X The Man With The X-ray Eyes Full Movie Explained | Global Film Industry

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Today I’m going to explain an American science fiction horror film called “X: The Man with the X-ray Eyes”. Spoilers ahead!!

Dr. James Xavier is a physician 
and an ambitious researcher.  

He wishes to invent something revolutionary in 
medicine that will one day save many lives.

In the opening scene, he is getting 
his eyes checked at a colleague Dr.  

Sam’s clinic. It has only been three 
months since the last checkup which  

seems strange to Sam. James answers that he is 
about to use an experimental eye drop on himself  

so he needs to get his eyes checked frequently.
Although James is a certified professional  

with years of experience, Dr. Sam thinks 
being a subject to your own experiment  

is a bad idea. A human eye can only see up to 
ten percent of the things that actually exist  

in the world. James is working to create an 
eye drop so people can see beyond what their  

eyes allow them to. With this new product, they 
will be able to see the ultraviolet and x-ray  

wavelengths and beyond. The idea is absurd but 
the doctor is ambitious to make it come true.

After the meeting, James goes to his lab 
and meets his close friend and colleague,  

Dr. Diane. She informs him that the people who 
are funding the lab are growing impatient. They  

have spent a lot of money on James’ experiment 
and are now pressuring Dr. Diane for results.  

She is particularly frustrated because James 
hasn’t told her anything about his study.

James agrees to show her his discovery and 
brings her to the lab. After explaining what  

the eye drop does, he uses it on a monkey. To see 
if it really worked, the animal is made to take  

a color assessment test. Even though he cannot 
see the colored sheets from his point of view,  

he makes the correct guess. This proves that 
he can actually see through the colored sheets  

and can tell which one comes after another.
Dr. Diane is left stunned at the animal’s  

intelligence but a few minutes later, the monkey 
dies of a cardiac arrest. The death is sad  

but it doesn’t take away from the fact that the 
eye drop does exactly what it was meant to do.

The Man With The X-ray Eyes Watch Online

James wants to use the eye drop for medical 
purposes because that way, doctors can tell  

what is wrong with a patient just by looking 
at them. However, he desperately needs the  

investors’ money for further research. Dr. Diane 
arranges a meeting between him and the investors  

a few days later. The doctor is so eager 
to prove his invention’s efficiency that  

he is ready to use it on himself.
He tells Dr. Sam about his plan but Sam  

is strictly against it. According to him, the 
experiment is not worth risking his life. Still,  

James somehow manages to convince Sam 
to help in the application process.

In the following scene, Dr. Sam puts the 
drop into his eyes. Initially, Jame loses  

the perception of vision and sees only colors 
and patterns. He describes it as seeing more  

light than he has ever seen in his life.
Then, he discovers he can see through the piles of  

paper on the table and read them without turning 
them over. He is overjoyed that the product works  

but he still can only see through the surface 
of objects. The doctor gets too excited and  

puts two more drops into his eyes. He 
regrets the decision instantly as the  

second drop burns more than the first one.
In the following scene, Dr. Diane and Sam are in  

a meeting with the investors. James was unable to 
come because he is recovering from the eye injury.  

The investors no longer believe in his work 
and decide to quit funding the project.

Dr. Diane and Sam come to him to give him 
the news. James has bandages over his eyes  

to help him with the pain but it 
is almost as if they don’t exist  

because he can see very clearly through them.
A week later, he returns to the hospital. The  

nurse introduces him to a little girl who has been 
diagnosed with Stenosis. But with his new ability,  

James finds out the diagnosis is wrong and she 
actually has a tumor attached to her heart.

He tells the girl’s primary doctor about it but 
the man refuses to listen, driven by pride. That  

evening, Dr. Diane takes him to a party. James 
doesn’t really enjoy such gatherings but he tries  

to socialize and dance with a beautiful girl. 
Suddenly, his eyes itch and when he opens them  

again, he can see through people’s clothes.
James looks around in shock and sees Dr. Diane  

naked. Upon hearing that 
she is exposed in his view,  

Dr. Diane quickly brings him home. The following 
day is the day of the little girl’s surgery.  

James repeatedly requests the primary doctor to 
reconsider his decision because the diagnosis  

is incorrect. When he still doesn’t listen, James 
takes extreme measures and cuts the doctor’s hand  

right before the operation starts.
Because of the injury, he can no longer  

operate on the girl and James takes over the 
procedure. He does the correct surgery to  

remove the tumor and saves the little 
girl’s life with his own reputation.  

The other doctor accuses him of malpractice 
even though the surgery was successful.

The next day, James goes to Sam for a routine 
eye check up. Sam registers that James can only  

see bones, muscles, and nerves in people 
and is quickly losing his ability to see  

things as they would seem to normal human 
eyes. It turns out that he has been using  

the eye drop continuously since the last use.
Sam urges him to stop immediately but James is too  

concerned about his experiment to care about his 
health. With the continuous use of the eye drop,  

soon he will be able to see what no man 
has ever seen in the history of humans.

Worried about his friend’s health, Sam forcefully 
tries to sedate him. In the ensuing struggle,  

James accidentally pushes him off the window and 
kills him. He feels terrible for what he did but  

has no way to change the past. Dr. Diane, who 
witnessed everything, doesn’t want James to  

be charged with accidental death. Hence, she 
helps him escape before the cops arrive.

The very next day, news about the 
killer doctor spreads around town.  

James can no longer be seen in public as his old 
self, nor can he continue practicing medicine.  

He changes his name and appearance and starts 
working as a talent in a freak show.

He uses his ability to guess the things 
inside of the viewers’ pockets and earns  

money in return. James had thought that his 
discovery would save millions of lives and  

is sad about what it has come down to.
The guy who owns the freak show named Crane  

recognizes James’s talent. He does his best to 
find out what his trick is but is unsuccessful.

One day, a lady is injured near their set. 
James quickly scans her for injuries and sees  

that she has a broken leg. He helps her the 
best he can before the paramedics arrive.

Seeing him handle the situation so well, 
Crane registers he might be a doctor. He  

offers James a deal that is bound to 
make them a lot of money. He suggests  

they establish a diagnosis clinic where people 
can come before they go to the doctor to find  

out what exactly is wrong with their bodies.
James likes the idea but only because that way,  

he can use his power for good. The next day, 
they return to the former city and stay in  

a rustic apartment. Before going to sleep, 
James puts the eye drops in his eyes again.  

It has been a routine ever since he first 
tested it with Dr. Sam. With this drop, he  

manages to see through the ceiling above him.
James quickly wears black glasses so people won’t  

get to see what the drops have done to his eyes. 
Right after, Crane brings their first client;  

an old wealthy lady who has been having severe 
health troubles lately. She is worried it might  

be cancer but only a look at her tells James 
that she is just tired because of old age.  

He asks her not to worry because the pain will 
go away if she takes a rest for a few days.

Later that day, James sits alone in his room 
and records the progress of the medicine.  

He is interrupted by Crane who urges him to 
come outside quickly. James does as told and  

finds a crowd of people waiting for him to take 
a look at them and find out their illnesses.

The old lady from yesterday has spread the word 
about him among the circle of her rich friends.  

James sees the patients and 
tends to their problems while  

Crane pockets several bills throughout the day.
Their clinic grows more famous with time. One day,  

Dr. Diane gets a hint about the clinic 
and rushes to meet the new miracle doctor,  

knowing exactly who it is. She sits in front 
of James but he fails to recognize her and can  

only see her muscles. When Dr. Diane speaks, the 
memories of his former life flood back to James.  

She reveals that she had several patients come 
in, knowing exactly what was wrong with them.  

Eventually, she put two and two together 
and found out about his return.

For the first time in months, the doctor 
has someone to share his feelings with.  

He reveals that at night, he cannot sleep because 
he sees through his own eyelids. The drops have  

turned into a curse that flipped his life but 
he cannot stop using it at this point.

Dr. Diane is worried about his health and about 
the police finding him because of his popularity.  

She urges him to come somewhere safe but Crane 
doesn’t agree. He is used to making money off  

of James’s talent and doesn’t want to stop.
The couple fights Crane and runs away from the  

town. Now, James wants to learn to control his 
eyes but needs money for the experiment. Hence,  

they go to Vegas and end up in a casino.
James’s ability is a blessing when he gets  

to play poker. By the end of the night, he has 
gathered enough money to help him survive a month.  

But then, the Casino’s manager and a policeman 
approach him, accusing him of cheating since no  

one can win that many rounds in a single night.
As James tries to explain himself,  

a policeman pulls his glasses away to 
reveal that his eyes have changed color.  

The sight takes him by surprise for a second but 
he soon recognizes James as the crazy doctor who  

ran away after murdering his friend.
The backup is called to arrest him but  

James gets in a car and runs away before he is 
caught. They follow him behind in a chopper and  

while trying to run away from it, he crashes.
Fortunately for the doctor, he survives the crash  

and comes out of the car unharmed. After walking 
for a few minutes, he ends up at an open church  

where people are busy singing religious songs.
By now, James’s eyes have turned completely back.  

The father assures him that God will 
save him but James knows he is too  

far gone to be saved. He looks at the 
sky and can see God at this point.

Two policemen arrive with Dr. Diane but do 
not arrest him. Drowning in regret of what  

he has done, James gauges both of his eyes. 
The movie ends as he turns to the camera  

and reveals that his eyes are gone.

ALSO READ THIS: Big Octopus (2020) Films Explained

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