Upload Season 1 TV series Explained

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Hi, Today I 
am going to explain a science fiction  

comedy-drama television series called “Upload”. 
Spoilers ahead!

In the year 2033, the world has become entirely 
digitalized. The most outrageous invention  

is the virtual afterlife. It is a place 
where people can stay after their death  

and enjoy all the materialistic things that 
they couldn’t have when they were alive.

When a person dies, his body is frozen and his 
consciousness is uploaded to the afterlife of his  

choice. He basically becomes like a character in 
a video game but with consciousness and memories.  

This way, one can live for eternity, talk to 
his friends and family who are still alive,  

and even meet them once they die and 
are brought to the digital heaven.

This process of joining the 
virtual afterlife is called  

“Upload”. It is managed by a large corporation 
that employs thousands of programmers to make  

the afterlife as realistic as possible.
One of such employees is twenty-five-year-old  

Nora. Her job is to guide new uploads through 
heaven and help them settle in. She talks to them  

via a program and can meet them as her virtual 
self. Nora dreads her job but continues working  

because it will give her an employee discount if 
she ever wishes to be uploaded after her death.

Then, we are introduced to a 27-year-old 
computer engineer Nathan. He is driving  

his automatic car to a family dinner. The car 
is installed with all the safety precautions  

and is driving itself but Nathan wishes to race 
down the street. He uses an illegal hard drive  

and changes the settings to manual.
The speed causes a police drone to chase  

after him but Nathan makes up an excuse 
and gets out of the situation.

Upload Season 1 Watch Online

At home, he is with his family and his 
wealthy girlfriend Ingrid. Nathan is not  

in love with her because of her overly clingy and 
protective personality. She doesn’t belong to his  

world which is more family-oriented, unlike 
hers who only care about money and fame.

Upon seeing Nathan dance with her niece, Ingrid 
gets jealous and asks him to come with her. In  

the following scene, they are in the back 
of his car making love. Nathan stops at the  

grocery store and drives back home later.
On the way, a strange automatic car malfunction  

takes place. As a result, he crashes 
into a truck and is heavily injured.

He is rushed to the hospital and told that he 
can either be uploaded or die traditionally.  

Ingrid arrives with a contract for his upload, 
even though Nathan doesn’t want to spend the  

entirety with her. In a moment of panic, 
he signs the contract under Ingrid’s family  

upload plan and is officially registered.
Following this, he is kept on an inclined  

chair and decapitated. The next thing Nathan 
hears is Nora’s voice. She has been assigned as  

his guide. Nora asks him a series of questions to 
ensure his senses are fine. She also creates his  

avatar and gives him a slight hair lift.
Then, Nathan finally comes to his senses and  

finds himself in a lavish room that will be his 
for the rest of eternity. Nora tells him he is  

in the Lakeview afterlife, one of the most 
popular packages that their company offers.  

Everything in this afterlife is designed 
to match his preferences. For instance,  

the building near the hotel is a bowling alley 
for him but it is a church for someone else.

He can meet new people and make friends until his 
family members die in the real world. The change  

is too sudden for Nathan. When he starts crying, 
Nora calms him down, telling him that everything  

will be better tomorrow. She makes him go to 
sleep and continues working with someone else.

The next morning, Nathan wakes up and finds out 
that in-app purchases require money. He cannot  

pay through his own account because he is here 
on Ingrid’s family upload plan. This is when he  

realizes that she has the power to do anything 
she wants with him, and can even delete him.

Through his balcony, Nathan can see 
the full view of the lake. He can even  

change the seasons as per his wish.
After taking the view, he meets Ingrid’s  

grandmother who is black and white 
because the reference for her avatar  

was taken from an old picture.
He also calls Ingrid and sees that  

she is at a party enjoying herself. This 
only makes Nathan miss his former self.  

Before ending the call, she says that he cannot 
run away from her now. The comment makes Nathan  

feel strange but he dismisses the feeling.
Meanwhile, Nora is at home with her father.  

He has a health condition that is bound 
to kill him soon. Nora wants him to save  

money for the upload program but he refuses 
because he wants to be with his late wife,  

who he thinks is in the actual heaven.
Back in the afterlife, Nathan goes to the  

lobby for breakfast and is stunned by the meal 
options they have. However, right at ten o’clock,  

the food disappears, leaving him disappointed. 
He then meets a fellow dead man named Luke.

The food is just a program designed to 
look and taste like the real stuff. Nathan  

is shocked that the company charges them for 
it because it costs them nothing to make.

Luke introduces him to a flow 
of current called the torrent.  

It is a pathway between the real and the virtual 
world which is extremely dangerous. Most people  

who cannot get used to the virtual world 
commit the unthinkable by jumping into it.

As a whole, Nathan likes some things about the 
place, like the water pressure in the shower  

and the fact that he can pee anywhere. 
But he would still rather be alive than  

in the supposed heaven. A man informs him 
that there are thousands of people in the  

resort right now but as per the program, they 
can only see a common number. This causes  

some glitches which mess with Nathan’s head.
Everywhere he goes, he is addressed as Mr. Brown,  

and every staff member knows him. His hair is 
also too spikey for his liking which makes him  

lose his mind. Soon, Nathan becomes 
frantic and thinks of ending it all.

He is making his way to the torrent 
when Nora arrives and stops him.  

She explains that the new world might seem 
unnatural at first but it is like any other  

man-made thing when he gets used to it. She 
asks him to give it a day or two and he agrees.  

Nora even tells him her real name because he 
had been addressing her as an Angel till now.

A while later, Nora gets off work. When 
she is not around, her computer deletes  

files from Nathan’s memories on its own.
At home, she meets her date on an app called the  

nightly. They place cameras on each other’s chests 
and say that they consent before making love. It  

turns out that placing the camera before sex is 
a compulsory protocol in today’s world. They can  

even rate each other on the app afterward.
The following day, Nathan is assigned to pet  

therapy because of what he tried to do yesterday. 
He is paired with a golden retriever, but one that  

actually talks. A therapist from the real world 
is controlling the dog because it is only a medium  

to make the patient feel better.
As a productive homework assignment,  

Nathan is asked to write the names of five 
people he meets today. In the meantime,  

Nora comes to her boss with paperwork that says 
her father is entitled to her employee discount.  

But she is denied the discount because only 
the employees with 4.6 ratings or above  

can get it, but Nora has 4.59. The difference 
is insignificant but her boss doesn’t care.

In the afterlife, Nathan calls Ingrid and finds 
her in a spa getting stem cell injections and  

vaginoplasty. She is getting ready for 
his funeral tonight but is more excited  

about the decorations than getting to see him.
Following the call, he goes looking for new people  

to write about them in his diary. He meets a kid 
named Dylan who died at the age of twelve and has  

been there ever since. But the kid is too busy 
fighting the game mode thugs to talk to him.

Next, he meets David Choak, the former owner 
of the second largest privately owned company.  

He is worth billions of dollars and is enjoying 
a lavish afterlife. On being asked what he did  

for work, Nathan reveals that he and his friend 
Jamie were making an app that allowed people to  

make their own afterlife where they can live 
with their families. That way, they wouldn’t  

have to pay a hefty sum to the current owners of 
Lakeview for a bunch of unnecessary programs.

After listening to this, David casually says 
that Nathan was murdered. Since he was about to  

make a six billion dollar company go bankrupt, 
he was probably murdered by the owners. Nathan  

refuses to believe him and walks away.
Back on the earth, Nthan’s cousin detective  

Fran is asked by Nathan’s family to investigate 
his death. She finds Nathan’s car in a junkyard  

which is still functioning. The car refuses to 
acknowledge that it is damaged which means that  

it has been tampered with. Fran notes 
this and continues the investigation.

In the next scene, Nathan is with Nora telling 
her that he cannot remember some parts of his  

life like the name of the app he was developing. 
This reminds Nora of the time she found a chunk of  

his memory files missing. She promises to look 
into it but gets busy with other clients.

Nora desperately needs a five-star rating 
to get her success rate up but Dylan gives  

her only three. Similarly, she gets no luck in 
impressing the clients that day. Nathan notices  

this and gives her several five stars. She tells 
him everything that is bothering her and feels a  

lot lighter afterward. Without them knowing, the 
two are developing feelings for each other.

Upon reaching home, Nora looks for 
the missing data from Nathan’s memory.  

She cannot find them but is able to get her 
hands on the memories that come right after  

the deleted parts. Nathan and his friend Jamie 
have just come out of a business meeting.

A man asks them if they have told someone 
from the big companies about the idea.  

Nathan says only his family and girlfriend know. 
The entire interaction seems strange to Nora,  

so she decides to save the clip for later.
The following week, a very important invention  

is about to be tested. The scientists are trying 
to download people from the afterlife to their  

normal selves in the world. The first download 
is about to be broadcasted internationally.

At the same time, Nathan is getting ready for his 
funeral under Ingrid’s supervision. She makes him  

wear clothes he is not comfortable wearing and 
takes the entire control of his life. Nathan is  

excited about the download feature because if it 
is successful, he might get to his old form.

They watch the first test take place and are 
shocked to see the test subject’s head explode.  

The experiment is unsuccessful but Nathan still 
has hope that he will return home one day.

Later that day, the funeral party starts 
in LA, New York, and in the virtual world.  

Nathan comes to the party with Luke. In 
New York, Nora also visits his funeral.  

Nathan had thought that it would be filled with 
his friends and people he likes but instead,  

none of them have come because of a game. He 
is the most shocked about Jamie being absent.  

His mother also reveals that the money they got 
from his share of the company was not a lot.

The party doesn’t even seem to be for Nathan 
as everyone socializes among themselves. When  

he calls out Ingrid for the lame planning, they 
get into an argument. She pulls out the big guns,  

threatening to delete him altogether.
In the end, Nathan has to reluctantly  

apologize. Nora watches all of this take place 
and feels bad for him. Detective Fran is also at  

the funeral. She finally gets to talk to Nathan 
and asks him if he has any enemies. She also  

discloses that his vitals were improving before 
he was taken to be uploaded on the day he died.

Nathan knows Fran for being strange so 
he doesn’t think much about the comment.  

Later that night, Nora returns home and calls 
the guy she saw in Nathan’s memory earlier. He  

introduces himself as Josh but refuses to tell her 
anything about the meeting he had with Nathan.

In the last scene, Nathan is in his bed 
calling Jamie again but like always,  

he doesn’t pick up. It is strange because they 
used to be best friends before his death.

Thank You.

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