stone Gods, Wax Gods or even Gods of feelings”.

Another God has joined them that was the God of Thunder.

That was none other than ”Thor” the God of thunder.

Now they somehow move inside while changing their getup

then enters the God of Gods mean ”Zeus”.

It was the lightning God, and they were meeting today

they have to discuss some important points in the meeting.

The points were funny like where will be their next farewell?

which girls will come there? and what will be the menu?

”Thor” becomes furious about all this and he comes in between to talk to the point

”Thor” says ”Zeus”  I’m here to accept your assistance because the Gods of the universe are coming to an end.

”Gorr” is behind all this and he is doing this as he has Necrosword.

He has taken many kids from the earth’s New Asgard to the darkness of space

and placed them as prisoners.

I want to save them and need your help for this now we have to make a team of all Gods here.

Later, we have to fight with ”Gorr” and have to end God butcher means ”Gorr”.

”Zeus” doesn’t like this

and becomes furious but ”Thor” removes his clothes to show himself and ”Zeus” discovers him.

He has come from ”Asgard” but ”Zeus” says Asgardians know the problems of Asgard

and I can’t help you will all this.

”Valkyrie” and ”Jane” were thinking while sitting at a distance

if they will get the ”Thunder Bolt” from ”Zeus’s” hand they can bravely face ”Gorr”.

That’s why they fight with God to get the Thunder Bolt

believe me, this is an amazing fight.

”Thor” and his team were fighting with ”Gods” but ”Zeus” attacked ”Thor” with his Thunder Bolt

but ”Thor” was also not less than anyone as he is ”God of Thunder”.

He holds the Thunder Bolt and does a reverse attack on ”Zeus”.

”Zeus” becomes injured but ”Korg’s” body was also destroyed in this fight.

They leave at the right time with the help of goats

later, they were ready to go to ”Gorr” to fight.

There was a problem the path was so long and there was darkness on the way

here, the Stormbreaker was working to throw light on the dark paths.

”Thor” and ”Jane” spend a good time together

as they were far from each other for 8 years so they apologize to each other for their mistakes.

”Jane” also wants to tell him about her fourth-stage cancer but she couldn’t tell him.

Their ship reaches ”Gorr’s” planet and there was darkness

this darkness was so strong that it extinguished the light.

Here, the movie is shown in black and white for a while.

They didn’t find the kids even after reaching here

but ”Jane” sees a kid’s drawing and it was of eternity.

A door needed to be open to reach there

and it will open with the help of Stormbreaker.

Reaching there, ”Jane” understands this was ”Gorr’s” planning to call ”Thor” here

and his Stormbreaker will also reach here with him.

Likewise, he will open the door of eternity with the help of Stormbreaker.

”Jane” throws the Stormbreaker at a distance after knowing this

here enters the God butcher the villain of the movie who made them prisoner with the help of his black shadows.

Later, he asks ”Thor” tell me where is your Stormbreaker?

I want it because I need it.

”Gorr” tries to open ”Thor’s” hand with the help of his powers

but ”Thor” kept his fist closed with his full strength.

”Gorr” knows that ”Thor” always fights for others

that’s why he made ”Jane” and ”Valkyrie” his prey.

He tries to end them due to it, ”Thor” has to bring his Stormbreaker here unwillingly.

As Stormbreaker arrives at ”Thor” there was a huge blast because of it, and they were released.

There was a fight between them and ”Thor” digs a way to go to the earth with his Stormbreaker.

Before going there, ”Gorr” holds the Stormbreaker

and doesn’t leave it and ”Thor” discovers after reaching earth that Stormbreaker left with ”Gorr”.

”Jane” has become injured in this fight so she was taken to the hospital immediately.

After talking to the doctor, ”Thor” discovers ”Jane’s” fourth-stage cancer.

”Jane” has hidden this from ”Thor”

and the powers ”Jane” was getting till now were from ”Mjolnir”.

”Mjolnir” gave her power but it was pushing her more toward cancer

if ”Jane” will hold ”Mjolnir” again she will be ended.

”Thor” comes to ”Jane” and says ”Listen to me ”Jane”

you have worked enough now this is my turn,

I will go and end ”Gorr” and promise me you will never hold ”Mjolnir” again”.

Now the scene shifts to ”Gorr” having Necrrosword and Stormbreaker in both hands

with its help, he reaches the palace of eternity and tries to open the door with Stormbreaker.

Meanwhile, ”Thor” reaches having ”Zeus’s” Thunder Bolt, and an amazing fight is shown.

This fight is worth appreciating as the great warriors fight while having great weapons.

”Gorr” makes the black shadows

and monsters while using Necrosword that were increasing in number.

On another side, the door of eternity was about to open

When it opens, “Gorr” will receive eternity.

It means that if a human wishes in front of him, his wish will be granted.

As ”Gorr’s” name describes ”God butcher”

if he will get the chance to wish for something he will surely wish for the end of Gods.

That’s why ”Thor” gives the kids his powers just to stop ”Gorr”

with it, the kids change into ”Thor”.

They face the black monsters but ”Gorr” was dominant over them

and the female ”Mighty Thor” reaches here to save him.

She was having ”Mjolnir” and divided Necrosword into pieces while attacking with it.

”Thor” feels bad as ”Jane” has the last chance and she has sacrificed her life to save him.

He takes ”Jane” in his lap and says don’t worry everything will be fine.

Then ”Gorr” reaches near eternity and he was about to wish but ”Thor” arrives and says ”Listen to me,

do whatever you want to do but you will never get peace”

”Gorr” says tell me from where I can get peace?

”Thor” replies ”True Love” means you can get peace in love.

You are now wishing the end of all Gods, and I, too, will be ended because I am a God

means ”God of Thunder” so why I should spend my last time with a human like you?

I will spend this time with my love

means ”Jane. ”Gorr” remembers his daughter after hearing the word ”Love”.

Now he asks for his daughter instead of the end of all gods

then his daughter was in his hands in the next scene.

It was ”Gorr’s” last time because of using Necrosword for a long time.

”Gorr” was worried that who will take care of his daughter?

She will be alone but ”Thor” says I will take care of your daughter.

”Jane” dies in ”Thor’s” hands and ”Gorr” loses his life in his daughter’s hands.

”Astrid” releases the kids while using Stormbreaker and takes them to Asgard.

Now the kids were in Asgard and ”Valkyrie” was training them how to fight?

Two post-credit scenes are shown in the ending

”Thor” is shown and he has taken responsibility for ”Gorr’s” daughter.

Now they both support the helpless people.

In another scene, ”Zeus” is shown injured in the sky palace

and says to his companions ”Thor’s” last time has arrived.

My son ”Hercules” will come for taking revenge on him.

This film concludes with intriguing suspense.

Thank you for watching.


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