You Are Not Alone Movie Explained

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I’ll be explaining the Chinese comedy-drama movie “You are not alone” today. Beware of spoilers! Twenty-seven-year-old Ziwei has never been in a committed relationship. He essentially lives at work since he hates returning to a home without a girlfriend. Also, the lack of a family, close family members, or friends makes his existence dreadfully uninteresting. Ziwei’s supervisor summons him to the office the morning of his twenty-eighth birthday and fires him. His justification is that the other workers’ decreased happiness and output are a result of Ziwei’s unhappy life.

As Ziwei begs him not to be depressed on his birthday, the employer counters that being unemployed at 27 is preferable to being unemployed at 28. Ziwei visits a bar in the evening to drink. Couples are spending quality time together on either side of him as Ziwei gripes to the bartender about his lot in life. All of a sudden, a group of criminals burst in and threaten everyone with guns. They instruct the populace to call loved ones and demand ransom. They won’t be released until the other party delivers the requested amount of cash.

Everyone calls their parents, friends, partners, or spouse right away, but Ziwei is unable to do so. Ziwei is still on the ground an hour after the last person pays and departs. Even the robbers sympathise with him and lend him their ears so he can discuss his issues. They assist Ziwei with his emotions during the robbery, which somehow transforms into a therapy session. They even consider handing him some of the money they have amassed, but the cops suddenly show up outside. At gunpoint, the robbers drag Ziwei outside to reveal that he was the one who dialled 911. Though it is already too late, they realise they should have never trusted someone as lonesome as Ziwei.

The subsequent firefight results in the deaths of all of them. Ziwei stumbles on a banana peel while attempting to walk to the police officers and finds up in the hospital. As the doctor requests his guardian’s signature on a consent form even though he has none, his loneliness manifests itself once more as a disadvantage. However, a miracle occurs and a lovely girl declares herself as his girlfriend and signs the documents. After receiving treatment, Ziwei bounces back quickly and goes home without saying a word of gratitude. Since his parents passed away ten years ago, he has been setting up a birthday cake for himself.

He opens the door after hearing a knock and discovers the hospital girl on the other side. Ziwei shuts the door in her face because she doesn’t talk to ladies very often. The young woman pulls it open firmly and introduces herself as Angel, an insurance representative. It turns out that Ziwei’s parents enrolled him in a programme that guarantees him a girlfriend if he waits until he is 28 without finding one before they passed away. Since the age of eight, they were aware that their son had never played a game. Angel demonstrates to him a magical ring that has the ability to transform anything into a female.

Ziwei will then be able to choose any object in his room and transform it into his girlfriend. Ziwei won’t need to do much to impress her because she will already be familiar with all of his qualities. Even better, he is allowed to test the ring out first and only confirm his purchase after selecting the right girlfriend. Ziwei unintentionally spills his soap while using the restroom in the evening. It immediately transforms into a young woman named Soapie who has a cleaning compulsion. Ziwei resists her attempts to assist him with his bath because she is too timid. Soapie enters a filthy room after being pushed out the door by him.

After some time, Ziwei uses the restroom and notices that his home has never been cleaner. They both sleep together at night, but Soapie unintentionally knocks him off the bed. She meticulously cleans everything he touches and follows him everywhere he goes. When Ziwei first sees Angel, he laments the fact that she should be more attractive. Because of the remark, Angel criticises him but advises him to use all of Soapie to get rid of her. Ziwei started taking showers every hour after that. When Soapie starts whining about not being filthy, he joins the neighbourhood kids to play football.

You Are Not Alone Full Movie Watch Online

It works even if he rolls around on the ground more often than he plays. Soapie insists on coming to the public shower area where all the other players are present after the match because she wants to clean him so badly. The others believe they are doing something else as she soaps Ziwei. A little later, Ziwei emerges, and a man makes fun of him for dating an obese woman. Soapie abruptly emerges from the shower with a completely different appearance than she had earlier. The regular showers have caused her to lose weight. Now beginning to like her as a partner, Ziwei no longer wishes for her to vanish. He completely quits taking showers in order to keep her for longer.

He sees Angel once more a week later and tells her about his issue. Soapie has grown frustrated with him over time because he refuses to be cleaned, despite the fact that he stinks. He arrives home late at night in the hopes that she is already asleep. But Soapie sees him carrying several brand-new soaps and body washes. He is accused of cheating, and she flees. She vanishes into bubbles as it begins to rain outside. Ziwei visits Angel once more in her grief. She explains to him that he can now select an item over a bar of soap that he feels a connection to. Ziwei returns home with newfound motivation and picks his goldfish as his next relationship.

It evolves into a stunning Japanese woman who is unable to speak Mandarin. Also, she has a goldfish-like memory, which means she can’t retain information for longer than seven seconds. As a result, she frequently tries to eat sushi out of the refrigerator and forgets who Ziwei is. In order to fix the situation, he tattoos the girl’s wrist with his name and relationship so she will always remember him. For a few days, this facilitates their communication. However, one morning, she unintentionally wipes it off and leaves the house. As Ziwei goes looking for her, she is discovered eating in front of a stall. She is being watched by a large group of people while she consumes several dishes of street food.

They interrupt Ziwei when he tries to bring her back home. Instead of being himself, he targets those who retaliate. Then he records a video of the two of them discussing their connection. In order for her to watch it later and remember the things they did together, he also begins to vlog their daily activities. Yet as time goes on, Ziwei grows weary of taking on the role of the girl’s mother rather than her boyfriend. One night, he changes her back into a goldfish by drawing a heart on her wrist. The next day, he sees Angel again and tells her that he prefers an edgy girl to a soft one. The knife would be the ideal item for that.

As a result, he throws his knife, which transforms into a woman. She is exactly what he was looking for and the antithesis of the goldfish girl. She declares as soon as she awakens that the stuffy insides make her want to leave. A trio of thugs stop the three as they are out for a walk. The knife rushes swiftly to fight them off and drive them away. Ziwei gives in to her demands because he feels a little intimidated. She demands that he take her to her hometown, which is in a nearby town. It turns out that she has a strong emotional bond with her manufacturer, who had operated a knife shop but is now a fish vendor.

When she hears him describe another knife he is using as the best he has ever used, she becomes envious. Ziwei is told by a broken-hearted Knife that she will never love him as much as she loves her creator. Finally, he reverses the transformation and abandons her close to the fish market. After some while, the owner sees her outside and brings her back to the house. Ziwei encounters Angel once more at night. He doesn’t like any of the girls, which is frustrating her because it prevents her from receiving her commission. She believes that for someone who is so eager to find a girlfriend, he is excessively choosy.

Ziwei replies that he finds it challenging to talk to females because of an incident from years ago. He was accused of harassing a female who he thought was his girlfriend for holding her hand. As she gets home, Ziwei conjures many girls to see if they get along and scatters a variety of stuff on the ground. Yet the coffee bean is too spirited, the cactus plant pains him, and the Russian doll gives birth to more girls than he wishes. In the end, he makes the decision to date his phone. Ziwei thinks his next girlfriend will be the one because the phone is so familiar with him.

It changes into a sophisticated woman who has the ability to understand what Ziwei is thinking even while he is silent. She orders him meals from his favourite restaurant as soon as she is alive and prepares the table according to his preferences. She is the smartest item in the room, thus she can assist him with anything in life. They go to a restaurant that afternoon for lunch. As they are there, Ziwei’s ex-girlfriend who caused him to lose his heart also shows up and sits down at a different table. She boasts to Ziwei about her wealthy lover, which the phone finds offensive. She texts everyone of the girl’s active lovers after breaking into her phone.

They quickly make it to the restaurant, where she promptly shares her secret with everyone. Ziwei falls in love with the phone as a result of the gesture. She forces him to sit by her side and gives him a kiss when they get home. Later, when he has passed out, it is discovered that the phone is a malicious item. She has returned to life to punish Ziwei for constantly abusing her. He dropped her constantly, kept her in the toilet for hours, played with her until her battery died, and severely mistreated her. All of this occurred because she lacked the authority to refuse.

She wants him to experience the same suffering that she and the other technological devices do every day. As a result, she steals his ring and gives human form to a robot vacuum, a speaker, a magazine, and a first aid kit. Together, they operate on Ziwei to transform him into a machine that will respond to commands from the phone. He is hardly able to move when he awakens. The first aid kit verifies that a device has been linked to Ziwei’s heart, indicating that his body is no longer his. Ziwei doesn’t like any of the girls he receives, which makes Angel anxious in the meanwhile. When she texts him to see whether there has been any progress, he replies that he wants to confirm the phone as his permanent girlfriend.

A picture of him holding the phone and the message are both attached, and the image has a filer covering it. Angel is aware that Ziwei despises applying animal filters to his photos, which leads her to suspect a problem. Ziwei is forced to obey her commands at home by the phone, just as he did with her for a long time. She takes him to a sizable storage facility at night to look for additional things that can be transformed into useful humans. She desires to rule the world by building an army of objects. Angel approaches Ziwei when he is by himself since he has discovered the truth and has followed them to the location. She makes an attempt to flee with him but is stopped by the phone.

Ziwei attacks Angel and turns against the person who is assisting him under her sway. Angel and Ziwei are pursued and eventually cornered by the phone while standing next to a railing. Angel is left with no choice but to push Ziwei from the railing after she strangles him. Ziwei’s heart returns to normal as a result. It turns out that Angel is wearing the identical ring and is also twenty-eight today. She pushed Ziwei, and just like the phone, the soap, and the goldfish, he changed from an item to a human as a result.

She goes crazy because the phone no longer has influence over him. She sends a dumbbell to harm them, but Angel transforms a barbell into a man to fend it off. The barbell prevails in the ensuing conflict between the two objects. The phone then deploys a Japanese katana, quickly dispatching the barbell. Angel converts a Dao sword into a warrior as retaliation, attacking the Katana with it. Both weapons disappear at the conclusion of their fierce fight.

She loses her mind since he is no longer influenced by the phone. Angel turns a barbell into a guy to fend off a dumbbell that she sends to hurt them. In the subsequent struggle between the two items, the barbell wins. The barbell is then swiftly dispatched by the phone after it draws a Japanese katana. In revenge, Angel transforms a Dao sword into a warrior and uses it to assault the Katana. Following their intense battle, both weapons vanish.

The phone is currently in low power mode. When Ziwei notices that it is using a cord to charge, he unplugs it, making the phone work normally and winning the battle. Ziwei and Angel are on the terrace in the final shot, looking over the city. They decide that their rings are too dangerous to be useful, so they take them off. As the film comes to a close, Ziwei asks Angel to be his girlfriend, and they hold hands.

Here movie ends.

Thank you.

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