Togo 2019 Film Explained

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The movie Togo 2019 starts and a man named ”Seppala” is shown

and the era of 1900 is shown.

It was normal to travel on sleds in that era

ad sled rides were used to shift things from one place to another.

For this, special dogs were used.

”Seppala” was also a sled rider and has a nice breed of dogs.

They make their travel and task easy.

One day, a puppy was born and it was a puppy of ”Siberian Husk”.

These dogs are used to being weak and ”Seppala” thinks it is useless.

As he can’t take this dog on a sled ride with other dogs.

He wants to give this dog to someone else but his wife doesn’t want this.

She keeps all the dogs like her kids.

She named it ”Togo” and says I love it like my kids.

They are near my heart and I don’t want to make them separate from me.

We should give ”Togo” a chance and it is younger now.

We should not take out any conclusion soon about it.

”Seppala” doesn’t want this but even then he agrees with his wife.

”Togo” was growing elder with the passage of time and it was naughty. ”Seppala” was annoyed by it.

His wife always asks him to take ”Togo” with him on a sled ride.

He says to his wife that it is weak now

and it can’t survive on a sled ride.

”Seppala” gives ”Togo” to his friend but his wife knows none will keep it because it is naughty.

It happens the same the next day, his friend brings ”Togo” back.

He says this dog of yours is naughty and I can’t keep it with me.

Togo 2019 Film Watch Online

His wife smiles at this because it was naughty

and whenever ”Seppala” takes his dogs on the ride ”Togo” goes behind him.

Even he ties it in a fence but it runs from there while digging the earth.

It runs after ”Seppala” and it enjoys with other dogs arriving there.

Due to it, ”Seppala’s” practice ruins what was he teaching his dogs.

One day it falls into the water and ”Seppala” was fed up with its acts.

He locks ”Togo” in a room but it moves out from there somehow.

One day ”Seppala” convinces his female friend to keep ”Togo”

but she was strict and says ”Togo” has to stay in the room.

”Seppala” doesn’t have any problem with it and leaves while dropping ”Togo” there.

After a short time, ”Togo” breaks the mirror of the window and comes out, and reaches ”Seppala”.

He becomes worried seeing it and notices its hands are also injured

and they were bleeding so he makes ”Togo” sit on the sled for taking it home.

”Togo” doesn’t want to sit on it and wants to run with the other dogs.

After trying hard when ”Togo” didn’t sit on the sled ”Seppala” ties it with the other dogs.

After moving at a distance he notices ”Togo” is energetic

and runs speedily than other dogs so he ties it in front.

”Togo” takes them home soon with its speed and ”Seppala” becomes happy and shocked to see ”Togo”

and tells his wife how speedily ”Togo” ran.

He even tells his wife it is a lead dog and was becoming happy to see ”Togo”.

His wife also becomes happy to see it. Later, ”Seppala” wins many sled races with the help of ”Togo”.

They become famous gradually.

The time passes like this and now 12 years have passed.

”Togo” is shown elder and one day it returns to its city

and discovers a disease has been spread in the city named ”Diphtheria’

and it was affecting the kids.

The kids were losing their life to this disease and everyone was worried.

”Mayor” calls a meeting and ”Seppala” goes there and he tells them there is an antidote to this disease.

It is 600 km far from ”Nevada”

but it is dangerous to go there as a huge storm is arriving.

Mayor asks ”Seppala” about the weather

and he tells when I was returning the dogs were panicked to see the weather

”Togo” was also getting panicked and it has done this after many years

we should be concerned if it is concerned.

Later, he leaves, and when he comes out a doctor asks for the lift.

”Seppala” drops him at the hospital on his sled.

”Seppala” sees many kids are sick in the hospital and

their lives will be in danger if they will not brought the medicine.

“Seppala” gets lost in his thoughts and tells his wife that when he gets home, he will go take medicine.

He says I will take ”Togo” with me but his wife says it is now 12 years old

and you said it is not strong.

The weather is also not good and I don’t want you to be a reason for its death.

Then you devote your entire life to the fact that “Togo” died as a result of your actions.

”Seppala” doesn’t want to go without it and he leaves with ”Togo” while saying good bye to his wife.

As ”Seppala” was moving with his dogs the storm was also moving forward.

The wind was so hard that ”Seppala” couldn’t see anything.

”Togo” was in front and ”Seppala” was asking his dogs to move forward.

They have to return soon while taking medicine from ”Nevada”

and he was on a deep slide with his dogs and ”Togo” stops there.

”Seppala” couldn’t understand anything and finds a huge ditch

and ”Toggo” has seen this terrible ditch even in his storm.

It stops because of it and ”Seppala” was saved along with his dogs due to it.

Meanwhile, ”Seppala” sees ”Togo’s” foot was injured

and it was bleeding as well after traveling the whole day, ”Seppala” and his dogs reach an outpost.

There was a lady doctor at that outpost and tells ”Seppala” that ”Togo” is now 12 years old

and now it has become weak.

This long journey isn’t good for ”Togo”

but even then ”Seppala” and his leading dog ”Togo” move forward.

The condition of the kids was getting worse in the hospital and ”Seppala” was moving forward with his dogs.

He was taking shortcuts for reaching his point soon.

He sees there is a terrible frozen lake

and the storm was also moving towards them from the other side.

”Seppala” doesn’t get scared and asks his dogs to move forward on the frozen lake that was moving with their steps.

The dogs were moving forward and somehow cross the lake.

After traveling the whole day they reach a checkpost and take a rest there.

”Seppala’s” wife goes to the mayor and tells the medication has been sent from ”Nevada”

and ”Seppala” will get them on his way.

He is moving forward through shortcuts and his travel will be longer if he will not get those medications.

”Seppala” is shown reaching a checkpost after traveling for a whole day.

”Togo’s” conditon was worse but even then it wants to move forward and lead.

Now it happens the same ”Seppala” was moving from his shortcut

and if he will not find the man bringing medicine from ”Nevada”.

So his travel will become diffcult for him.

”Seppala” gets tired and his eyes were closing

but his dogs were moving forward like electricity and man is shown came from ”Nevada”.

He has the medicine and stops but ”Seppala” was moving forward with his dogs.

The man calls him but ”Seppala” was lost and the hard wind was also blowing as well.

Due to it, ”Seppala” couldn’t hear that man’s voice but ”Togo” has heard something

and the man was thinking ”Seppala” didn’t hear him and moved forward.

The man sees ”Seppala” was returning

because ”Togo” has stopped there and ”Seppala” has the medicine for which he has come so far.

Now they stop at a checkpost and his friend asks him to leave ”Togo” here.

I have lost my many dogs in those terrible storms.

I don’t want you to lose your lovely dog ”Togo”

but he refuses and says ”Togo” is my lead dog and I can’t travel without it.

”Seppala” again starts traveling with his dogs.

The lake appear in front of them which he has crossed with his dogs yesterday.

Now the lake was moving but if they will not go by it their journey will increase one more day

”Seppala” decides they will move forward on this way

and asks his dog ”Togo” to move forward and now his dogs were crossing the lake speedily.

Now the water was also coming out of the lake and they will be ended if they will be drowned in it.

Because of the speed of ”Togo” and other dogs they somehow reach the shore.

The piece with which they will move forward the piece moves and separates from the shore.

”Seppala” throws ”Togo” to the shore and asks it to pull that ice piece.

”Togo” was injured but even then it applies its force.

It takes them to the shore and now they come out of the frozen lake.

They were trapped, and “Seppala” miraculously saves his dogs and transports them to a checkpoint.

The lady doctor was also there and seeing ”Togo” her eyes filled with tears.

She says ”Seppala” your dog is dying and its condition is worse.

She also makes ”Seppala” upset as he also loves ”Togo”

then after spending a night when he starts his journey he ties ”Togo” behind.

It was sick and can’t travel.

Even then ”Togo” stands at its position and ”Seppala” understands ”Togo” doesn’t want to take a rest.

It wants to stand in its place.

It wants to end its journey.

It ties ”Togo” in front and they start their journey.

After a few hours, the storm becomes terrible that ”Seppala” can’t see anything.

He couldn’t see the way and goes to ”Togo” and says I can’t see further.

Now you have to show us the way and take us to the next post.

”Seppala” covers his face and ”Togo” takes them forward.

Moving at a distance ”Togo” gets tired and sits there being tired.

”Seppala” goes to it and says you have to stand up and we have to take that medicine.

We will be ended here if we will not move forward to our destination.

”Togo” wasn’t responding him

”Seppala” was happy that he escaped because of ”Togo”

but it wasn’t responsing him.

Then a man comes to him with a lantern which means ”Togo” has done its job here

it has conveyed ”Seppala” to the checkpost and he becomes happy to see this.

Everyone was saved because of ”Togo”.

Now they go inside as ”Togo’s” condition wasn’t well

and there was a man sent by ”Seppala’s” wife to take that medicine while reaching the outpost.

So he will return soon to the place where kids are sick. They take a rest at night.

The man moves in the morning while taking the medicine.

After a short time, he reaches the city ”Nome” where a reporter was waiting for him.

As this news has spread in New York that a man has gone on a long journey for bringing medicine.

The reporter was thinking maybe the man has return with his team.

Now the reporter prints that man’s name in the news except for ”Seppala”.

”Seppala’s” wife was disappointed and ”Togo” was also recovering

now he reaches ”Nome” with his dogs.

Many people come there for thanking ”Seppala” and his dogs.

The kids also come here who were recovered because of ”Seppala”.

A girl arrives and asks while seeing ”Togo” is it dying?

”Seppala” moves out of his house hearing this and his wife moves behind him

he says to his wife ”Togo”’ is in this condition because of me.

It was of 12 years and I shouldn’t take it with me.

His wife asks is there anyone except for ”Togo” who can do this?

”Seppala” becomes silent as he knows none could do this except for ”Togo”.

”Seppala” is again shown going for practice the next morning with his dogs.

Seeing this, ”Togo” also wants to go with other dogs and doesn’t want to stay at home.

”Seppala” understands it doesn’t want to pull sleds but wanted to spend time with ”Seppala”.

After some time, “Togo” recovers and he used to go on a long journey with his wife and “Togo.”

”Togo” have some kids after two years and many mushers come to buy them.

The breed of those puppies was given a new name ”Seppala Siberian”.

Later, ”Togo” died in 1929 but ”Seppala” uses to train the dogs.

”Togo” was a famous dog in his city. This was ”Togo’s” story.

“Togo” has demonstrated in this story that dogs are the most devoted creatures on the planet.

Here this movie ends.

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