Zero Point Zero MHz (2019) Film Explained

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A village is shown at the start of the film.

Here a lady was performing a ritual in front of a house.

Something will surely happen in that house for which that lady was performing ritual.

And that house door itself is opened during that ritual.

When that lady moves inside the house to inspect

But an entity ends that lady as she goes inside.

And she swings on the ceiling horrifically.

All villages are so frightened, seeing this.

After it, scene is turned. For years later, a college is shown.

A girl named “So-Hee” is shown there . She was with his friend named “Sang Yeob”.

They had joined a club “0.0MHZ” in their college.

This club was used to be run by the seniors.

There were three members in this team including 1 girl and 2 boys.

The leader of the club named “Tae Soo” here shows a video to all.

He informs all about a haunted house shown at the start of the movie.

“Tae Soo” tells all here that a girl had ended herself here.

That girl had mentally instability to a little bit.

No one used to live in that house.

And that house was also at a little distance from the village.

Many days had passed that the people did not know about this.

That any girl has ended herself in that house.

That girl’s body had fallen down from his head as being separated after a great time.

And her hand was still in swinging position.

“Tae Soo” also tells about the ritual which had been seen at the start of the movie.

Which was being performed by that lady. Now they all decide this,

They will go to that house and will detect the actual incident happened there.

“Sang” is little confused , hearing this and he forbids to accompany them.

Why did those people agree with him . After a while, they pack their luggage.

And they leave to that house. And they stop near a shop, going there.

They begin to purchase the things from there.

Zero Point Zero MHz 2019 Movie Watch Online

Now the shop owner comes to know through their conversation that they are going into that house.

Then the shop owner warns them, Don’t go to that haunted house!

Supernatural happenings continue to occur there.

But those people were not going to agree with this shop owner.

They take their things and reach that house.

Now they have to cross the distance of 5 minutes of that house while walking.

Now “So-Hee” encounters an old lady while walking in the forest.

Who was that old lady ? It will be revealed in the further story.

Now they all were observing each thing of that house, coming inside.

At the same time, one team member named “Yeon Jung” among them witnesses a tunnel there.

What was this tunnel? It will also be revealed in coming story.

Now they all take their food after inspecting each thing there.

They set their equipment in the house at night.

They also set the cameras, monitors and the density machine.

There were also a building of the barn so they also set cameras there.

Now they all decide that they will perform a ritual at night.

Through which ghots may be called. They will perform this ritual on one of their members.

And they also fix a meter with his mind with this.

That measure the frequencies of the human minds.

If the frequency is shown 0.0MHZ , it refers that person has been enchanted.

And the member “Yeon Jung” is selected for this.

They draw a line around “Yeon Jung” with the salt while lying her down.

On the other side., they bring two dolls between which one is swinged.

While the second doll is put in water with the liver of any animal.

After this, they begin to recite their enchanted words.

As they begin to utter the enchanted words then “Yeon Jung” begins to agonize.

As they go near her to control her. It is observed that “Yeon Jung” begins to laugh.

It means that she was befooling them. But a mistake is committed here because of her fun.

Their drawn salt circle is removed from a place.

Now they all leave from there. But the leader of their club,

He remains with him. On the other side, “So Hee” is seen,

Who was little scared. She begins to have rest. moving to another room.

“Sang” also comes to her. It is seen on the other side that,

Their two team members were observing the cameras.

It is shown there that “So Hee” witnesses a mysterious spirit .

Seeing her, she becomes so afraid.

One of the group members is shown who had gone outside to the lavatory outside.

He witnesses a red eyed mysterious bird there.

He follows that bird. And that bird flies into that tunnel.

Now that member who was chasing that bird . He comes outside.

Then he checks his frequency meter. He checks Yeon Jung’s mind frequency.

Which was decreasing speedily. And it is reduced to 0.0MHZ level.

Checking this, he becomes so frightened now.

As it is known that 0.0 MHZ refers that “Yeon Jung” was completely possessed.

Now the same member begins to go inside the room to check “Yeon Jung”.

At the same time, “Yeon Jung” is shown possessed and she herself comes out of the room.

Her eyes had turned white completely . And that member whose name was “Han Seok”,

Being panicked, he tells his member “Tae Soo” about this soon , moving to his room hurriedly.

Now they all begin to search for “Yeon Jung” .

They all step into the dolls’ room while searching “Yeon Jung”.

Then they observe those dolls . One of the dolls had been swinged by them,

Her body was fallen down while her head was in swinging state.

They find “Yeon Jung” there but that boy’s’ spirit was attracting them.

In the same tunnel where it had been seen that bird had suddenly moved there.

Now they both try to take “Yeon Jung” out from that place.

But they remain unsuccessful. Seeing this, “So Hee” was so confused there.

Now they decide that they will drop “So Hee” in the car at first.

Coming back, they will search the exit of that tunnel.

They will take “Yeon Jung” out of that tunnel , drilling this.

Meanwhile, their one member named “h Han”,

He will keep all the videos and footage, taking them into the car.

Now they take steps according to their plan.

Then they hear the shrieking of “Yeon Jung” from the tunnel.

They break that tunnel in some way and take out “Yeon Jung” from it.

But it was too late and that tunnel ghost had possessed “Yeon Jung” completely.

And she had held sway “Yeon Jung” completely.

Now they reach the car in any way, taking “Yeon Jung”.

In the meantime, “So Hee” is seen panicked in the car.

We will have to burn both dolls through the magic which we performed.

Otherwise, that ghost will not stop following us!

Now “Han” is assigned this task after hearing the words of “So Hee”.

But he does not burn those dolls and he throws them at the same place.

But he tells a lie to all, coming there that he has burnt those dolls.

Now they hospitalize “Yeon Jung”, returning back.

Their club’s leader “Tae Soo” spends his time with “Yeon Jung”.

While other members move to a nearby hotel.

Han’s one secret is exposed as they come into the hotel.

That he had also liking for “Yeon Jung”.But “Yeon Jung” had an affair with “Tae Soo”.

Due to this, “Han” was enraged. He watches his captured videos.

And he also says ill to “Yeon Jung” after taking alcohol.

Now “Han” had the perfect footages of the supernatural activities.

So he thinks to sell those footages. Now he calls TV commentator there.

And he demands a lot of money in place of these footages.

On the other side, “Sang” is shown who was in his room.

A small kid’s ghost had attacked him. Who was that kid? It will be known in coming scene.

After this, it is shown in the next scene that “Han” comes to “Tae soo”.

He says, Have rest! I stay with “Yeon Jung”!

He tries to behave strangely with “Yeon Jung” as “Tae Soo” departs.

Then it is seen that “Yeon Jung” wakes up and she had ended “Han” .

Then it is shown that “Yeon Jung” had restored her consciousness.

And all they were so excited. They come to the hotel later.

But they remain unaware about “Han” even after coming to the hotel.

After this, it is seen that “Yeon Jung” and “Tae Soo” were in a hotel room together.

Then “Yeon Jung” possesses the mind of “YTae Soo”.

She lets her to recall her past memory . Then he immediately goes out of the hotel, taking his car.

“Tae Soo” is seen driving the car who was weeping a lot.

Actually, “Tae Soo” had ended a girl in an accident while driving the car in such a way.

And he had still regret of this accident. That ghost senses the regret of “Tae Soo”.

He misuses his weakness. It is seen that “Tae Soo” was driving the car while weeping in his guilt.

He loses his balance while crying and crashes a car at a place .

In this way, “Tae Soo” also dies there. After him, “Yeon Jung” makes his next target “Sang”.

She calls “Sang” to come into his room. Then she appears before him disguising the same little kid.

In fact, that little kid was the elder brother of “Sang”.

When “Sang” was younger a few years ago then his elder brother had faced an accident.

But “Sang” was younger at that time and he had also very confused.

He runs from there , not rescuing his brother.

This was the cause that his brother had died.

Now the ghost in “Yeon Jung” compels “Sang” to end himself.

“Sang” was also feeling so regret on this that he gets ready to end himself.

At the same time, “So Hee” comes there and she saves her from ending himself.

Then it is seen that the ghost in “Yeon Jung” leaves her body.

He is able to maintain himself that he receives a call before this.

The person on call tells him, He had discovered dead body of “Han” near the swimming pool!

Now it is witnessed that they all three had drowned to grief after losing their two friends.

Now “So Hee” plans here that she will remove that ghost from the body of “Yeon Jung”.

And she will end it forever. Because her parents used to hunt the ghosts.

So she had much confidence as she can beat any ghost.

Now they take “Yeon Jung” into that house and start the same ritual.

At the same time, it is seen that the same old lady comes to help “So Hee”.

Who had been witnessed in the forest by her.

It is known here , This old lady was the grandmother of “So Hee”.

She had approached to the human World to help “So Hee” from the spirit World.

Now they start performing their ritual again and the same ghost possesses “Yeon Jung” again.

It is seen that spirit comes into its real form after a time.

They all try to handle that ghost. But that ghost was more powerful than them.

And it drags “Sang” with it in the same tunnel.

Fortunately, it gets the same doll which was not burnt by “Han”.

And he had thrown it there. Now “Sang” instantly burns those dolls.

Then it is seen that ghost is also burnt to die with the burning of those dolls.

And “Sang Yeob” returns alive from there. But there was a thing among all of them,

“Yeon Jung” had died. That ghost had ended “Yeon Jung”, fracturing her neck.

In the end, only “Sang Yeob” and “So Hee” had survived.

Now they both return to their own houses after surviving from that accident.

Then scene is show after a few time where “So Hee” and “Sang Yeob” meets with each other in cafe.

“Sang” tells “So Hee” about one of his novels which was going to be published recently.

He receives a call of the publisher and he leaves outside to attend the call.

Now “So Hee” starts the laptop of “Sang” to read his novel.

Then “So Hee” finds a footage when “Sang” was in the same tunnel.

She watches that ghost had penetrated in “Sang” before burning those dolls.

It refereed that ghost was not ended in spite of burning those dolls.

Rather, it was in the body of “Sang” for a long time.

Then it is noticed that ghost in “Sang” places its hand on the shoulder of “So Hee”.

And the movie series comes to a end here.

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