What Is The Tomorrow War? With Timeline Diagrams

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Chris McKay’s sci-fi action film The Future War, set in 2021, features time travel. Aliens attack Earth in the future, which causes the extinction of all life on the planet. The present accepts future humans’ request for military assistance in order to win their conflict. Do you have visions of Edge of Tomorrow? Chris Pratt, Yvonne Strahovski, and a very fit J.K. Simmons are just a handful of the actors in the cast. There is trouble wherever there is time travel. There will now be spoilers for the movie The Tomorrow War’s plot and conclusion.

What Is The Tomorrow War? With Timeline Diagrams

Where did the aliens originate from in The Tomorrow War? Why the White Spikes Exist

The White Spikes are mindless, lab-produced weapons that clean the planet while treating all other living things as mere food. An alien race crashed landed on Earth in Russia before the year 946 A.D. On impact, the crew perished, but the White Spikes they were carrying were unharmed. These creatures spent more than a thousand years in their cocoons. They eventually clawed their way out in 2048 as a result of global warming melting the ice around them. Because the extraterrestrial ship arrived on Earth more than a millennium ago, no radars detected its arrival.

The Grandfather Mysticism

One of the earliest foes in each time-travel tale is this. Here’s why: If someone kills her grandfather when he’s a little boy in the past, it would mean she was never born. When we ask, “So who killed the grandfather?,” the dilemma arises. If “Nobody?” is the answer, he must be alive after his granddaughter murdered him. so forth.

Because of what Dan and Muri do in The Future War, the Grandfather Paradox is introduced once again. I’m going to tell the plot using many timelines to prevent that from happening. The main two timelines in the film are intertwined:

Timeline 1, the conflict.
Timeline 2 without a conflict.
Timeline-2 represents the current (as in 2022-23) while Timeline-1 represents the future (as in 2050–51). These two timelines are capable of time travel. So let’s examine each timeframe in the narrative one by one.

What Is The Tomorrow War? With Timeline Diagrams

Timeline 1 of The Future War Explanation

In Timeline-1, Dan has a miserable life despite it not being depicted in the movie. After some time, he finally departs from his family, breaking the hearts of his daughter Muri and wife Emmy. Dan does not go to fight in the future conflict in Timeline 1. You must be asking what on earth I am referring to. Once more, the movie’s opening sequence comes from Timeline 2, not Timeline 1. Please be patient; I’ll get to Timeline-2 shortly.

How does Dan pass away in The Future War?

On October 13, 2030, Muri is 16 years old in Timeline 1 and Dan perishes in a vehicle accident. Emmy later passes away for an undisclosed reason, and Muri ages to earn a degree in biotechnology before eventually founding R-Force.

The Future War: Temporal Jumps and Jumplinks Expounded

A wormhole is created in the future that can carry passengers for a predetermined amount of time—roughly 30 years. One returns to 2023 if they leap from 2022 to 2052, stay there for a year, and then jump back. This is the significance of the young major’s “two rafts” justification. It’s crucial to remember that these leaps are taking place across two distinct timelines.

What criteria are used to choose people to travel into the future?

What Is The Tomorrow War? With Timeline Diagrams

The main selection requirement is that the traveller had to pass away before to the time jump’s future point. This is done to prevent someone from meeting their elder future selves, which might result in a paradox. Dan, like everyone else chosen for the trip, would not be alive in 2051 because he would pass away in 2030. Because they would not yet be born in the present, the future troops who have arrived are quite young.

In 2051, battling alien invasion

The output coordinates are incorrect, thus the time jumpers are dropped hundreds of feet over the city rather than on the beach. Ouch. With the exception of a tiny group that land in a pool on a terrace, most people who fall to their deaths. Dan would have been one of the unfortunate ones to end up on the street, therefore the movie would have only been a few minutes long.

Dan and his squad are instructed by Colonel Forester to save a group of scientists and go get a set of vials that are essential for destroying the aliens. When they enter the structure, they discover the scientists were dead, but Dan finds the vials. Only Dan, Charlie, and Dorian make it back to the camp alive after the White Spikes attack.

Colonel Forester is emotionally distant when Dan first meets her and finds she is Muri. She reveals that while the chemicals in the vials Dan found can kill the male aliens, the female is resistant to them. To capture it, they travel to one of the areas with a female White Spike.

What Is The Tomorrow War? With Timeline Diagrams

Capping the monster

Muri and Dan’s squad eventually captures the female White Spike and brings it to the base after much effort. Muri tells Dan all about how he left and later perished in a vehicle accident while they travel.

Muri collects samples from the unconscious alien at the lab in order to create a toxin that can suppress a woman’s immune system. Perhaps, this poison may be made into a weapon and used to eliminate all White Spikes. Muri doesn’t know how to mass-produce and administer the toxin to all the White Spikes in the short time they have left, though, given that there is rarely any access to factories.

Modify the past!

Dan’s only chance of survival, according to Muri, is for him to bring the toxin back to 2023 with him and offer it to the government so they can weaponize it and be prepared for the aliens’ arrival. Dan promises he’ll carry out the task and safeguard his own chronology, but he also pledges to restore stock to Muri’s timeline and save her as well.

In order to save their queen, swarms of male aliens attack the base first. Dan and Muri try to flee, but Muri is stabbed and knocked out by a White Spike. Dan leaps in a last-ditch effort to… I’m not entirely sure what he had in mind for himself once he took the leap. Fortunately for him, he leaps back to the present and his own timeline when his time runs out (Timeline-2).

Timeline 2 of The Future War Explanation

So this is where the movie starts, then. Dan is working as a teacher in 2022, which he views as a dead end. His attempts to land other jobs don’t work out. Future troops from Timeline-1 appear at the 2022 FIFA World Cup and seek for assistance in battling the invaders. The entire globe agrees, and Jumplinks are built up to transport individuals into the future to aid in the conflict.

Dan’s turn eventually comes because, according to the knowledge of the people from the future, Dan passes away around 2030. Nevertheless, the data they have pertains to Dan from Timeline 1. This is not the same Dan from Timeline-2. Nevertheless, it doesn’t really matter.

Dan returns to the present of Timeline-2 with the toxin after working with Muri in the future of Timeline-1. Yet because the Jumplink was destroyed, nobody can return to Timeline-2. In any event, a group of ravenous White Spikes ate Muri.

How The Future War Would End| Protecting The World

The White Spikes actually arrived on Earth over a thousand years ago while they were trapped under the ice, and they eventually surfaced in 2048 when the ice melted, as revealed in the conclusion of The Tomorrow War. This explains why neither radar nor satellite imaging were able to detect their arrival.

Even though the aliens appeared in Russia, they discover by examining Dorian’s claw that it contains volcanic ash from China. They learn about a volcano eruption that occurred in 946 A.D. from the volcano-kid in Dan’s dull class. The eruption was so powerful that the ash travelled to Russia among other places. They travel to a glacier in Russia along the ash path.

When the government declines to assist, Dan’s father immediately loads the team and flies them covertly into Russian airspace to the glacier, where they eventually locate the ship when their compasses malfunction. They detach to search for the spaceship and blow up the ice. By trying to inject and kill a few of the White Spikes while they are still in their cocoons, they take matters into their own hands and nearly bring about Armageddon in the present. As a result, the rest of the White Spikes awaken and begin to attack. To eliminate all the male aliens, Dorian blows himself and the majority of the team, but one female alien flees.

Dan and his father locate it, and after using a lot of bullets, toxin vials, impaling, fist fights, and commands to kill, they are able to cause the alien to fall over and turn into mulch. Dan returns to his family once the world is saved and swears he would never leave them. Sadly, Timeline-1’s humanity do perish, but Timeline-2’s alien war is avoided.

Timeline diagrams, contradictions, and plot holes in “The Future War”

We are told of two whole separate sets of events that cannot coexist, so I’ve taken the liberty of asserting that there are two timelines. The Future War does not openly mention many timelines, in contrast to films like Primer and Avengers: Endgame. I believe there is just one timeframe, as stated by the filmmakers. Dan returns with the toxin to avoid a repeat of the war that occurred the first time. The Grandfather Paradox would then pounce with a dramatic gut-punch.

If we just have one timeframe, we have the following issue. Dan travels into the future and returns carrying a Toxin. Then, he and his squad locate and eliminate the whole White Spike species using Dorian’s claw. There won’t be a war, thus time travellers won’t need to go back in 2050 to ask for assistance. A White Spike from the future, which does not currently present, is the owner of Dorian’s claw. Muri doesn’t age into a soldier conducting research on the toxin’s synthesis using White Spikes. Because they were never produced, the poison boxes are therefore impossible to exist. Watch what transpired there. The Grandfather Hypothesis.

It is all I have. What did you think of the conclusion to The Future War? Comment below and let’s talk.

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