What Women Want (2011) Movie Explained

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Nowadays, due to the increasing 
competition in the fashion industry,  

selling cosmetics has become extremely difficult. 

However, for our protagonist, Nick, everything is a piece  

of cake. Recently, because of an accident, he 
has got a unique ability, with the help of which  

he can read other women’s minds. He uses this 
ability to tap into their thoughts, and know  

their likes and dislikes. In this way, he is able 
to sell just about anything. With that being said,  

life was not always easy for Nick. To know how it 
all changed, let’s rewind to a few months back,  

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

starting with our protagonist’s introduction.

Nick is an executive marketing officer,  

who plys his trade in a large company in Shanghai. 
He is an excellent employee, who always receives  

the best results for the company. However, there 
is one slight problem, Nick is a narcissist. He  

thinks highly of himself and also believes that 
all girls like him. Actually, Nick has always  

been this way, right from his childhood. Even 
as a kid, he used to flirt with older women,  

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

so that he could get money from them. As Nick 
grew older, he became a playboy and started  

having one-night affairs with women. He even 
started calling himself the ‘God’s gift to women’

Nick was married to a rich woman named Gigi, but 
their relationship didn’t last long because of  

his extravagant lifestyle. He has a teen daughter, 
Alex, but the little girl is always cold to him,  

as he has been absent throughout her life. Apart 
from this, Nick has several other women in his  

life. For instance, he lives in his house with 
his maid; Tammi, who takes care of his entire  

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

schedule. Also, a girl named Lola who works at 
his favorite coffee shop, and also happens to  

be his crush. Despite being a virtuoso in 
attracting women and sleeping with them,  

Nick is oblivious to their psyche. This is a huge 
disadvantage for him as women are becoming the  

fastest growing consumer group in China. And 
since he has no knowledge of how they feel,  

selling products to them has become a challenging 
task. Nick finally realizes that he is in trouble  

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

when his boss; Dan, hires a woman named Darcy 
for the position of the company’s new creative  

director. Nick was sure that the position would 
become his, but because of his lack of knowledge  

on women psyche, he has been disregarded. 
Meanwhile, we get to know that Darcy is one  

of the best marketing officers in the country, 
and has a reputation of being daunting to men.

One day, Nick calls his ex-wife, who is on 
the verge of getting remarried. However,  

instead of congratulating her, he simply asks 
about his daughter. Gigi informs him that she  

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

will be going on a fortnight long honeymoon with 
her new husband, and asks Nick to take care of  

their daughter; Alex, till she comes back. Despite 
being a terrible father, Nick loves his daughter  

very much, but when he learns that she has made 
a new boyfriend, he becomes upset. However,  

Alex doesn’t care about his opinion, as he has 
never been there for her when it mattered.

In the next scene, it is the first day 
of work for Darcy. She gathers everyone  

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

and delivers an inspiring speech, promising to 
help the company tap into the women’s consumer  

market. She then hands all the employees 
a box of feminine products, and asks them  

to come up with ideas to sell them. The box 
contains different products like waxing kit,  

pregnancy test, lipstick, bath beads, etc.

Later at home, a desperate Nick tries to  

brainstorm ideas on how to sell the feminine 
products, but can’t come up with any. Just then,  

a thought comes into his mind; in order to 
know a woman, he has to become a woman. He  

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

then notices his daughter’s phone and plays 
some songs from her playlist. After this, he  

tries several of her products and clothes, while 
drinking alcohol. While he is at it, Alex suddenly  

walks in with her boyfriend. Embarrassed by the 
incident, she immediately sends her boyfriend,  

and confronts her father for going through her 
things. Nick tries to explain that he was just  

trying to find some ideas, but the little girl 
has none of it and goes straight to her bed. Even  

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

after she is gone, Nick continues brainstorming 
ideas for the marketing campaign, but only ends  

up being drunk. As he is wearing high heels, he 
accidentally slips and falls into his bathtub,  

which is filled with water. To make matters worse, 
his fish-bulb also falls into the tub, which  

electrocutes him, rendering him unconscious.

When he wakes up in the hospital the next day, he  

finds a nurse looking after him. Surprisingly, he 
overhears her thoughts, where she is complaining  

about his unhygienic lifestyle. Nick is startled 
by the strange occurrence, but he doesn’t think  

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

much of it and continues with his day. Later, 
he heads to a park to clear his mind. However,  

all he can hear are the thoughts of random women. 
One woman is angry with her partner while another  

is scared of becoming a lesbian, as she just 
made out with a girl. All this terrorizes Nick,  

and he rushes to his office, but it gets even 
worse there. He learns that his female co-workers  

think badly of him. One woman calls him a jerk 
while another makes fun of his appearance. With  

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

all this going around, Nick tries to rush to his 
doctor, but a co-worker drags him to the scheduled  

meeting. There, he cannot stop thinking about his 
new disease, but after a while, he uses it to read  

the women’s thoughts and impress Darcy.

In the evening, when Nick returns home,  

he walks in on Alex making out with her 
boyfriend. Like any other father, he gets angry,  

and orders the boy to leave, but this just 
enrages Alex, and she says terrible things  

about her dad in her mind. After Alex leaves, 
Nick starts drinking heavily, as he is fed up  

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

with women talking bad about him. He goes outside 
with the same fish-bulb and electrocutes himself,  

thinking that it will bring him back to 
normalcy, but the plan fails terribly.

The following morning, Nick wakes up to find his 
maid; Tammi, cleaning the house. Surprisingly,  

she is the only person who doesn’t have bad 
thoughts about him. Hence, he decides to share  

his secret superpower with her. At first, 
Tammi doesn’t believe a word he is saying,  

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

but when Nick reads all her thoughts, she is bound 
to believe. Tammi then tells Nick that he is the  

luckiest man on earth, as he has the ability to 
understand women. Hence, instead of removing it,  

he should take advantage of the ability. Nick also 
agrees to the concept, and he decides to use it to  

do the one thing he loves; seduce women. Later, he 
approaches Lola and again asks her out on a date.  

This time, he finally convinces her by reading her 
mind and telling her everything that she desires.

The next day at work, Nick starts getting along 
with his female colleagues. He helps them with  

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

their work, and treats them with the utmost 
respect. He also learns that Darcy is secretly  

working to secure Lotto Sport’s project, and 
offers to help. As the two continue chatting,  

Darcy finds out that Nick has a teen daughter, 
who happens to dislike him. She then suggests  

he get new dresses for his daughter, 
claiming that it is a big deal for girls.

When Nick returns home, he finds Alex discussing 
an upcoming party with her two friends.  

He greets her friends, but they despise him 
for being a boring dad. However, he quickly  

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

changes their opinion by offering to take Alex 
out for shopping. This delights the little girl,  

and she forgives Nick for the earlier incident.

In the next scene, Nick takes Lola out on a date  

and reads her mind to create the perfect date.
After a while, he drops a drunk Lola near her  

home, who is desperate to get in bed with 
him. However, since Nick wants to make a  

long lasting impression on her, he makes up 
an excuse and leaves, promising to meet soon.

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

With days passing by, Nick starts spending more 
time around women. His goal is to understand their  

psyche better, so that he can become a better 
person. He also starts spending more time with  

Darcy, and using his special skills, steals her 
ideas before she can even mention them. Although  

taken aback, Darcy decides to remain silent, as 
she believes that she has started to like him.

On the other hand, Nick’s relationship with his 
daughter also begins to improve after he helps her  

find a prom dress. Just as everything is going 
good, Nick suffers a setback. He suspects that  

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

Alex’s boyfriend is only dating her, so that he 
can make love to her. One day, he tries to make  

her understand that girls should be wise while 
choosing their partners, but Alex is having none  

of it. Instead, she shouts at him that he has 
no right to suddenly barge into her life after  

15 years, and become an overprotective dad. This 
upsets Nick, but he knows that she is correct.

Cut to a week later, Nick continues using 
Darcy’s feelings for him to his advantage.  

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

Initially, he enjoys the success he 
gets from it, but after a few days,  

he starts feeling bad. It turns out that he, too, 
has started liking her. One night, he goes over  

to Darcy’s place to design posters for the Lotto 
Sport deal. At first, they discuss only about work  

but soon, they start drinking and have a romantic 
time. They play songs, dance, and share their  

life history with each other. As the two become 
extremely drunk, they pass out on the floor.

Some days later, Lola visits Nick outside his 
apartment. She confronts him for not contacting  

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

her after their last encounter. This time, Nick 
feels sad, and to give her a sense of closure,  

he lies that he is gay. He also mentions that 
if he was straight, he would have married her.  

Surprisingly, Lola buys the story, 
and hugs him with a sigh of relief.

On the day of the Lotto Sport presentation, 
Nick feels guilty for stealing Darcy’s idea,  

so he tells her to pitch instead of him. However, 
being the kind woman that she is, Darcy refuses,  

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

claiming that Nick came up with the idea first. 
Because of this, Nick has no choice but to agree.

In the next scene, Nick again uses his mind 
reading skills, to impress the all-female  

panel at the presentation. As a result, his firm 
secures the Lotto Sport contract. However, Nick  

is sad about what he’s doing to Darcy. Later, he 
stands next to a mirror and practices his speech,  

in which he is going to reveal everything to 
her. However, just before he can finish, Darcy  

interrupts him and takes him to her newly bought 
house. There, the two have another romantic date.

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

The next day, Nick meets his boss, Dan, in 
his office, and gets some good news and some  

bad news. The good news is that Nick has been 
promoted to the position of creative director.  

The bad news is; Darcy has been fired. Dan 
mentions that he made a huge mistake by  

hiring Darcy, as she didn’t utter a single 
word during the Lotto Sport presentation.  

This devastates Nick, and he reveals to his 
boss that the ad campaign was actually Darcy’s  

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

idea. He also pleads with Dan to hire her back.

Soon, he decides to go look for Darcy, but on the  

way, he gets a call from his ex wife; Gigi, who 
mentions that Alex was extremely upset on the call  

for some reason. Now, she has become unreachable. 
Scared, Nick immediately heads to Alex’s party  

location, and finds her boyfriend with another 
girl. He confronts the boy about his daughter,  

and the latter reveals that he dumped Alex, 
because she didn’t want to get intimate.  

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

This enrages Nick, and he threatens the boy, 
before walking off. After a bit of searching,  

he finds Alex crying in the bathroom. He then hugs 
his daughter tight, and the two depart for home.

Following this, he heads to Darcy’s house 
and finds out that she’s planning to leave  

for another city. In an attempt to stop her, he 
confesses everything. He tells her that he has  

a supernatural ability, with the help of which 
he stole her ideas. He also mentions that Dan  

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

has called her back to the office. When Darcy 
asks him why he did all this, Nick replies that  

he was angry and envious at the time. As expected, 
Darcy is taken aback, and she berates him for  

ruining her professional life. She then asks 
him to leave, and never contact her again.

At night, a devastated Nick wanders around 
the streets, despite the heavy rain. Suddenly,  

he notices hundreds of fish flying, as if they 
are birds. But before he can comprehend anything,  

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

he loses consciousness. When he wakes up, 
two women are staring at him. It turns out  

that he was struck by lightning. Nick tries 
to hear the women’s thoughts, but this time,  

he fails. With this, he realizes that 
his superpowers are finally gone.

Meanwhile, Darcy is heading to 
the airport with her friend,  

but at the last moment, she changes her mind.

What Women (2011) Movie Explained

In the last scene, as Nick watches 
an opera show with his daughter,  

Darcy approaches him, and reveals that she 
has decided to rejoin the company, and stay  

with him. The movie ends as Nick and Darcy start 
working at their office together, as a couple.


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