What Really Happened in The Fare Movie?

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D.C. Hamilton is the director of the 2018 psychological thriller movie The Fare. Two characters at the centre of the narrative—a cab driver and his passenger—appear to be trapped in a time loop. The truth of everything hits them as they start to appreciate each other’s company throughout the numerous cab rides. Leading actors in the cast include Gino Anthony Pesi and Brinna Kelly (who also wrote the movie). Check out the movie, which has a terrific story and was done on a very small budget. Spoilers follow for the 2018 film The Fare’s plot and conclusion.

What we believe is happening in The Fare Movie

What Really Happened in The Fare Movie?

In the movie, Harris, a cabbie, is on his way to pick up Penny, but she vanishes before he can get her to her destination. He loops around and picks her up after his fare metre is reset. Harris performs this repeatedly while losing track of his past journeys. This particular time, something in the road leads Harris to brake abruptly, inflicting head trauma on Penny. Harris recalls Penny’s name when he touches her. We are led to assume that Harris and Penny are reliving the same 20 minutes in a time loop. As they get to know one another better, things start to develop into something more passionate.

Beside why the relationship is looping by this point, we start to wonder a few other things.

What is Harry doing in the middle of nowhere, driving a cab?
What on earth is Penny doing out in the wilderness?
What kind of storm is that?
Yeah, this is definitely not a time loop movie. Harris and Penny are not repeating the same 20 minutes.

The Fare Movie Story Summary| What Exactly Is Happening?

Let’s address all the concerns about what the heck is happening in this great movie.

Describe Penny.

What Really Happened in The Fare Movie?

In reality, Penny is Persephone, the daughter of Zeus who, with Zeus’ approval, was wed to the God of Death, Hades. When Harris asks Penny why she can leave her chilly husband, she responds, “Our families are powerful, and our marriage is an alliance between them.” She is discussing the Gods.

What on earth is Penny doing out in the wilderness?

What about Harris?

Harris operates the boat. He works for the God of Death, who has doomed Harry to eternity, and ferries souls into the afterlife.

What justifies Harris’ punishment?

What Really Happened in The Fare Movie?

Unfortunately, Harris is not at fault; Penny was solely responsible. She went to the world of the living every year and came back without incident. She met Harris, a kind taxi driver, on one of her journeys, and instantly fell in love. Because of his ignorance, Harris starts a brief romance with Penny before she must return to the underworld. Harris is left alone with her vacant house when she goes without giving him any explanation.

Harris loses control of his cab and crashes, dying. I believe this was planned by the God of Death. Even if he didn’t, he has Harris work as his ferryman as punishment.

What stands out to Harris about Penny’s skull scar?

Harris applied heavy braking, causing Penny to crash into the cab divider, leaving her with a scar on her skull. He observes that her wound has healed rather than reset. This indicates that neither Penny nor he have been resetting. Before vanishing, Penny tells Harris not to drink the water as he demands to know the truth about what’s happening. On his subsequent trip, Harris tosses out the water and discovers that someone else—and not Penny—has entered his cab. Harris calls dispatch on the radio and inquires about the situation while he delivers the elderly guy. The God of Death, Dispatch, states that Harris works as a ferryman.

The water in the cab, what is it? Why is Harris unaware that he is now a ferryman?

What Really Happened in The Fare Movie?

Penny prepares Harris with a special glass of water in order to make his purgatory more tolerable. Harris’ recollections of working as a ferryman are gone with each drink. Thanks to the water, Harris has been transporting souls for a long time—possibly centuries—and has no memory of doing so. He is able to recall Penny alone among everyone he ferries because of his affection and affinity for her.

The Fare Movie’s Explanation Finale

In the movie Fare’s climax, it is revealed that Penny is Persephone, who had a romantic relationship with Harris and who, as a result, had Harris imprisoned by the God of Death for all eternity as his ferryman. Instead of looping, Harris and Penny have a 20-minute meeting once a year. Harris is able to forget his job as a ferryman because to the unique water Penny left behind, but his love for Penny causes him to only think about her. Once he recognises the nobleness in delivering people to their destination, Harris makes the decision to abstain from drinking the water and embraces his work as a ferryman.

What Really Happened in The Fare Movie?

Penny regrets deeply that Harris must endure an endless career as a ferryman as a result of her. She implores him to sip the water so that he won’t have to recall anything. While he fears he might forget Penny, Harris refuses to do so. He considers himself fortunate to spend 20 minutes with the woman he loves every year because it gives him meaning. They share a kiss, and the movie ends.

What the heck is that thunderstorm about?

Ah, that’s just the God of Death getting ready to confront Penny, which Penny is confident she will win based on previous encounters.

What did you think of the film’s conclusion, The Fare? Please comment below.

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